

单词 pavement
释义 I. pavement, n.|ˈpeɪvmənt|
Forms: α. 3– pavement, (3–5 paui-, 3–6 pauy-). β. 4–5 paw-, (5–6 pau-), 4–6 pa-, 5 pay-, 8–9 (dial.) pamment.
[a. OF. pavement (12th c. in Littré) = Pr. pavamen, Sp. pavimiento, It. pavimento, ad. L. pavīmentum a beaten or rammed floor, f. pavīre to beat, ram, tread down.]
1. a. A piece of paved work, a paved surface; the superficial covering or layer of a floor, yard, street, road, or area, formed of stones, bricks, tiles, or, in later times, blocks of wood, fitted closely together, so as to give a compact and more or less uniform and smooth surface; also, an undivided hard surface of cement, concrete, asphalt, or other material, used for the same purpose. mosaic pavement or tessellated pavement: see these words. Also (without a), paving.
(The original sense of ‘hard floor formed by beating or ramming, had become obs. before the word became English.)
αc1290Beket 2122 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 167 With þulke stroke..þut brain ful on þe pauement.c1320Sir Beues (MS. A) 4384 Þourȝ is bodi wente þe dent, Ded a fel on þe pauiment.1490Caxton Eneydos xxvii. 101 Som.. he shal doo cast out of y⊇ windowes doun to y⊇ pauement.1539Cromwell Let. 18 Oct. in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 237 That you shuld cause the stretes and Lanes there to be vieued for the pavementes.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. vi. 4 b, The pauement..was of Marber stone.1615Chapman Odyss. x. 307 The pavement rings With imitation of the tunes she sings.1726Pope Odyss. xxi. 44 With polish'd oak the level pavements shine.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. xliv. (1790) VIII. 36 The works of Justinian represent a tesselated pavement of antique and costly, but too often of incoherent fragments.a1817[see knowing ppl. a. 3].1823P. Nicholson Pract. Build. 435 Floors constructed of stone are more particularly denominated pavements.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 35/2 The wooden pavement, properly so called, seems to have been first used in Russia.1843A. B. Blackie Wood Pavement 13 The efficient labour of a horse on Wooden Pavement, compared with that of the same horse on a perfectly consolidated Macadamized road, being as 42 to 17.1900T. Aitken Road Making ix. 300 Streets of many English towns are still paved with cobbles, but these are being gradually replaced by better descriptions of pavement.1947Engineering News-Record 16 Oct. 534/3 The surface of the runways, which it is hoped will be adequate for the pavement base, will be finally solidified by a ‘super-compactor’ unit.1952Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. LVI. 879/1 The pavement must be capable of carrying with safety the heaviest aircraft.1977Bitumen (Shell Internat. Petroleum Co.) 7 Shell companies' main interest in bitumen technology has been the engineering properties of bitumen and the structural design of roads and airfield pavements.
β1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 9180 Þe pament of heven may lykened be, Tille a pament of precyouse stanes and perré.1382Wyclif Ps. cxviii[i]. 25 Myn soule cleuede to the pament [1388 pawment].c1400Mandeville (1839) xviii. 188 The paumentes of halles and chambres ben all square, on of gold and another of syluer.c1440Alph. Tales (E.E.T.S.) 64 [She] putt assh opon hur head, & laid hur down on þe payment & wepid bitterlie vij dayes.1530Palsgr. 251/2 Pamente of a strete, paviment, pavee.Ibid. 252/2 Paument.., pavé.1895Patterson Man & Nat. 73 (E.D.D.) Red handkerchiefs dot the hard cold pamments.
