

单词 plitch
释义 plitch, v. Obs.
Forms: 1 *plycc(e)an, 5 plycche. pa. tense 4 plight(t)e, (pleightte), 5 plyȝte, plyghte. pa. pple. 4 plyȝt, 5 plight, 6 plyghte.
[OE. 2 sing. subj. and imper. plyce, plice, irreg. forms from *plycc(e)an:—WGer. type *plukkja- pluck (whence also Du. plucken, LG. plücken, MHG., Ger. pflücken): see pluck v.]
trans. To pluck, pull, snatch.
a1000in Techmer's Intern. Zeitschr. Sprachw. (1885) II. 122 Ðonne þu setræᵹel habban wille, þonne plice þu ðine aᵹene ᵹeweda mid twam fingrum.Ibid. 127 Þæt þu strece forð þin wenstre handstoc and plyce innan mid þinre wynstran hande.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 2401 His swerd of stiel he haþ up pliȝt.c1320R. Brunne Medit. 626 Fersly here swete sone ys from her plyȝt.c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 1071 (1120) He seyd here þus and out þe lettre plighte.c1380Sir Ferumb. 3029 He..plyȝte him of is sadel with mayn.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's Prol. 15 And sodeynly he plighte his hors aboute.
Hence ˈplitching vbl. n., plucking, carping.
c1440Jacob's Well 294 Þe synnes of þi mowth arn..plycchyng at loue & charyte.




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