

单词 ploughman
释义 ploughman, plow-|ˈplaʊmən|
[Cf. MDu. ploegh-man.]
a. A man who follows and guides the plough; often used generically for a farm-labourer or rustic.
1271Recds. Leicester (1899) I. 137 Joh. Carucario (le caruer) Plouman.c1290S. Eng. Leg. I. 425/182 Huy comen..plouȝ-Man with his Aker-staf, Archer mid bouwe and knyue.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. vii. 3 Quaþ perkyn þe plouȝmon..‘I haue an half Aker to herie bi þe heiȝe weye’.c1386Chaucer Prol. 529 With hym ther was a Plowman was his brother That hadde ylad of dong ful many a fother.c1440Alphabet of Tales 214 Hurde-men & plew-men rescowid his childer fro þis lyon & þis wulfe.1535Coverdale 1 Sam. viii. 12 To be plowemen to tyll his londe and to be reapers in his haruest.1548–9Latimer Ploughers (Arb.) 19 Because I lyken preachyng to a ploughmans laboure and a prelate to a ploughman.1750Gray Elegy i, The plow⁓man homeward plods his weary way.1807Crabbe Par. Reg. ii. 321 Unletter'd swains and ploughmen coarse they slight.1879Shairp Burns i. 34 Now [1786] persons of every rank were anxious to become acquainted with the wonderful Ayrshire Ploughman.
b. attrib. and Comb. (a) appositional, as ploughman lad, etc.; (b) with possessive, ploughman's fee: see quot. 1885; ploughman's lunch, a cold snack, usu. including bread, cheese, and pickle, and freq. served in a public house at lunch-time; also ellipt., as plough-man's; ploughman's spikenard, a plant: see spikenard.
(a)1608Topsell Serpents (1658) 694 They are found..among the Pastoral or Plow-men Africans.1786Burns Scotch Drink xi, The braunie, bainie, ploughman chiel.1834A. Cunningham Brit. Lit. 19 Songs..written by a ploughman-lad.
1885C. I. Elton in Encycl. Brit. XIX. 735/1 The strict English primogeniture as applied to the rustic holdings, sometimes called fiefs de roturier or ‘ploughman's fee’.
[1837J. G. Lockhart Mem. Life W. Scott IV. v. 161 The surprised poet swung forth to join them, with an extemporized sandwich, that looked like a ploughman's luncheon, in his hand.]1970R. Trehane in B. H. Axler Cheese Handbk. p. iii, English cheese and beer have for centuries formed a perfect combination enjoyed as the Ploughman's Lunch.1971Oxford Mail 27 Oct. 1/8 The loaf is to be cut into 200 pieces and eaten as part of 200 ploughman's lunches.1973P. Theroux Saint Jack v. 60 We had a ploughman's lunch in the village—beautiful old pub—and went back to London.1975Times 30 Aug. 10/2 The pubs specialize in lunchtime catering..and you can get a decent ‘ploughman's’ for between 20p and 30p.1977J. Thomson Case Closed v. 73 He treated himself to a ploughman's lunch of bread, cheese and pickle..at the Red Lion.




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