

单词 pertinate
释义 ˈpertinate, a. Obs.
[An irreg. formation, perh. on the mistaken analogy of intimate, intimacy, and the like; or originating in a misreading of pertinace.]
= pertinace, pertinacious.
c1534T. Theobold in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. III. 128 This Friar..yn his symple opynnion somwhat pertynate.1545Joye Exp. Dan. vi. 88 Oh how pertinate and styfe are the vngodly lawers and act makers.1552Lyndesay Monarche 5730 All pertinat wylfull Arratykis.
Hence ˈpertinately adv. = pertinaciously.
c1400Apol. Loll. 42 To defend þe contrary pertinatly is heresy, contrary to þe feiþ.1545Joye Exp. Dan. xii. 211 These abominacions when thei be defended pertinatly of the enemies of the gospel, then their stifnecked pertinacie inflammeth discordis.




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