

单词 over-soon
释义 ˈover-ˈsoon, adv. (a.)
[over- 30: cf. over adv. 11.]
A. adv. Too soon; too quickly or readily (obs.).
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 3907 Penance..done Parchaunce over reklesly and over sone.c1440Jacob's Well 153 As whann a man sweryth ouersone,..& whanne he hath don, he repentyth hym.a1586Sidney (J.), The lad may prove well enough, if he oversoon think not too well of himself.1634W. Tirwhyt tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. I.) 97 Having over-soone desired them.1878Hardy Ret. Native II. ii. vi. 10, I told him 'twas barely decent to come so oversoon; but words be wind.
B. adj. Too early; too ready or quick. Obs.
a1586Sidney Arcadia iv. (1622) 415 Lamenting..such as the turtle-like loue is wont to make for the euer ouer-soone losse of her onely loued make.




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