

单词 pentasyllabic
释义 pentasyllabic, a.|ˌpɛntəsɪˈlæbɪk|
[f. L. pentasyllab-us, a. Gr. πεντασύλλαβ-ος five-syllabled + -ic, after syllabic.]
Consisting of five syllables. So pentaˈsyllabism (nonce-wd.), pentasyllabic condition; pentaˈsyllable, a word of five syllables.
a1771Gray Observ. Eng. Metre Wks. 1843 V. 257 Pentasyllabic and Tetrasyllabic [lines of verse]. These are rarely used alone.1816Q. Rev. XV. 369 It could not be done in less compass than a pentasyllable.1892F. Hall in Nation (N.Y.) 25 Aug. 145/1 Literarian’, however, if we can excuse its pentasyllabism, seems to recommend itself as supplying a desideratum.




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