

单词 pentatomic
释义 pentatomic, a. Chem.|pɛntəˈtɒmɪk|
[mod. f. Gr. πέντε five + ἄτοµος atom n. + -ic: cf. atomic.]
Containing five atoms of some substance in the molecule; spec. containing five replaceable hydrogen atoms; also = pentavalent.
1872Watts Dict. Chem. VI. 72 Pentatomic Alcohols. Pinite and quercite, two saccharine bodies having the composition C6H12O5, probably belong to this class of bodies.1873J. P. Cooke New Chem. 290 No definite pentatomic hydrate is known.1873Watts Fownes' Chem. (ed. 11) 633 Glucoses may..be expected to act as pentatomic alcohols.




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