释义 |
Penutian, n. and a.|pəˈnuːʃən, -tɪən| Also Penuti. [f. Maiduan pen two + Miwokan and Costanoan uti two + -an.] A. n. a. A North American Indian language stock comprising the Miwokan, Costanoan, Wintuan, Maiduan, and Yokutsan families of California. Also, a proposed language phylum comprising the Penutian stock (distinguished as California Penutian), the Oregon Penutian and Plateau Penutian stocks, the Chinookan and Tsimshian families, and (in the usage of some scholars) certain other language groupings of North and Central America. B. adj. Of or pertaining to Penutian.
1912Dixon & Kroeber in Amer. Anthropologist XIV. 692 The new larger families and their components are: Penutian, comprising the groups formerly known as Maidu, Wintun, Miwok, Costanoan, and Yokuts. [Etc.] 1914Ibid. XV. 649 There is available enough information on the structure of the five Penutian languages to prove their genetic affinity beyond a doubt. 1932W. L. Graff Lang. 431 The most important North American branches: Eskimo..Penutian. 1959Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 360/1 The 22 language-families of North American are: Algonquin,..Penuti, [etc.]. 1965Canad. Jrnl. Linguistics Spring 78 Suggestions of affiliation with..Penutian. 1968R. W. Langacker Lang. & its Struct. viii. 232 Continuing north, we find Takelman..Chinookan, and Plateau Penutian (including Klamath, Modoc, Nez Percé, Cayuse, and Yakima). 1972Language XLVIII. 378 Chinook Jargon, once the means of communication among the (as yet) unrelated Indo-European, Athapaskan, Salishan, Penutian, and Wakashan-speaking peoples of the Pacific North-west. 1973H. Landar in Current Trends in Linguistics X. 1294 California Penutian. Rubruz for Yokuts, Maidu, Miwok-Costanoan, and Wintun. 1974Encycl. Brit. Micropædia VII. 859/2 The Penutian languages are sometimes grouped into a yet larger stock, called either Penutian or Macro-Penutian, that includes several Meso-American Indian languages. 1977C. F. & F. M. Voegelin Classification & Index World's Lang. 287 Their [sc. Dixon and Kroeber's] grouping did not extend Penutian beyond the so-called California Penutian. Ibid., A dozen separate language families beside nine different language isolates..are said to be remotely related to each other within the Penutian phylum. Hence Peˈnutianist, a student of Penutian.
1965Language XII. 173 Sapir's influence extends also to Penutianists. |