

单词 paynim
释义 paynim, n. (a.) arch.|ˈpeɪnɪm|
Forms: 3–6 painime, 3–7 pay-; 4 peynim, -yme, 4–5 paynyme, (-en, -yn, painen), 4–7 paynym, 4–8 painim, 5 paynem(e, -eyme, painem, -ym, 5–6 panym, 6 -im, 6–7 -yme; 3– paynim.
[ME. a. OF. paienime, pain-, paenimme, from earlier paien-, paenisme:—late L. pāgānism-us (Augustine), ‘the religious system of the pagans, heathenism’, later ‘the lands or countries in which this prevailed, heathen lands’: see payen, pagan, and -ism.]
1. Pagan or non-Christian lands collectively; pagandom, heathendom. Obs.
c1250O. Kent. Serm. in O.E. Misc. 28 Ihesu crist..anured of þo þrie kinges of painime.13..Coer de L. 612 They were redy for to wende,..As palmers were in Paynym.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. i. (Skeat) l. 49 These thinges were figured..by the sterre to painims kinges.14..Sir Beues 3887 (MS. M) In payneme ne in Surry, I-wys, Ys none the lyke of lose ne of price.
2. A pagan, a heathen; a non-Christian; esp. a Muslim, a Saracen. arch. and poetic.
1382Wyclif Matt. v. 48 Whether and paynymmys don nat this thing?c1400Mandeville (1839) xxix. 295 Job, that was a Paynem.1489Caxton Faytes of A. iii. xxiv. 225 They that were paynemys & of euyl byleue.1531Elyot Gov. iii. iii, Apollo, whome the paynimes honoured for god of wisedome.1637R. Humfrey tr. St. Ambrose Pref., The Goths..burnt as many books of the ancient Paynims as they could find.1713Tickell Prospect of Peace Poems (1790) 159 Where..one champion's arms..Slay paynims vile, that force the fair.1848Lytton Harold vii. iii, The godless paynims! muttered the Norman.
B. adj. (orig. attrib. use of A.) Of pagans; pagan, heathen; non-Christian; chiefly = Muslim or Saracen. In modern writers poet. or Hist.
c1320Sir Beues 496 (MS. A) Ȝif ȝe seþ schipes of painim londe.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 28 To dwelle amonge Sarazynes or oþir paynym sectis.1475Bk. Noblesse (Roxb.) 75 Pompeus..that was so chevalrous a paynym knighte amongis the Romains.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. xi. (1634) 34 It is much shame, that the panime writers are better expounders of the law of God than the Papists are.1667Milton P.L. i. 765 Champions bold Defi'd the best of Panim chivalry To mortal combat, or carreer with Lance.1742Young Nt. Th. ii. 615 By Genius unawak'd, Painim or Christian.1812Byron Ch. Har. i. xxxiv, The Paynim turban and the Christian crest.1899E. J. Chapman Drama Two Lives, Snake-Witch 41 When he returned..From Paynim lands beyond the sea.
Hence ˈpaynimhood Obs., the condition of being a paynim, paganism (incl. Islamism). ˈpaynimry, paynims collectively, pagandom, heathenry. ˈpaynimy (panemye) Obs., pagandom.
c1470Harding Chron. xciii. iii, Wher thei the kyng Kynygill of *paynymhode [v.r. paienhode], Baptized, and made a Christen manne full fyne.
1382Wyclif Rom. Prol. 300 The vices of her *paynymrie rathere myndende.1483Cath. Angl. 266/1 Paynymery, gentilitas, paganismus.1835A. Fleming in Harp Renfrewshire Ser. ii. (1873) 184 Paynimry's bravest and best are arrayed.1886Freeman Methods Hist. Study vi. 249 Robert son of Godwine, who cut a path..through the ranks of opposing paynimrie.
1481Caxton Godeffroy xcix. 150 It was anon knowen in the *panemye.




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