

单词 posting
释义 I. posting, vbl. n.1|ˈpəʊstɪŋ|
[f. post v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of post v.1 in various senses.
[c indigo]I. 1. a.[/c] The dispatching of letters, etc., by a messenger riding ‘post’ (obs.). b. Travelling by means of relays of horses. c. The keeping of post-horses, -vehicles, etc., as a business.
c1559R. Hall Life of Fisher lf. 42 b, Then wanted no posting of letters betweene y⊇ kinge and y⊇ ambassadors.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xxiii. (1623) 1128 Betwixt whom were such posting of letters, such speeding to and fro.1653R. Sanders Physiogn. 157 They [persons] will be prompt, and fit for posting.1790C. M. Graham Lett. Educ. 141 Posting on the continent is now so much the fashion, as often to oblige a man of fortune to repeat his tour, in order to gratify his family.1840Penny Cycl. XVIII. 459/2 Posting continues in most countries to be carried on by the state, which retains the monopoly of supplying post⁓horses, and..of forwarding mails and diligences.Ibid. 460/1 Between Vienna and Pesth there is..an independent posting establishment, the speculation of peasants who drive their own horses, and called ‘Bauern post’.Ibid. 460/2 The great superiority of English over foreign posting [shows] that..open competition in this trade is preferable to a government monopoly and control.a1908Mod. Hotel Advt., Posting in all its branches.
2. Speedy travelling: hastening, haste, hurry.
1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxx. (1612) 149, I say, that Beautie beggeth if by posting it be got.1599T. M[oufet] Silkwormes 12 Whereat the fearefull maide in posting flung..Into a secret caue.1632Lithgow Trav. ix. 500 All the Gold of the Kingdome, is daily Transported away with superfluous posting for Court.
3. The dispatching or conveying of letters and other postal matter through or by the post office; the putting of a letter, etc., into the charge of the post office, or into a post-office letter-box. Also, the (amount of) mail posted during a given period.
1871M. Collins Mrq. & Merch. I. v. 176 [He] showed her the way to the post-office, and gave her..information as to the hours of posting.1884Act 47 & 48 Vict. c. 76 §19. (2) The due posting of a postal packet.1900Daily News 13 June 6/7 Late fee posting at pillar-boxes..is to be withdrawn on the 18th inst.1909Daily Chron. 30 Dec. 3/6 During the Christmas week of last year the postings in London alone totalled upwards of 70,000,000.1971D. Potter Brit. Eliz. Stamps i. 14 Beginning with the Shakespeare set in 1964, special envelopes were..used. Stratford-on-Avon must have had one of their heaviest postings ever.
4. The transferring (of responsibility, etc.) to another. Also with off, over. Obs.
a1591H. Smith Serm. (1866) II. 236 There will be such a posting off of sin, that never a one will be found guilty.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 13 Manifested by deed of Indenture, or posting ouer of the charge to another.1617Hieron Wks. II. 320 A shamelesse excusing of euill, with a posting it ouer vnto God.
5. Book-keeping. The carrying of an entry from the journal or other auxiliary book into the ledger; the formal entry of an item in a book of accounts; the bringing of account books up to date.
1682J. Scarlett Exchanges 38 In the posting of the same into his great Book, or Leidger, the Forreign Coynes must be duely exprest.1745De Foe's Eng. Tradesman (1841) I. xxxi. 323 There is no posting the books on a death-bed.1849Freese Comm. Class-bk. 111 In order to prove the correctness of the Postings to the Ledger.1850Plan for Ch. Hist. Soc. 9 What they chiefly want is what..commercial men call ‘posting up’.
III. 6. attrib. and Comb.: in sense 1, as posting carriage, posting establishment, posting house, posting inn; in sense 3, as posting box, posting clerk; posting-belt, a broad leather or other belt worn by postilions or post-boys.
1737Med. Ess. & Observ. IV. 61 Our Patient..was desired to wear a posting Belt, with proper Compresses upon the Place where the Wound had been, for some time,..that upon any violent Motion a Hernia might be prevented.1836Dickens Sk. Boz, Gt. Winglebury Duel, The Winglebury Arms..is the principal Inn of Great Winglebury—the commercial inn, posting-house and excise-office.1844Mart. Chuz. xx, They had a posting carriage at the porch.1876T. Hardy Ethelberta (1890) 354, I think the best posting⁓house at this end of the town is Tempett's.1893Scott. Leader 12 June 2/1 Posting Establishment Complete.1895Daily News 31 May 3/6 The branch and sub-offices at which the posting boxes are continuously open.1899A. H. Sayce Early Israel v. 160 Carriage roads were constructed with posting inns at intervals along them.
II. ˈposting, vbl. n.2
[f. post v.2 + -ing1.]
The action of post v.2 in various senses: spec.
1. The mooring of a vessel to a post. Also attrib. as posting dues.
1868Exeter & Plymouth Gaz. 13 Mar., Paying a small sum to the owner for ‘posting’—that was for tying up the vessels to a post.Ibid., He paid posting dues twenty-six years ago to Mr. Chapple, but not since. Harbour dues were paid to Mr. Chanter, Lord of the Manor of Northam.
2. a. The action of fixing a placard, notice, etc. on a post, etc., or of making anything public by this means; public advertisement by posters.
1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. xl. (1674) 54 The very night after the posting up of this defiance.1701–3(title of MS.) A Book of Postings and Sale of the Forfeited and other Estates and Interests in Ireland.1850H. Martineau Hist. Peace II. iv. ix. 412 The people would not permit the posting of notices of arrears.1862Boston Transcr. 22 Aug. 1/2 Is there no way of protection against the posting of bills about our city?
b. attrib. and Comb., as posting-board, posting-business; posting-bill, a placard: = poster2 2.
1802Naval Chron. VIII. 436 Posting bills have been put up.., offering a bounty.1838Actors by Daylight I. 182 A pair or two of wooden posting-boards.1884West. Morn. News 30 Aug. 1/5 Particulars will appear in posting bills.1889Pall Mall G. 23 Jan. 3/1 It is now ten years ago since the picture posting business was first reduced not only to an art but almost to a science.