b. The paved part of a public thoroughfare; the roadway as distinct from the adjacent footway (now obs. exc. techn. and U.S.); spec. the paved footway by the side of a street, as distinct from the roadway. on the pavement (after F. sur le pavé ‘on the street’), walking the streets, without lodging, abandoned.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 270 Þe Turbeuile.. Drawen is a while on London pauiment, & siþen was he hanged as thef for treson.c1400Sege Jerus. 1244 (E.E.T.S.) Myȝt no man stonde in þe stret for stynke of ded corses; Þe peple in þe pauyment was pite to byholde.16022nd Pt. Return fr. Parnass. i. i. 119 In a sinne-guilty coach not cloasely pent, Iogging along the harder pauement.1725B. Higgons Rem. on Burnet Hist. Wks. 1736 II. ii. 104 They, who had lavish'd their own in his [the King's] Defence, were suffered to starve on the Pavement.1793Gouv. Morris in Sparks Life & Writ. (1832) II. 296 His retreat must be slow till he gets to the pavement within about a league of Antwerp.a1818G. Rose Diaries (1860) I. 28, I was left completely on the pavement.1874Graphic 5 Sept. 226/1 The humble ‘artist on stone’ has found a convenient ‘pitch’..and with his stubby bits of various coloured chalk he is rapidly making sketches on the pavement.1877D. K. Clark in Law & Clark Construction of Roads 12 The surface of the pavement soon became very uneven, and not unfrequently sunk so much as to form hollows, which rendered it..dangerous to horses and carriages.1879Black Macleod of D. v, The crowd of footmen who stood in two lines across the pavement in front of Beauregard House.1900Shaw Plays for Purit. p. xii, They insisted..as pitifully as a poor girl of the pavement will pretend to be a clergyman's daughter.1918E. Poole Dark People i. 5 You could see the sidewalks on either hand, but the dark wooden pavement of the street was almost lost in shadows.1935H. W. Horwill Dict. Mod. Amer. Usage 226/1 When preparations were being made in Washington for a procession.., the newspapers of the city complained that in Pennsylvania Avenue the grandstands filled the sidewalk and compelled pedestrians to walk on the pavement.1939Liverpool Daily Post 9 Nov. 3/2 When any road works are about to be undertaken, a notice headed ‘Reconstruction of Pavement’ is exhibited near the scene of operations, stating that the ‘pavement of this thoroughfare’ is shortly to be reconstructed. It is invariably the roadway, and not the sidewalk, which in these cases receives attention.1958Engineering 4 Apr. 441/3 It will also be a double carriageway,..comprising 7 in of granular fill on which will be laid 11 in of reinforced concrete, placed in a single pass for the full 24 ft width of each pavement.1966R. Ashworth Highway Engin. x. 171 The modern road pavement is usually composed of several layers of material of differing quality; the strongest material being placed uppermost and forming the actual running surface.1971D. Hamilton Poisoners x. 78 She was barreling out on..the road that'll take you clear down Baja California to La Paz, if you and your vehicle are tough enough to make it... The pavement ends about ninety miles south of Ensenada at present. After that, things get pretty rough.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 17 June 1-A/4 A southern Indiana woman died when her car skidded out of control on wet pavement.
c. transf. and fig.
a1592Greene Selimus 498 Were his light steeds as swift as Pegasus, And trode the ayrie pauement with their heeles.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iii. iii. 162 Or like a gallant Horse falne in first ranke, Lye there for pauement to the abiect reere.1647H. More Cupid's Conflict lxxx, Gathering my limbs from off the green pavement.1827Pollok Course T. vi. 58 Stars, walking on the pavement of the sky.1887Hall Caine Deemster x. 65 Large white patches came moving out of the surrounding pavement of deep black,..where the vanishing ripples left the dark sea smooth.
d. The floor of a mine (Raymond Mining Gloss. 1881).
e. A seam of fire-clay underlying a seam of coal.
f. (See quot. 1965.)
1899P. Dearmer Parson's Handbk. v. 128 The thurifer and boat-bearer..go to the right of the priest, as he stands on the pavement.1908Ritual Notes (ed. 5) ii. 59/3 When the Deacon descends to the pavement, the Thurifer will stand at his right.1922C. Mackenzie Altar Steps xix. 212 The baldacchino was given by one rich old lady, the pavement of the church by another.1936Server's Manual 6 Go and stand in some convenient place on the ‘pavement’ of the sanctuary.1965C. E. Pocknee Parson's Handbk. (ed. 13) ii. 23 The pavement, i.e. the level of the sanctuary between the lowest step before the altar and the communicants' rail, should extend to six feet at the very least.Ibid. ix. 98 He remains standing on the pavement swinging the censer until the hymn or psalm is finished.1978Church Times 20 Jan. 3/4 An application was made for a faculty to remove the sanctuary pavement and transfer from a columbarium underneath 177 caskets containing..cremated remains.
2. a. Anat. and Zool. A structure or formation resembling a pavement; a level hard surface formed by close-set teeth, bony plates, or the like.
1847Ansted Anc. World xii. 279 The flat pavement of palatal bones with which these animals were provided.1857H. Miller Test. Rocks i. 62 A palate covered with a dense pavement of crushing teeth.1871Darwin Desc. Man II. xii. 6 [The] teeth..are broad and flat, forming a pavement.1931J. R. Norman Hist. Fishes vii. 126 They [sc. the teeth of Nurse Sharks and Hounds] are arranged in pavement fashion, and all or most of the rows are in use at the same time.1971P. J. P. Whitehead tr. Budker's Life of Sharks iii. 41 The only sharks having teeth in a ‘pavement’ are those belonging to the genera Mustelus, Hexanchus and Heterodontus.
b. Geol. A horizontal or gently sloping expanse of bare rock.
