

单词 platy-
释义 platy-|plætɪ|
a. Gr. πλατυ-, comb. form of πλατύς broad, flat, entering into numerous scientific terms. Among these are the following:
platybasic |-ˈbeɪsɪk| a. Craniom., having a broad base: applied to a skull in which the occipital angle of Daubenton exceeds 80°; platybrachycephalic |-brækɪsɪˈfælɪk| a. Craniom., (of a skull) both platycephalic and brachycephalic, i.e. flat, and short in proportion to its breadth; platybregmate |-ˈbrɛgmət|, -bregmatic |-brɛgˈmætɪk| adjs. Craniom., having a broad bregma (Syd. Soc. Lex.); so platybregmete |-ˈbrɛgmiːt|, a broad bregma, as in Mongolian skulls (Cent. Dict.); platycarpous |-ˈkɑːpəs| a. Bot. [Gr. καρπός fruit], having broad fruit; platycephalic |-sɪˈfælɪk|, -cephalous |-ˈsɛfələs| adjs. [Gr. κεϕαλή head], having a flat or broad head; spec. in Craniom. applied to a skull of flattened form, having a vertical index of less than 70; so platycephaly |-ˈsɛfəlɪ|, the condition of having a platycephalic skull (Cent. Dict., Syd. Soc. Lex.); platycercine |-ˈsɜːsaɪn| Ornith. [Gr. κέρκος tail], a., belonging to the subfamily Platycercīnæ or broadtailed parakeets; n. a bird of this subfamily; platycnemic |-ˈkniːmɪk| a. Anat. [Gr. κνήµη tibia], of the tibia, broad and flat; also, of a person, having such tibiæ; so platyˈcnemia [mod.L.], -ˈcnemism, -ˈcnemy, platycnemic condition; platycœlian |-ˈsiːlɪən|; cœlous |-ˈsiːləs| adjs. Anat. [Gr. κοῖλος hollow], flat in front and concave behind, as the centrum of a vertebra (= opisthocœlian, -cœlous); platyˈcranial a., broad-skulled; platycrinid |-ˈkrɪnɪd, -kraɪ-|, -ˈcrinite, ˈcrinoid, an encrinite or fossil crinoid of the genus Platycrinus or family Platycrinidæ, having broad flat radial and basal plates; platydactyl |-ˈdæktɪl| Zool. [Gr. δάκτυλος digit], a., having broad flat toes; spec. belonging to the division Platydactyla or Discodactyla of batrachians; n. a platydactyl batrachian (= discodactyl: opp. to oxydactyl); so platyˈdactylous a., flat-toed; platydolichocephalic |-ˌdɒlɪkəʊsɪˈfælɪk| a. Craniom., (of a skull) both platycephalic and dolichocephalic, i.e. flat, and long in proportion to its breadth; platyˈgastric a., having broad gastric cavities; also, allied to the genus Platygaster of parasitic hymenopterous insects; platyˈglossal, -ˈglossate, -ˈglossous adjs. [Gr. γλῶσσα tongue], having a broad tongue; platyhieric |-haɪˈɛrɪk| a. Anat. [Gr. ἱερὸν (ὀστέον) = L. (os) sacrum], having a broad sacrum, or one whose breadth exceeds its height; platymesaticephalic |-ˌmɛsətɪsɪˈfælɪk|, -ˌmesoceˈphalic adjs. Craniom., (of a skull) both platycephalic and mesati- (or meso-) cephalic, i.e. flat, and of medium breadth; platymeter |pləˈtɪmɪtə(r)| Electr. [-meter], an apparatus for measuring the inductive capacity of different dielectrics in the form of plates or disks; platyˈnotal a. Zool. [Gr. νῶτον back], broad-backed; spec. belonging to the group Platynota of lizards, also called varanoid; so ˈplatynote, a. = prec.; n. a platynotal or varanoid lizard; platyodont |ˈplætɪəʊdɒnt| Zool. [Gr. ὀδούς, ὀδοντ- tooth], a. broad-toothed; n. a broad-toothed animal; platyopic |-ˈɒpɪk| a. Craniom. [Gr. ὤψ, ὠπ- face], having a broad or flat face (see quot.); so ˈplatyope |-əʊp|, a platyopic person, animal, or skull; platyˈpellic a. Anat. [Gr. πέλλα bowl, taken as = pelvis], having a flat pelvis (see quot.); platypetalous |-ˈpɛtələs| a. Bot., having broad petals; platyphylline |-ˈfɪlɪn, -aɪn|, -phyllous |-ˈfɪləs| adjs. Bot. [Gr. ϕύλλον leaf, ϕύλλῐνος of leaves], broad-leaved, or resembling a broad leaf; platypygous |plætɪˈpaɪgəs| a. Zool. [Gr. πῡγή rump], having broad buttocks; platyrhynchine |-ˈrɪŋkaɪn|, -rhynchous |-ˈrɪŋkəs| adjs. Ornith. [Gr. ῥύγχος beak], having a flat or broad bill; spec. belonging to the genus Platyrhynchus or subfamily Platyrhynchīnæ of American fly-catchers; platyscopic |-ˈskɒpɪk| a. [Gr. σκοπός looker, σκοπεῖν to view], trade-name for a lens or combination of lenses giving a wide field of view; platysome |ˈplætɪsəʊm| Entom. [Gr. σῶµα body] a beetle of Latreille's division Platysomata (= the modern family Cucujidæ), characterized by a flat body; platyˈsomid, n. a fish of the extinct family Platysomidæ; a. belonging to this family; platysternal |-ˈstɜːnəl| a. Zool., having a broad flat sternum or breast-bone, as a ratite bird; platystomous |pləˈtɪstəməs| a. Zool. [Gr. στόµα mouth], having a broad mouth or opening; platyurous |-ˈ(j)ʊərəs| a. Zool. [Gr. οὐρά tail], having a broad or flat tail. Also platycodon, etc. q.v.
1878Bartley tr. Topinard's Anthrop. v. 177 The second [deformity] has been called plastic by Mr. B. Davis,..and *platybasic by M. Broca.
1813–26Prichard Phys. Hist. Man. (ed. 2) I. 174, I propose to divide the varieties of the skull into three classes... 1. The first..may be termed the mesobregmate... 2. Stenobregmate... 3. *Platybregmate. Section of the vertex widened, and assuming a square figure, the cheek-bones projecting considerably beyond the out⁓line of this section.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Platycarpus, having large fruit,..*platycarpous.
1861Sat. Rev. 7 Sept. 253 A *platy-cephalic skull belonged to the skeleton of an old man in the same barrow.1878Bartley tr. Topinard's Anthrop. v. 176 Platycephalic, with the vault of the skull flattened, elliptical.
1846Smart Suppl., *Platycephalous, broad-headed,—epithet of a species of the asaphus, a trilobite.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Platycephalus, Bot. applied to a mushroom having a flat head,..platycephalous.
1902*Platycephaly [see brachycranial adj. s.v. brachy-].1946Nature 28 Sept. 428/1 Many of the skull characters are remarkably simian, including heavy projecting supra-orbital ridges, retreating forehead, marked platycephaly and massive jaws.
1899Cambr. Nat. Hist. IX. 362 At the base is generally a large swollen cere..in the *Platycercine group this is very small.
1878Bartley tr. Topinard's Anthrop. ii. iv. 299 The character which the tibia sometimes presents, and which bears the name of *platycnemia.1902J. Beddoe in Jrnl. Roy. Inst. Cornwall XV. 168 There is very little tendency to platyknemia in the Harlyn Bay bones.
1863Lyell Antiq. Man vii. (1873) 144 The tibia or shin bone was somewhat *platycnemic or flattened.