Computing. A message displayed on a mailing list, newsgroup, or other online forum to which it has been sent. Also: the action of sending such a message.
This sense shows the influence of posting n.2 Cf. post v.2
1981Fa.works in fa.apollo (Usenet newsgroup) 18 June Posting on fa.works will be read by all you usenet people and not the people who seem to be contributing all the info.1984Data Communications (Nexis) Sept. 278 Usenet consists of more than 190 categories with postings from more than 850 Unix sites worldwide.1992N.Y. Times 1 Dec. c14/4 Nancy Baym..is writing her dissertation on the 35,000 soap-opera postings she has tracked on Usenet.1997J. Seabrook Deeper iv. 117 Although the cat lovers could in theory ‘killfile’ the miscreants after their first posting.., the shocking words tended to linger in your head.2002Entertainm. Weekly 18 Jan. 50/2 He also has to feed the beast—his ardent fans—with regular postings on his website.
III. posting
see also post v.3 and v.4.
IV. posting, ppl. a.|ˈpəʊstɪŋ|
[f. post v.1 + -ing2.]
That posts; swift, speedy, rapid; hasty, hurrying, fleeting.
posting fever, posting sweat, the sweating sickness, sudor anglicanus, of which several epidemics occurred 1481–1551.
c1553in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) III. vii. 72 The posting sweat, that posted from town to town thorow England, and was named ‘stop-gallant’.1575R. B. Appius & Virginia D j, With posting speede, to Court I do repaire.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 10 Neither did we run ouer the worke with that posting haste that the Septuagint did.1642Gauden Three Serm. 26 A few posting and perfunctory prayers.1718Prior Solomon ii. 827 This only object of my real care,..In some few posting fatal hours is hurled From wealth.1891Creighton Hist. Epidemics I. 276 Like dengue, influenza, and others of the ‘posting’ fevers of former time.
Hence ˈpostingly adv., hastily, hurriedly.
1636Earl of Cork in Lismore Papers (1888) Ser. ii. III. 259, I could neuer see that [paper]..neither can I remember the contents of it, it was so postingly read ouer vnto me.




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