

单词 predelineate
释义 predeˈlineate, v. rare.|priː-|
[pre- A. 1.]
To delineate beforehand. Hence predeˈlineated ppl. a. So predelinˈeation, previous delineation; in quot. 1879 in reference to the old theory that all the parts of the complete animal body already existed in the spermatozoon: cf. preformation 2.
1682H. More Annot. Glanvill's Lux O. 119 The same spirit of Nature which prepares the matter by some general Predelineation.Ibid. 125 Such a soul as is most congruous to the predelineated Matter which it has prepared for her.1879tr. Haeckel's Evol. Man I. 37 The Animalculists, or the Believers in Sperm, looked upon the moving seminal threads as the real animal germs... Leeuwenhoek, Hartsoeker, and Spallanzani were the chief defenders of this theory of Pre-delineation.




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