

单词 phenylene
释义 phenylene|ˈfɛnɪliːn|
[f. phenyl + ene.]
a. The hydrocarbon C6H4.
1866Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 480 Phenylene. C6H4. A liquid having this composition and boiling at 91° was found by Church among the products of the distillation of phenylic chloride with sodium-amalgam.
b. phenylene blue, a blue dye (see indamine); phenylene brown = Bismarck brown (s.v. Bismarck 1), vesuvin; ˌphenyleneˈdiamine, any of three isomeric, toxic, crystalline solids, C6H4(NH2)2, or their alkylated derivatives, which are widely used in the dye industry, as photographic developers, and (in the case of the para isomer) as an additive in rubber to prevent oxidation.
1876Athenæum 16 Dec. 806/1 ‘Phenylene-diamine’ obtained from dinitro-benzene by the action of reducing agents.1889G. M'Gowan tr. Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. 356 The simplest member of this class is the indamine ‘Phenylene Blue’, C12H11N3,..which results from the oxidation of a mixture of aniline and p-phenylenediamine.1903[see indamine].1952K. Venkataraman Chem. Synthetic Dyes II. xxv. 762 The indamines (e.g., Phenylene Blue) are obtained by oxidizing a neutral solution of..a p-diamine.., and..a monamine (e.g. aniline) having a free p-position.
1867Chem. News 12 July 24/2 The phenylene-brown consists chiefly of a new base of the composition C12H13N5.1885[see Bismarck 1].1922A. Clarke Coal-Tar Colours in Decorative Industries iii. 43 The colours most suitable for this method are:—On White Earth—..Phenylene Brown, Crystal Violet and Methyl Violet.
1862A. W. Hofmann in Proc. R. Soc. XI. 519 The idea very naturally suggested itself, to look to dinitrobenzol as the source from which phenylene-diamine might reasonably be expected to arise.1918Jrnl. Chem. Soc. CXIV. ii. 69 The authors have investigated the..binary systems formed between phenol..and the three phenylenediamines.1972Materials & Technol. V. xiv. 522 Only the..p-phenylene diamines and dihydroquinolines give good ozone protection [to rubber].1973D. A. Spencer Focal Dict. Photogr. Technol. 440 Phenylenediamines, generic name for compounds derived from ortho-phenylenediamine and para-phenylenediamine which act as photographic developing agents.




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