

单词 resurvey
释义 I. reˈsurvey, n.
[re- 5 a.]
A fresh survey.
1662Virginia Stat. (1823) II. 101 The ffifty seaventh act prohibiting resurveighs not applying the expected remedies.1702Refl. on Case of W. Penn 9 The next thing to be consider'd is the Over-plus Land upon a Re-survey.1768in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1886) II. 244 A resurvey of the intended navigation from Leeds to Liverpoole.1806Phil. Trans. XCVI. 349 By repeated re-surveys these lines are kept up.1862Smiles Engineers III. 156 The re-survey of the line would occupy at least four weeks.1892Pall Mall G. 5 May 2/2 A re-survey has for some time been taking place.
II. resurˈvey, v.|riː-|
[re- 5 a.]
1. trans. To read over again; to examine or consider afresh.
1599Shakes. Hen. V, v. ii. 81 To appoint some of your Councell..To sit with vs once more, with better heed To re-suruey them.1661Boyle Style of Script. 251 When upon a greater Familiarity with..the applicablenesse of Scripture, I came to resurvey it.a1711Ken Preparativ Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 11 My Cyphers I to Figures change,..But when I resurvey the Score, I still find more.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 117 Collins, and the whole array of writers.., greatly need to be re-surveyed from the point of view of our own age.
2. To survey (land, etc.) again.
1747Col. Rec. Pennsylv. V. 107 That the said Road shall be Resurveyed and laid out according to the Courses it now runs.1784R. Bage Barham Downs II. 74 An eminent surveyor..had been employed by the young Earl to resurvey his estates.1806Phil. Trans. XCVI. 350 The old estates have been often re-surveyed.1861Smiles Engineers II. 151 He found it necessary to resurvey the whole line.1876C. T. Davis Polaris Exp. xiii. 301 The coast-line..does not seem to be correct, and ought to be resurveyed.




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