

单词 Pelman
释义 Pelman|ˈpɛlmən|
The name of Christopher Louis Pelman, founder (in 1899) of the Pelman Institute for the Scientific Development of Mind, Memory and Personality in London, used attrib. to designate the system of memory training taught by this Institute.
1900Phonetic Jrnl. 15 Dec. 790/2, I may say that I speak of the Pelman system from intimate personal knowledge.1939R. Campbell Flowering Rifle iv. 113 All his Pelman course and monkey's glands With which the Charlie intellect expands.1972Listener 17 Aug. 210/3, I did a Pelman course, which hasn't done very much good because I've got the worst memory of anybody.
So ˈPelmanism, the system taught by the Pelman Institute; also transf.; a card game in which the cards lie face down and pairs must be selected from memory as successive cards are turned up; ˈPelmanist, ˈPelmanite, a student or advocate of Pelmanism; ˈPelmanize v. intr. and trans., to practise Pelmanism; to teach (someone) Pelmanism.
1919Honey Pot I. 4 (Advt.), Lots of our fellows are Pelmanising out here.1920Pelman Pie 25 (Advt.), A very large proportion of its readers are ‘Pelmanists’.1920Blackw. Mag. Nov. 561/2, I fear I must be suffering from what the Pelmanites call ‘mind-wandering’.1921Chambers's Jrnl. Mar. 176/1 In some Oriental way he had Pelmanised his memory.1922E. Wallace Flying Fifty-Five xxvi. 154 Bill had begun, as he described it, to Pelmanize his horses. He was super-imposing upon the memory of one evil whistle another which had a more kindly association.1923Hoyle's Games Modernized 230 Pelmanism is..a splendid exercise for the memory, besides a source of amusement to the players—of whom there may be any number.1931R. Campbell Georgiad ii. 17 Broadcast your love and Pelmanise your Passion.1934‘E. M. Delafield’ Provincial Lady in Amer. 90 Short exercise in Pelmanism enables me to connect wave in her hair with first name, which is Marcella.1934Brit. Weekly 11 Jan. 319/3 (Advt.), Pelmanise for promotion, for progress, for success.Ibid., There are in the world to-day more than half a million men and women who have become Pelmanists.1950Oxf. Jun. Encycl. IX. 114/1 In Pelmanism, a memory game, the cards are spread face downwards on the table. The players turn up two at a time, trying to find pairs. Cards which do not make pairs are turned down again, and the players must remember where they are.1958R. Godden Greengage Summer vii. 80 We stayed on at our table, playing cards with old packs from the bar, Racing Demon or Pelmanism or Snap.1963R. M. Hare Freedom & Reason iv. 60 Ought I not rather to take a course in Pelmanism to correct my absentmindedness?1972Guardian 15 Nov. 10/6 There is a kind of common ground here between pulp fiction, science fiction pop mysticism, and a new sort of Pelmanism that goes beyond mere self-improvement and proposes the ways and means of self-transcendence.1975Daily Tel. 11 July 11/3 Between games of ping-pong or pelmanism they spend the night reminiscing about old times over a continuous supply of drinks.




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