

单词 propoxur
释义 propoxur|prəʊˈpɒksʊə(r)|
[f. propyl + ox- 1 + urethane.]
An insecticide having a long-lasting ability to produce rapid incapacitation of affected insects; o-isopropoxyphenyl-N-methylcarbamate, CH3·NH·CO·O·C6H4·O·CH(CH3)2.
1964Zeitschr. f. Angewandte Zool. LI. 332 Deposits on filter paper of..carbamates (carbaryl and propoxur), prepared up to 105 days ago, were repeatedly applied to imagines of five different strains of house-flies (Musca domestica).1977Time 12 Sept. 56/3 Health authorities are now using more of other insecticides, such as Malathion and propoxur to kill DDT-resistant mosquitoes.




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