1827G. P. Scrope Mem. Geol. Central France vii. 154 The lower portion of this bed is very beautifully columnar, the upper obscurely so; this latter has been in parts destroyed, and a pavement or causeway left, formed by an assemblage of upright and almost geometrically regular columns fitted together with the utmost symmetry.1932C. R. Longwell et al. Physical Geol. vii. 157 Many gentle slopes above the levels of the playas are floored with ‘desert pavements’ consisting of pebbles fitted so closely together and with their top surfaces so even that the general effect suggests a mosaic.1937Wooldridge & Morgan Physical Basis Geogr. xix. 288 Bare limestone surfaces commonly show a widening of joints by solution, or in extreme cases, a complex fretting or fluting of the surface... Limestone pavements tending to this type are called ‘clints’ or ‘grykes’ in the North of England.1954J. F. Kirkaldy Gen. Princ. Geol. vi. 69 The direction of ice movement can also be proved if glaciated pavements can be found. These are surfaces of rock, hard enough to be smoothed and polished by the ice and showing striations caused by the harder rocks dragged across them by the ice.1965Proc. Geologists' Assoc. LXXVI. 421 Carboniferous limestone in Great Britain and Ireland is frequently exposed in broad, curiously sculptured plateaux termed pavements.1977Oxf. Diocesan Mag. Nov. 10/1 We have botanized over a limestone ‘pavement’ in Westmoreland, several bogs in Scotland, [etc.].
3. A stone, brick, or tile suitable or made for paving. local.
1787W. Marshall Norfolk (1795) II. Gloss. (E.D.S.), Pavements, square paving-bricks; flooring-bricks; paving⁓tiles.a1800Thomas Stukely in Child Ballads (1857–9) VII. 309 At last he sold the pavements of his yard, Which covered were with blocks of tin.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Pamment, a square paving brick.
4. attrib. and Comb., as pavement-café, pavement-dealer, pavement-floor, pavement-side, pavement-stone, pavement-tile, etc.; pavement-artist, one who draws figures or scenes on the flagged pavement in coloured chalks or pastils in order to get money from passers-by: cf. quot. 1874 in 1 b; pavement-beater (see quot.); pavement-epithelium, epithelium in which the cells are flattened and arranged in layers like the tiles of a mosaic pavement; lamellar, squamous, or tessellated epithelium; pavement-pounder slang, a policeman; pavement princess Citizens Band Radio slang (see quots.); pavement-rammer, a power machine used to ram down the blocks with which a road is paved; pavement-tooth, a broad flat tooth forming with others a pavement in sense 2 a, as in the Port Jackson shark; pavement-toothed a., having teeth arranged in a pavement (see sense 2 a).
1899Daily News 1 Aug. 6/4 No one but the *pavement-artist can have any notion of how great the amount of dust is in London's streets.1611Cotgr. s.v. Pavé, Bateur de pavez, a *pauement-beater; a rakehell, vnthrift, loose youth, dissolute or deboched fellow.
1953Observer 10 May 5/4 It isn't worth..doing much about *pavement cafés or open-air dancing.1972J. Aitken Butterfly Picnic i. 12 Several pavement cafés were thronged with elderly men.
1870Rolleston Anim. Life 129 An internal layer of *pavement epithelium.
1813Scott Rokeby vi. xxxiii, But flounder'd on the *pavement-floor The steed, and down the rider bore.
1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §460/17 Policeman..ossifer, *pavement pounder, P.D.1947K. Jaediker Tall, Dark & Dead vii. 102 Neal had put out a teletype for my car, and some Brooklyn pavement-pounder had spotted it.1959I. & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolch. xvii. 369 There are, in the London area, at least thirty nicknames... Nobby, Pavement Pounder, Peeler, Robert, [etc.].
1976L. Dills CB Slanguage Dict. (rev. ed.) 53 *Pavement princess, roadside or truckstop prostitute.1976Time 10 May 79/2 Prostitutes (‘pavement princesses’) who plug their charms on CB have become so common that there is even a song about them.1976Daily Tel. (Colour Suppl.) 16 July 10/2 Car-borne prostitutes..describe themselves as ‘a dream for sale’ in the West..a ‘pavement princess’ and a ‘snuff-dipper’ in the East.
1608Machin & Markham Dumb Knight iii. i. in Hazl. Dodsley X. 159 Thus are the *pavement-stones before the doors..worn smooth With clients dancing 'fore them.
1845Gentl. Mag. XXIV. 43/1 The ancient *pavement tiles found in this neighbourhood.
1904Nature 5 May 13/1 He discusses the affinities of the *pavement-toothed genus Endothiodon.
II. pavement, v.|ˈpeɪvmənt|
[f. prec. n.; cf. L. pavīmentāre to cover with a pavement, to pave, OF. *pavementer, in pa. pple. pavementé, It. pavimentare to pave, all from the n.]
trans. To lay with a pavement; to pave. Also transf. Chiefly in pa. pple. Hence ˈpavementing vbl. n.
1634Bp. Hall Contempl., N.T. iv. vi, The pavemented waves yielded a firm causey to thy sacred feet to walk on.1648Select Th. i. vii. 23 What an house hath he put him [man] into! how gorgiously arched, how richly pavemented!1839Hist. Reveries 33 All pavemented with stone and shell.1930R. Clements Grey Seas 126 The blown, empty sky, pavemented by the tossing sea.1977Lancet 20 Aug. 402/2 At 30 and 60 min, these showed an inflammatory reaction to both solutions with pavementing of polymorphs and a perivascular infiltrate.




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