

单词 preaching
释义 I. preaching, vbl. n.|ˈpriːtʃɪŋ|
1. The action of the verb preach; the delivery of a sermon or public religious discourse; the practice or art of delivering sermons.
c1275Passion our Lord 671 in O.E. Misc. 56 We iherden heom heryen in heore preching After vre tunge þen heoueliche kyng.13..Cursor M. 196 (Gött.) For his preching [v.r. sermon] þai him thrett.c1400Mandeville (1839) xxii. 239 The prechynge of religiouse cristen men.c1440York Myst. xxi. 6 Men are so dull þat my preching Serues of noght.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 601/1 They could not beleue it at the preaching of a woman, without any other miracle.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 60 The preaching of the Gospell.1673True Worsh. God 45 Preaching is nothing else but Publishing, Declaring, or Pronouncing what is said to be Preached.1681–6J. Scott Chr. Life (1747) III. 428 By an immediate miraculous Unction of the Holy Ghost, by which they were inspired with the Gifts of Preaching.1882J. Parker Apost. Life I. 96 Apostolic preaching was religious preaching,..and it kept itself to this one theme—the turning away men from their iniquities.
2. with a and pl.
a. The delivering of a sermon; that which is preached, a sermon or discourse;
b. (chiefly Sc.) a public religious service.
c1449Pecock Repr. 90 For without him Grees goon on out of gree and prechingis rennen arere.1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 71 At playis, and preichingis, and pilgrimages greit.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §155 A preachyng or a sermon is where a conuocacyon or a gatherynge of people on holy dayes..[is] in chirches or other places & tymes set & ordeyned for y⊇ same.1535Coverdale Jer. li. 64 Thus farre are y⊇ preachinges of Ieremy.Jonah iii. 2 Preach vnto them the preachinge, which I bade the.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 138 b, This infamie was spoken in preachynges and euerywhere.c1650Z. Boyd in Zion's Flowers (1855) Introd. 50 There is not a preaching preached but some gracious pickle falleth upon some heart.1837H. Martineau Soc. Amer. III. 145 In New England, a vast deal of time is spent in attending preachings, and other religious meetings.1861M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 48 We find the Germans..attending the preachings in Allhallows.
3. attrib. and Comb., as preaching age, preaching business, preaching place, preaching-stand, preaching-stole, preaching time, preaching tour, preaching-yard, etc.; preaching-cross, see quot. 1882; preaching-station, a station or fixed place to which a missionary or preacher comes from time to time to hold a religious service. See also preaching-house.
1440–1Norwich Sacrist's Roll (MS.), Pro magnis portis de le prechyngyerd juxta Carnarium.1549Latimer 5th Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 139 Scala cœli, is a preachynge matter..and not a massyng matter.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (Camden) 20 Pecoke..stode at Powlles crosse,..& there he abjuryd & revokyd them in the prechenynge tyme in the presens of the byshoppe of Cauntorbury.1571Golding Calvin on Ps. xxix. 9 To appoint the temple as it were the preaching place of God's glory.1641Arminian Nunnery 7 By the preaching-place stood the Font.1686Plot Staffordsh. 275 He left..3083 Sermons..accounted a prodigious number in this preaching age.1845A. Wiley in Indiana Mag. Hist. (1927) XXIII. 37 Many new neighbors were taken in as preaching places.1848Wesleyan Missionary Notices VI. 164/1 In my last I expressed a desire..to open a preaching-place in a mountain district [of Jamaica].1856Mrs. Stowe Dred I. xxiii. 314 The assembly poured in and arranged themselves before the preaching-stand.1857P. Cartwright Autobiogr. viii. 85 We took in a new preaching-place at a Mr. Moor's.1875W. McIlwraith Guide Wigtownshire 86 A preaching-station in connection with the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Stranraer.1882Ogilvie, Preaching Cross, a kind of cross formerly erected on a highway or in an open place, at which the monks and others were wont to preach.1894Hall Caine Manxman 24 Cæsar returned home from a preaching tour.1953M. Powys Lace & Lace-Making vi. 67 A small piece of lace like a straight collar about seven inches long and one and a half inches wide could be used as a ‘protective’ for a preaching stole.1959C. L. Wrenn Word & Symbol (1967) 23 The association of the saintly first preachers of Christianity in religious memory with the ‘preaching crosses’, which the missionary first set up at his oratory, is a well-known feature of the early Celtic Church.1960Church & People Nov.–Dec. 182 Africans flocking to our Mission churches and preaching places.1970M. Swanton Dream of Rood 13 It is clearly a preaching cross. Its message is evangelical, stating the role of Christ in the world of men.1972Country Life 17 Feb. 408/1 One such building at Sare dedicated to Saint Francis Xavier has a most unusual statue in coloured wood showing the saint in cassock, surplice and preaching stole.
II. ˈpreaching, ppl. a.
[f. preach v. + -ing2.]
That preaches: see the verb.
preaching friar, (spec.) a Dominican; = preacher 2.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. (1882) 71 Are those preaching prelates,..or else reading ministers?c1585R. Browne Answ. Cartwright 12 The preaching Minister can not cause them to bee a Church of God.1650R. Stapylton Strada's Low C. Warres ii. 35 So that nothing was done to oppose the preaching-men.1700Tyrrell Hist. Eng. II. 882 The Preaching Friars and Minors exhorted him.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xii. III. 140 It was known that a preaching friar had been exerting himself to inflame the Irish population of the neighbourhood against the heretics.
Hence ˈpreachingly adv., in a preaching manner.
1657J. Sergeant Schism Dispach't Post-Script, Their old method of talking preachingly, quotingly and quibblingly.




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