

单词 phlegmon
释义 phlegmon Path.|ˈflɛgmən|
Also 4–7 fleg-.
[ME. flegmon, a. L. phlegmon or phlegmona (Plin.), a. Gr. ϕλεγµονή inflammation, a boil, deriv. of ϕλέγ-ειν to burn: cf. OF. fleugmon (13–14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.) = mod.F. phlegmon.]
An inflammatory tumour, a boil or carbuncle; inflammation, esp. of the cellular tissue, tending to or producing suppuration; an acute local inflammation with marked redness and swelling.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. lix. (Bodl. MS.), Suche swellinge hatte Apostema, & somtyme it comeþ.. of a semple humoure as of blood and hatte flegmone.1541R. Copland Galyen's Terapeutyke 2 B ij b, Yf ecchymosis, or vicere, or erisipelas, or putryfaction, or phlegmone be in any parte.1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 364/1 [A prescription] For the Flegmone or Felon of the Fingers.1651Wittie Primrose's Pop. Err. ii. 81 It may also be a phlegman, or erysipelas of some part.1782A. Monro Compar. Anat. 14 These parts..may be subject to..phlegmon.1788J. C. Smyth in Med. Commun. II. 191 The Phlegmon is the inflammation of the cellular membrane.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 256 This bacillus is identical with one subsequently found..in gaseous phlegmons.
Hence phlegmonic |flɛgˈmɒnɪk|, ˈphlegmonous adjs., pertaining to or of the nature of a phlegmon; ˈphlegmonoid a., resembling a phlegmon.
1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. (1771) 170 A Man..had a *Phlegmonick Erysipelas upon the Right Arm.1875H. Walton Dis. Eye 185 In phlegmonic inflammation, pulsation has been felt, as from an aneurism.
1755Gentl. Mag. XXV. 12 It appeared more like the erysipelatous than *phlegmonoide kind.1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 455/2 External inflammation resembling phlegmonoid erysipelas.
1666G. Harvey Morb. Angl. xi. (1672) 31 It's..generated..out of the dregs and remainder of a *Phlegmonous or Oedematick tumour.1849–52Todd Cycl. Anat. IV. 850/2 Phlegmonous inflammation of the areolar tissue.




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