

单词 pettitoes
释义 pettitoes, n. pl., rarely sing.|ˈpɛtɪtəʊz|
Forms: α. sing. 6 pettytoe, petitoe, 8–9 pettitoe; β. pl. 6 pettie toes, petitose, 6–7 petitoes, 7 petti-, 7–8 petty-toes, pettytoes, 6– pettitoes.
[Of uncertain origin; but before 1600 taken as petty a. and toes, pl. of toe. See Note below.]
1. The feet of a pig, esp. as an article of food; pig's trotters; in earlier use the word seems to have included the heart, liver, lungs, etc., not only of the pig, but of calves, sheep, and other animals.
α1555Bradford in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. App. xlv. 133 Yf ye haue..halfe a Loyn of lean mutton: a Pygges Pettytoe, with half a dossen of grene salletts.1597Bk. Cookerie 53 b, The first course at Supper. A Sallet, a Pigs Petitoe, powdered Beefe sliced.1725Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Pig's pettitoes, Take Pettitoes..cut them into halves, and let every Pettitoe be tyed up together.
β1589W. Darrell's Exp. in H. Hall Eliz. Soc. (1887) 218 For dressinge ye mutton, rabbettes and a pigges pettie toes.15972nd Pt. Gd. Hus-wiues Iewell B j b, For a Goose gibluts and pigges petitose.1598Florio, Peduccij, all manner of feete, or petitoes drest to be eaten, as calues, sheepes, neates, or hogs feete, or pigs petitoes.1607Beaumont Woman Hater i. ii, Like the Table of a countrey Justice,..sprinkled over with all manner of cheap Sallads, sliced Beef, Giblets, and Petitoes.1683E. Hooker Pref. Pordage's Mystic Div. 56 To giv the Pettitoes in alms wil not..satisfi for stealing the Pig.1793Wolcott (P. Pindar) Ep. to Pope Wks. 1812 III. 203 Calves' Heads, Pigs Pettitoes, perform as well.1861Geo. Eliot Silas M. x, We can send black puddings and pettitoes without giving them a flavour of our own egoism.c1875M. Jewry Model Cookery 79/2 When pettitoes are fried they should be first boiled.
b. fig. in expressions of contempt. Obs.
1644–7Cleveland Char. Lond. Diurn. 7 Brereton and Gell; two of Mars his Petty-toes, such snivelling Cowards, that it is a favour to call them so.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 26 Futilous womens phansies; which are the very pettitoes of infirmity, the gyblets of perquisquilian toyes.1648W. Jenkyn Blind Guide i. 17 Rather than this petty-toes of a Pope can erre an haires breadth.
2. The feet of a human being, esp. of a child; in quot. 1589 of an ape.
1589R. Harvey Pl. Perc. (1860) 7 The medling Ape..did wedge in his pettitoes, so fast between the two clefts that he stucke by the feete for a saie.1592Lyly Midas iii. iii, And you, Cælia, that would fain trip on your petitoes.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 619. 1708 T. Ward Eng. Ref. (1716) 146 His Grace..Stood therefore up on Petty-toes.1884Sala Journ. due South i. xxiv. (1887) 323 The osseous structure of the tiny creature is yet perfect, even to the bones of the pettitoes.
fig.1653Gauden Hierasp. 109 Particular congregations; which are, but as the Pettitoes or little Fingers of the church.
Hence pettitoe v. intr. (with it), to dance, move about on the toes (obs.).
1651Ogilby æsop (1665) 180 Not in prophaner Arts, like Popish Pigs, To pettitoe-it on the Organs Jigs.
[Note. Petitoe, -toes, was in 17th c. taken by some (e.g. Skinner, 1671) as = F. petite oie (lit. ‘little goose’) the giblets of a goose, which is thus given in Cotgrave: ‘La petite oye, the giblets of a Goose; also, the bellie, and inwards or intralls, of other edible creatures.’ The extended sense in the second part of this definition is not mentioned by Littré (who has a number of transferred senses of a different kind), and it may really have been an English extension, and may show the actual way in which a word meaning the giblets of a goose was extended to the analogous parts cut off in dressing a pig or other animal. Among these were the feet, to which the pl. petitoes would seem naturally to point, and to which it may soon have been appropriated (cf. the quot. from Florio 1598). But if this is the history, it must have taken place within the space of a generation, since the first example of ‘a pyges pettytoe’ is of 1555, and pettytoes was evidently applied to toes or feet by 1589. It is to be noted that Cotgr. has also ‘Petitose [Fr.], the garbage of fowle (an old word)’; but this is not given by Godefroy, and may be some error. It may be worth inquiring whether petitoe was not orig. a simple adoption of OIt. petitto little, petty, small (Florio), quasi ‘petties’, petty items.]




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