1874Dawkins Cave Hunt. v. 155 These remains..present the peculiar character of *platycnemism.
1888Athenæum 26 May 666/2 M. Manouvrier's memoir on *platycnemy in man and the anthropoids is a complete analysis of all observations made upon the shape of the tibia.
1854R. Owen Skel. & Teeth in Orr's Circ. Sc. I. Org. Nat. 202 This ‘*platycœlian’ type..we find in the dorsal and caudal vertebræ of the.. cetiosaurus.
1902Biometrika I. 462 Brachycephaly is associated with *platycranial characters in both races.
1846Smart Suppl., *Platycrinite, a lily-shaped animal with a broad flat scapula.1864Webster, Platycrinite (Paleon.), a kind of encrinite, the body of which is stout, and made up of a few large plates.
1895Syd. Soc. Lex., *Platydactyl, having flat, broad digits.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Platydactylus,..having the hind feet expanded in form of oars: *platydactylous.
Ibid., *Platyglossate... *Platyglossous.
1855Prof. W. Thomson in 25th Rept. Brit. Assoc., Trans. Sections 22 Electroplatymeter.1886W. Turner in Jrnl. Anat. & Path. XX. 317 The following descriptive terms may conveniently express these differences in the relative length and breadth of the sacrum. As the Greek word ἱερὸν is the equivalent of the Latin sacrum; the term dolichohieric would signify a sacrum in which the length exceeded the breadth, whilst *platyhieric would signify a sacrum in which the breadth exceeded the length.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Platyhieric, with broad sacrum. Epithet applied to species or individuals in whom the sacral index (breadth × 100 {div} height) exceeds 100. Nearly all females of whatever race are platyhieric, but amongst males few black races come under this head.
a1892(Scientific Jrnl.) For small capacities [of electricity and magnetism] Sir W. Thomson's *platymeter and sliding condenser may be used.
1843Penny Cycl. XXVI. 125/2 Varanidæ, a family of Lizards, designated..as *Platynote or Broad-backed Saurians.
1885O. Thomas in Jrnl. Anthrop. Inst. XIV. 334 Individual skulls or races having indices below 107·5 might be named *platyopic or flat faced; from 107·5 to 110·0 mesopic.1885Athenæum 31 Jan. 156/1 The terms pro-opic, mesopic, and platyopic were suggested for skulls or races showing various degrees of development in this respect.
1885W. Turner in Jrnl. Anat. & Path. XX. 128, I..shall make three divisions, two of which will represent extreme forms in opposite directions, whilst the third will be intermediate. I shall express these divisions in terms derived from the Greek, so that the nomenclature in pelvic classification may be as far as possible on the same lines as the well-known divisions of crania... By dolichopellic is to be understood a pelvis in which the conjugate diameter of the brim is either longer than the transverse or approaches closely to it: by *platypellic a pelvis in which the transverse diameter of the brim greatly exceeds the conjugate; by mesatipellic a pelvis in which the transverse diameter is not so greatly in excess of the conjugate.1895Syd. Soc. Lex., Platypellic, term applied by Turner to pelves having a brim-index under 85.1966Platypellic [see mesatipellic a.].
1882Tuckerman N. Amer. Lichens I. 74 Thallus sub-membranaceous, stellate, appressed, *platyphylline.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., *Platyrhynchous.
1881Nature 8 Sept. p. cxxxviii, A new *Platyscopic Lens of lower power and a larger field than..previously made.1893G. Allen in Westm. Gaz. 27 June 2/1 Six months in the fields with a platyscopic lens would teach them strange things about the world around them.
1842Brande Dict. Sci. etc., *Platysomes,..species with a wide and much depressed body. These insects are found under the bark of trees.
1900Nature 20 Sept. 507/1 It has the *platysomid head contour and a long-based dorsal.
1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Platysternal..*Platystomous,..*Platyurous.




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