

单词 overlay
释义 I. overlay, v.|əʊvəˈleɪ|
Pa. tense and pple. overˈlaid. Forms: see over and lay v.1
[Not in OE.; but cf. Goth. ufarlagjan to lay upon, MHG. überlegen, MDu. oferlegghen. In several of its senses equivalent to overlie (which during 17–18th c. it entirely displaced): cf. lay v. 43.]
I. To lay over.
1. a. trans. To lay or place over, above, or upon something else; to put on the top; to superimpose. rare. [over- 1, 8.]
1570Levins Manip. 197/20 To ouerlay, superponere.1641Milton Ch. Govt. ii. Introd., If..what it wanted of being a load to any part of the body, it did not with a heavy advantage overlay upon the Spirit!1760Ann. Reg. 136 A guard..forced us into the hold, and overlaid the hatches.
b. To surmount or span with something extending over. rare. [over- 1.]
c1611Chapman Iliad vi. I v b, The horse-haire plume, with which he was so ouerlaid.1671Milton P.R. iii. 333 To..overlay With bridges rivers proud.
2. a. To cover the surface of (a thing) with something spread over it; to deck all over. [over- 8.]
a1300Cursor M. 13464 Þe dales was wit folk ouer⁓laid.1482Monk of Evesham (Arb.) 21 As a manne had ouyr leyde hem with mekyl bloode.1590Spenser F.Q. i. vii. 34 Phœbus golden face it did attaint, As when a cloud his beames doth ouer-lay.1647Crashaw Poems 102 Ere Hebe's hand had overlaid His smooth cheeks with a downy shade.1780Sir J. Reynolds Disc. x. (1876) 17 The defect..of being overlaid with drapery.1857Ruskin Pol. Econ. Art 30 You may make king's thrones of it, and overlay temple gates with it.
b. Printing. To put an overlay upon (see next, 2); also absol. to use an overlay.
1888C. T. Jacobi Printer's Vocab. 93 Overlay, to make ready by overlaying—the reverse of underlaying.1894Amer. Dict. Printing & Bookmaking 413/1 Overlay,..to secure proper effects in printing by means of graduated impression between the impressing surface and the sheet, using different thicknesses of paper.1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 604/2 Overlay.., to adjust the impression surface of a machine by cutting and patching.
a. To cover superfluously or excessively, or so as to encumber, smother, or extinguish; spec. to overstock (a pasture with cattle, etc.). [over- 8, 27.]
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §70 Beastes alone..wyll not eate a pasture euen, but leaue many tuftes and hygh grasse in dyuers places, excepte it be ouer layde with cattell.1538Starkey England i. iii. 74 A pastur ys ouerlayd wyth catel, when therin be mo then may be conuenyently nuryschyd and fed.1633Bp. Hall Medit. & Vows (1851) 16 Here is a tree overlaid with blossoms.a1733Shetland Acts in Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot. (1892) XXVI. 35 That all horses..oppressing and overlaying the neighbourhood, be instantly removed.
b. To lay in excess; to impose too much of. rare. [over- 27.]
1836J. Grant Rand. Recoll. Ho. Lords xiii. 270 He was..ample in his illustrations without overlaying them.
II. To lie over.
4. To lie over (something else): more properly overlie. (Cf. lay v.1 43.) [over- 8.]
13..Cursor M. 5934 (Cott.) Frosse þat na tung moght tell..al þe land ouer-laid a-boute.1793Smeaton Edystone L. §143 note, A piece of strong timber overlaying the bows of a vessel.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) xvii. iv, Overlaying one of your arms till it is cramped, and exposing the other till it is frost-bitten.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xvi. 107 Loose shingle and boulders overlaid the mountain.
5. spec.
a. To lie over or upon (a child, etc.) so as to suffocate it; to smother by lying upon; = overlie 2 a.
1557North Gueuara's Diall Pr. 170 When the weomen are heavy a sleepe..they many times overlay the poore infant, and so smother it alive.1573–80Baret Alv. O 176 Sowes Ouerlaie and squise to death their pigges.1741Richardson Pamela (1824) I. lxxi. 414 He would hire the nurse to over-lay him.1863Kingsley Water Bab. v, All the little children who are overlaid.
b. To lie with (sexually): = overlie 2 b. Obs.
a1450Cov. Myst. xiv. 138 But if sum man the had ovyr⁓layd, Thi wombe xulde never be so gret i-wys.
