

单词 opposed
释义 opposed, ppl. a.
(əˈpəʊzd, poet. -zɪd)
[f. oppose v. + -ed1.]
1. a. Placed or set over against; facing, opposite.
[1552Huloet, Opposed, oppositus.]1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. i. 110 Gelding the opposed Continent as much, As on the other side it takes from you.1725Pope Odyss. xix. 660 The gate opposed pellucid valves adorn.1827Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. II. 218 (tr. Rep. to Venet. Sen.) The Island of England..is situated in the Ocean..opposed on the east to the coast of Lower Germany.1885–94R. Bridges Eros & Psyche Mar. xxvi, High in the opposed west the wondering moon All silvery green in flying green was fleec't.
b. Mech. (Having pistons) arranged in pairs moving in opposite directions along the same straight line.
1910W. A. Tookey tr. Mathot's Construction & Working Internal Combustion Eng. v. 71 In Europe, the two-cylinder ‘twin’ engine soon displaced the type with opposed or vis-à-vis cylinders, because the latter gave a great deal of trouble in practical work.1925A. W. Judge Automobile Engines iii. 87 Although the balance and torque of the opposed two-cylinder engine are excellent, the overall length and the cylinder dimensions limit it to power units of about 12 to 15 H.P. (maximum) for car use.1932A. F. Evans Hist. Oil Engine ii. 71 In the 'seventies we had engines with opposed pistons in one cylinder.1966G. F. Allen Brit. Rail after Beeching iv. 115 English Electric took an intricate but compact 18-cylinder opposed-piston engine originally applied to fast, small naval craft..and with it achieved a six-axle 3,300 h.p. diesel-electric unit.1977Lancashire Life Jan. 79/1 The horizontally opposed engine is air cooled.
2. Standing in opposition, contrast, or conflict; contrasting, conflicting; contrary or opposite to.
1588Shakes. L.L.L. v. ii. 768 Fashioning our humors Euen to the opposed end of our intents.1596Merch. V. ii. ix. 62 To offend, and iudge are distinct offices, And of opposed natures.1736Butler Anal. ii. vii. Wks. 1874 I. 253 Supposition, and possibility, when opposed to historical evidence, prove nothing [etc.].1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vi. II. 129 They had different national characters as strongly opposed as any two national characters in Europe.
3. a. Of persons: Hostile, inimical, at variance, adverse (to, against a person).
1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. xiii. xxx. (1886) 277 Laie a wager with your confederate (who must seeme simple, or obstinatlie opposed against you).1615Bedwell Moham. Imp. iii. §101 An opposed aduersary to God.1865Pusey Truth Eng. Ch. 6 Common zeal for faith could alone bring together those who were opposed.
b. Adverse to a measure, practice, system, etc.
1789Franklin Let. to Webster 26 Dec., During my late absence in France, I find that several..new words have been introduced into our parliamentary language..The word opposed, though not a new word, I find used in a new manner, as, ‘The gentlemen who are opposed to this measure; to which I have also myself always been opposed’.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India III. 134 The sense of the nation was strongly opposed to the prolongation of the war.1874J. H. Newman Lett. (1891) I. 151 He was especially opposed to young men being compelled..to go terminally to communion.
Hence oˈpposedness |-ɪdnɪs|.
1876Eadie Thessalonians 87 This opposedness to all men the apostle could not condemn.




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