

单词 pasch
释义 pasch Now arch. or Hist.|pɑːsk, -æ-|
Forms: 2–4 pl. pasches, 3 (Orm.) passke, 3–7 pasche, 4–6 paske, pask, 5, 9 pasque, 4– pasch, (4 pasck, 5 pasc, pasce, pache, passh, 5–6 passe, 6 paasse, Sc. 5 paisch, 6 pashe, pess, peice, 7 peace: see also pace n.2; in L. form, 4, 9 pascha).
[a. OF. pasche (Phil. de Thaun, etc.) and pasque (mod.F. pâque), ad. L. pascha, a. Gr. πάσχα, ad. Heb. pesakh, in Aramaic emphatic state paskhā a passing over, the Passover; f. pāsakh to pass over. The OF. pl. pasches:—L. paschas (acc. pl.) occurs already in the OE. Chron. a 1131. Cognate forms from L. were OS., OFris. pascha (MDu. paeschen, Du. paaschen, MLG. pasche(n, LG. pâschen, pâsken), Icel. pāskar (Sw. påsk(a, Da. paaske); the Northern Eng. forms in paske, pask (whence pass, pace, etc.), were perh. from Scandinavian. Formerly often pl. with sing. sense, as in F., Du., LG., Icelandic, etc.]
1. The Jewish feast of the Passover.
c1200Ormin 15850 Forr Passke,—ȝiff þu turrnenn willt Þatt word till Ennglissh spæche, Þa taccneþþ itt tatt uss birrþ aȝȝ Uss flittenn towarrd Criste.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3157 Ðat niȝt sal ben fest pasche, forð-for, on engle tunge, it be.a1300Cursor M. 6164 (Cott.) Quat wise þai suld þair paskes [later MSS. pask, paske] hald.Ibid. 16814 + 2 If ani man At paschez to ded wore broght.1382Wyclif Exod. xii. 43 This is the religioun of phask [Vulg. phrase]; ech alien shal not ete therof.Mark xiv. 14 Wher is my fulfilling [gloss or etyng place] where I schal ete pask [1582 Rhem. the Pasche] with my disciplis.c1400Mandeville (1839) viii. 92 There made our Lord his Pask with his Disciples.c1440York Myst. xxvii. 29 Þe lambe of Pasc.1609Bible (Douay) 1 Esdras i. 1 Josias made a Pasch in Ierusalem.1745A. Butler Lives Saints, James 1 May (1847) V. 16 In the second year of Christ's preaching, soon after the Pasch, in the year 31. [1850Neale Med. Hymns (1867) 114 Hail our Pascha, That wast dead!1885Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) 284/2 The Churches of Asia Proconsularis..kept the feast of Passover or Pasch at the same time as the Jews—viz. 14 Nisan.]
2. The Christian festival of Easter. arch. or local: cf. pace n.2 (In ME. often in pl. with collective sense = Easter-tide: cf. F. les Pâques.)
a1131O.E. Chron. an. 1122 On þis ᵹeare wæs se king Heanri on Cristes mæssan on Norhtwic and on Pasches he weas on Norhthamtune.13..Coer de L. 6475 Hys brother Ihon, Wolde do corowne hym anon, At the Pask.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 9267 At Londone his Pasches he [Uther] held.1357Lay Folks Catech. 321 Anes in the yhere, That is at sai, at paskes.c1450Merlin 104 Syr, we pray yow that the swerde be suffred yet in the ston to Passh.1481Caxton Godeffroy clxiii. 241 There helde they the feste of ester or pasque, the x day of Apryll.1535Lyndesay Satyre 2004 And halds me ȝit vnder that same proces, That gart me want the Sacrament at Pasche [v.r. pess].1557Tusser 100 Points Husb. lxviii, Spare meddowes at shroftide, spare marshes at paske.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. iv. 234 To grant the ryt celebratione of the Pashe.1638Chillingw. Relig. Prot. i. vi. §30. 349 Who had assigned the fourteenth of the Moneth of March for the observation of the Pasche.1722S. Sewall Diary 21 Dec., They kept not Yule nor Pasch.1885Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) 284/2 The great majority of Christians celebrated the Pasch on the Sunday after Nisan 14..because on that day Christ rose again.
3. attrib. and Comb. in many collocations = Easter-, as pasch-even, pasch-lamb, pasch-mass, pasch-morn, pasch-tide, pasch-week. Also pasch-day, -egg.
c1200Ormin 15849 Þa frellsenn þeȝȝ, þatt witt tu wel, Gastlike Passkemesse.a1300Cursor M. 18617 Þe seuend dai in paske tide, He ras arli, wit-vten bide.1375Barbour Bruce xv. 101 Quhill the tysday in pask-owk [v.rr. payss wouk, Pasche Oulk] On athir half thai trowis tuk.Ibid. 105 Apon paske evin all richt To the castell..come schippis xv.c1460Towneley Myst. xxiii. 666 That Lord that..rose on pasche morne.1533Tindale Supper of Lord C vj b, I wyll compare circumcision wyth baptysme: and the passe lambe wyth Christes supper.1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iii. 111. Law 583 Th' Israelites, whose doores were markt before, With sacred Pass-Lambs Sacramental gore.




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