6. fig. To extend over, include in its scope, ‘cover’. Obs. rare.
13..Cursor M. 27096 (Cott.) To min on his ouer-sight Þat al wranges has to right, On þiskin sight þat al ouer-lais.
7. To affect like or as with a superincumbent weight (with various implications and shades of meaning). [over- 8, 21.]
a. To press severely upon, press hard with arms or exactions; to distress; to overwhelm, overpower, crush by force. Obs.
13..Cursor M. 27883 (Cott.) He es ouerlaid wit drunkenhede.Ibid. 29339 Þaa þat pouer men ouer-lais, and herijs þam.c1450Merlin 161 The peple of Pharien were sore ouerleide.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 2 Cor. 50 We are on euery syde ouerlayed with aduersitee.1593Queen Elizabeth tr. Boeth. i. Pr. iv. 12 Me thinkes I see..euery wickedst man overlayeng me with new fraudes of accusation.1678Marvell Growth Popery Wks. 1875 IV. 309 They were overlaid by numbers.1769Ann. Reg. 21 The shattered remains of Prosorowski's army..were continually overlaid and oppressed by the Turkish cavalry.
b. To press upon so as to impede the working or activity of; to overburden, encumber, weigh down; to crush, smother, stifle.
1609Holland Amm. Marcell. D iij b, Diocletian and Maximian being overlaied with businesse, adopted unto them two Cæsars.1663Chas. II in Julia Cartwright Henrietta of Orleans (1894) 137, I have been overlayd with businesse.1744Berkeley Siris §298 Men in those early days were not overlaid with languages and literature.1844Ld. Brougham A. Lunel III. ix. 266 He neither overlays you with his books nor with his adventures.
8. To conceal or obscure as if by covering up; to render indistinct or imperceptible by addition of something figured as superimposed. [over- 8.]
1719Young Busiris Prol., Nor wou'd these scenes in empty words abound Or overlay the sentiment with sound.1841Herschel Ess. (1857) 535 Sufficient..to overlay and conceal that minute quantity of which astronomers were in search.1886Symonds Renaiss. It., Cath. React. (1898) VII. xii. 198 Though the words were more intelligible, the fugal artifices overlaid their clear enunciation.
9. Naut. To cross the cable or anchor of another vessel so as to cause chafing or obstruction. [over- 10.]
1796Nelson in Nicolas Disp. (1846) VII. p. xciv, The damage a Swedish Vessel's cable sustained by the Peterel's overlaying her.1854G. B. Richardson Univ. Code v. (ed. 12) 419 You will overlay my anchor.
Hence ˈoverˌlaid (stress var.) ppl. a.
1858Gen. P. Thompson Audi Alt. II. lxxi. 14 These underground or overlaid classes.1901W. W. Peyton in Contemp. Rev. Sept. 445 An overlaid germ which has been saved from death by the healing virtue of the Unknowable.
II. overlay, n.|ˈəʊvəleɪ|
[f. prec.: see over- 8.]
1. A cravat, necktie (cf. overlayer, quot. 1635). Sc.
1725Ramsay Gentle Sheph. i. ii, He falds his owrelay down his breast with care.1816Scott Antiq. xxxvi, The Captain says a three-nookit handkercher is the maist fashionable overlay.1884C. Rogers Soc. Life Scotl. I. vii. 245 The usual necktie or overlay was a square tweeling of coarse yarn.
2. Printing.
a. A piece of paper cut to the required shape and pasted over the impression-surface of a printing-press in order to make the impression darker in particular places, as in a woodcut.
1824J. Johnson Typogr. II. xv. 521 Should any wood cuts be in the form,..if too low, they may be humoured a little by means of an overlay.1888Wilson & Grey Pract. Treat. Mod. Printing Machinery xxi. 337 The object of an overlay is not to equalise the impression, but to intensify the pressure upon the dark parts or solids, that they may be firm and bright, and to lessen the impression upon the lighter shades, in order to give them that degree of delicacy and cleanliness that would be altogether wanting if the pressure exerted were uniform.1946V. S. Ganderton in H. Whetton Pract. Printing & Binding xi. 132/2 In letterpress the gradation in tone of a half-tone plate corresponds to a gradation in resistance to pressure... The object of an interlay or overlay is to balance the variation in resistance by varying the pressure on the different areas.1970E. A. D. Hutchings Survey of Printing Processes iv. 57 Many of these operations [in make-ready] can be carried out..in the pre-press department, using..register tables..and other precision equipment such as mechanical overlay systems.
b. In offset lithographic printing: (see quot. 1974).
