

单词 outsend
释义 outˈsend, v. Obs. exc. in pples.
[out- 15.]
trans. To send out or forth; to emit.
a1300E.E. Psalter ciii. 30 Out send þi gaste and made þai sal bene.c1580Howers Blessed Virg. 105 For then should I be..Now brought into the world, and streight againe outsent.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. iii. ii. xlii, What? doth the Sun his rayes that he out-sends Smother or choke?1846Trench Mirac. xxxiii. (1862) 456 note, St. John nowhere employs ἀπόστολος to distinguish one of the Twelve. He uses it but once (xiii. 16) and then generally, for one outsent.
So ˈoutˌsending vbl. n., the action of sending out; that which is sent out or put forth. ˈoutsent ppl. a., sent out or forth; emitted, dispatched.
1382Wyclif Song Sol. iv. 13 Thin outsendingus [1388 Thi sendingis out ben] paradis of poungarnetes, with the fruits of appilis.1613–18Daniel Coll. Hist. Eng. (1626) 122 The sea being open vnto him, his out-sendings might bee without view or noting.1627Perrot Tithes 70 Returning to his coffers an hundred fold for his outsent adventures.1795J. Fawcett Art of War 29 Into whose dragon broil, and high-wrought rage..all her out-sent soul Alecto breath'd.




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