

单词 partaker
释义 partaker|pəˈteɪkə(r), pɑː-|
Forms: α. 5–7 part taker, (5–6 parte taker, 6 parte-taker, partetaker, parttaker, 6–7 part-taker). β. 6– partaker, (6–7 per-).
[Comb. of part n. + taker (perh. after part-taking; rendering L. parti-ceps). In 16th c the combination of the two t's in parttaker began to be simplified, giving partaker.]
1. One who takes a part or share, a partner, participator, sharer. (Now viewed as agent-noun from partake v.: = one who partakes.)
αc1400Destr. Troy 2183 (MS. after 1500) And part taker of my payne with prickyng in hert.1483Cath. Angl. 270/2 A Parte taker (A. Partitakere), particeps.1526Tindale Luke v. 10 James and Jhon the sonnes of Zebedei which were partetakers with Simon.1 Cor. ix. 10 He which throssheth in hope shulde be part taker of his hope.1561Eden tr. Cortes' Arte Navig. Pref., All the other are part⁓takers therof more or lesse.1602Dekker Satiromastix Wks. 1873 I. 244 Thou shouldst have been hang'd, but for one of these part-takers.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. (1632) 1024 You wolde make them part takers off your myscheffe.
β1547Boorde Brev. Health xxii, Partaker of good or euyll.1565Cooper Thesaurus, Coniurationis particeps, a partaker of the conspiracie.1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 125 All men are pertakers of it.1631Sir S. D'Ewes Autobiog. 26 Apr. (1845) II. 31 Went to Lavenham, where I was a partaker of a good sermon.1672Petty Pol. Anat. Ded., To..be partaker with him in new Scenes of Action.a1774Harte Boecius to Rusticiana 14 Joint partner of my life, my heart's relief; Alike partaker of my joys or grief.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. viii. (1878) 129 Man must be a partaker of the Divine nature.
2. One who takes another's part or side; a supporter, adherent, partisan. Obs.
a1500Chester Pl. viii. 321 (MS. c 1600) And all his partackers I shall slea and beate downe.
α1545Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 4 To command..the said Donald and all utheris his part takeris.1593Tell-Troth's N.Y. Gift (1876) 8 When a woman distrustes of any helpe to come from any part-taker, shee will bee glad to please hir husband.1653Nissena 66 That they would not want assistants and part-takers even in the very Court it self.
βa1548Hall Chron., Hen. IV 20 To the great displeasure and long unquieting of kyng Henry and his partakers.a1656Ussher Ann. iv. (1658) 35 There grew a long war between his partakers and the partakers of David.1700Tyrrell Hist. Eng. II. 844 The Partakers of Lewis were to be indemnified.




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