1967Karch & Buber Offset Processes 548 Overlay, in offset, the transparent..covering on the copy on which directions..are placed in conjunction with the original.1974J. Craig Production for Graphic Designer 172/1 The copy for each additional color is pasted on acetate overlays, each one representing a color.Ibid. 190/2 Overlay. Transparent paper or film flap placed over artwork for the purpose of (1) protecting it from dirt or damage, (2) indicating instructions to the platemaker or printer, or (3) showing the breakdown of color in mechanical color separations.
3. a. Something laid as a covering over something else; a covering, a superincumbent layer, etc.; esp. in various special senses (e.g. a coverlet, a small cloth laid upon a table-cloth, etc.); also fig. Also attrib., as overlay mattress.
1794[see overlayer quot. 1811].1828Craven Gloss. (ed. 2), O'erlay, a coverlet or cloak.1844Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. V. i. 171 Two or three harrows are kept together by a rider, or overlay, and the horses draw abreast.1881Mrs. E. Lynn Linton My Love II. ix. 170 She had determined to brave her memories and suppress them by the overlay of a new association.1884West. Morn. News 3 Sept. 1/2 Folding spring mattress, wool overlay.1886J. Barrowman Gloss. Scotch Mining Terms 48 Overlay, the material above the rock in a quarry.1893J. Pulsford Loyalty to Christ II. 307 Christ clothed Himself with the overlay of our flesh, in order to meet us on our own ground.1926–7Army & Navy Stores Catal. 1076 Overlay mattresses for children's bedsteads and cots.1930Daily Tel. 9 Apr. 6/3 (Advt.), No bumps, no lumps, no sag in the ‘Vi-Spring’, the overlay mattress.1949H. M. Cautley Norfolk Churches 38 Another feature came into perfection, namely the overlay, with its imposed and crocketted hood-moulds on the face of tracery, giving such depth and solidity to the whole, as at Scarning..and Bedingham.1953B.U. Encycl. Handbk. (Bedding Publications Ltd.) App. 198 Upholstered overlay mattresses with spring or cellular rubber interior.1962A. McIntosh in Davis & Wrenn Eng. & Medieval Stud. 234 Just as we concluded earlier that Thornton transcribed B1 and M1 without very much tampering, so must we now conclude that S transcribed M2 with sufficient fidelity for his own overlay not to have obliterated strong traces of an underlying language.1968Lebende Sprachen XIII. 104/2 Overlay, the action accomplished in the interfacing technique wherein linking events are meshed into a single event.1972H. Kurath Studies Area Linguistics viii. 124 The replaced language was an overlay (superstratum), as French in England or Frankish in northern France.
b. A transparent sheet bearing additional information, which is laid over a map or diagram.
1938E. Raisz Gen. Cartogr. xv. 172 Transparent tracing papers are made of straw and cornstalk base and are used in map work for sketching, for copying, and for tissue overlays which indicate various colors and tints.1952V. Canning House of Seven Flies viii. 128 He put the overlay on the chart so that the cross..fell on the position of the house.1964G. Lyall Most Dangerous Game vi. 45, I did the real work using a celluloid overlay with wax-pencil marks.1973J. S. Keates Cartogr. Design & Production xx. 200/2 It is more satisfactory to produce the pattern stick-up on a separate overlay, and then combine this with the line image in a separate processing stage.1974Sci. Amer. May 126/1 The plastic overlay rotates around the pin. The track on the earth's surface over which the satellite passes during any orbit is plotted as a curved line on the overlay.
c. A layer of coloured glass added on top of clear glass in decorative glass-ware; usu. attrib. in overlay glass, overlay paper-weight, overlay weight; hence ellipt. for overlay paper-weight.
