

单词 reseiser
释义 reˈseiser Obs. rare.
Also -sir.
[See reseize and -er4.]
The act, on the part of an overlord, of resuming possession of estates, property, or privileges, upon failure of the holder to carry out or comply with the required conditions.
1559in Strype Ann. Ref. (1709) I. App. viii. 23 The Meanes how the Bisshoppe after his Consecration comyth to his Temporalties; And of the Reseiser therof, if the Bisshoppe procede not therin in due Order.1567Stanford Exposicion 80 Reseisir lieth where a general liuere or ouster le main is missued by any person or persons vnduely and not according to the forme and order of the law.Ibid. 83 b, Whether in this case y⊇ missuing of y⊇ same shal be a cause of reseiser or not.




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