

单词 portator
释义 portator Obs. rare
Forms: 5 -ur, 6 -our, 7 -or.
[a. AF. portatour = obs. F. portateur (1540 in Godef.), ad. L. *portātōr-em, agent-n. f. portāre to carry.]
A bearer, carrier, supporter.
c1485Digby Myst. (1882) iii. 306 Also I am þe prymatt portatur next heueyn, yf þe trewth be sowth, & that I Iugge me to skryptur.1529St. Papers Hen. VIII, IV. 562, I haue send this present portatour to the Kingis Hienes.., amply instructit with my mynd, as he will informe ȝow.a1660Contemp. Hist. Irel. (Ir. Archæol. Soc.) I. 158 Some of the ministers, portators of this money.Ibid. III. 68 Tellinge..that he was portator of both his parents curse.




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