1940E. H. Bergstrom Old Glass Paperweights ii. 12 In an encrusted overlay weight, the color overlays and faceting were apparently followed by a final dip into clear crystal to complete the weight.1954E. M. Elville Paperweights & Other Glass Curiosities i. 16 Also highly prized by connoisseurs are the overlay paperweights. Overlays were usually made with the millefiori mushroom in a crystal globe..given..a final casing of a colour such as red, blue or green.1958G. B. Hughes Eng. Glass for Collector 1660–1860 xx. 220 Those who toured the Continent in the early nineteenth century enthusiastically adorned their dining-tables and dressing rooms on their return with specimens of colourful Bohemian work known as cased or overlay glass.1967Wodehouse Company for Henry iii. 45 A French eighteenth-century paperweight alluded to as follows:..Clichy double overlay weight.1968Canad. Antiques Collector Aug. 9/1 We know that Burlington produced many sophisticated types of glass including overlay glass.1973J. Mackay Glass Paperweights viii. 54 The majority of these overlay weights are doubles with an inner overlay of white and an outer overlay in shades of red, green or blue.
d. Med. A gelling layer spread on top of a layer of cells in culture and containing an indicator of the presence or absence of some cell product.
1954Jrnl. Exper. Med. XCIX. 168 The agar overlay, used to overlay the cultures after infection, consisted of 12 parts of 2·7 per cent agar (A), 12 parts of neutral red solution (B), 8 parts of fourfold Earle's saline (C), and 5 parts of embryo extract (D).1960Virology X. 377 The difference in diameter of plaques grown under agar over⁓lay with and without viral antibodies serves as a measure of antigenic difference.1974Nature 20 Dec. 745/2 Virus pools were grown in Vero cells and titrated by plaque assay with a methylcellulose overlay as before.
4. Dentistry. A structure intended to improve the occlusal surface of the tooth or teeth over which it fits.
1935G. M. Anderson Dewey's Pract. Orthodontia (ed. 5) xxi. 443 To stabilize the canine anchorage, the canine overlays are connected on the lingual surface with a clasp metal wire.1954Brit. Dental Jrnl. XCVII. 268/1 An upper acrylic bite overlay, sliding the mandible forward at the same time as opening the bite, gave complete relief in three days by preventing the condyles from being forced back in the fossæ.1973Anderson & Storer Immediate & Replacement Dentures (ed. 2) iv. 33 The retentive type of the overlay prosthesis should be considered where the residual ridges are almost non-existent and in cases where for reasons of speech, retching or excessive salivation, a palateless type of upper denture is necessary.
5. In betting, odds which are unjustifiably high. U.S.
1944Sun (Baltimore) 21 Sept. 17/4 There is always a section that keeps in keen pursuit of the ‘overlay’, which means a horse rated, say, at 4 to 1 which closes at 10 to 1 or 12 to 1, well above his ‘morning line’ price.1944D. Runyon Runyon à la Carte (1946) 102 Everybody around is saying The Sky makes a terrible over-lay of the natural price in giving Brandy Bottle a G against his soul.1955Amer. Speech XXX. 27 The term overlay originally described the situation which existed if a bookmaker laid odds which, viewed objectively, were too high. At the present time overlay is used to describe odds meeting this test which appear in the pari-mutuel machine. Most often odds are considered an overlay if they are higher than the odds quoted in the so-called morning line.
6. Computers. The process of transferring a block of instructions or data to internal storage in place of what is already there, esp. in order to utilize a limited high-speed memory for those parts of a program that are in active use; also, a section of program so transferred.
1963Automatic Data Processing Gloss. (U.S. Bureau of Budget) 38/1 Overlay, a technique for bringing routines into high-speed storage during processing, so that several routines will occupy the same storage location at different times.1965Swallow & Price Elem. Computer Programming xiv. 273 Once the new table is determined for a given run, the original table and the program for calculating the new one can be discarded, so the main program may be loaded over the previous one... This is frequently called an overlay.1969P. B. Jordain Condensed Computer Encycl. 367 When a program and its data are too large for the computer, the program must be divided into segments and so constructed that only the active segments (or overlays) need be in core.1970O. Dopping Computers & Data Processing xiv. 219 We can have a special memory area for overlay, or we can let a part of the program normally used—the main program, be overwritten.1972J.-L. Baer in A. F. Cardenas et al. Computer Sci. v. 170 If subroutines A and B will never call each other, then they can occupy the same positions in memory. If, at run-time, B is called while A is present, an overlay will be performed replacing A by B, and vice versa.




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