

单词 predominant
释义 predominant, a. and n.|prɪˈdɒmɪnənt|
[a. F. prédominant (14th c. in Godef. Compl.), ad. L. type *prædominānt-em, pres. pple. of *prædominārī, -āre: see predomine.]
A. adj. Predominating.
1. Having ascendancy, power, influence, or authority over others; superior, ascendant, prevalent.
In early use a term of Astrology, also of Physiology.
predominant branch of a tree (Math.): see dominant 5. predominant nerve (Bot.): the main or principal nerve, as in the leaves of mosses. predominant partner: a phrase applied (after Lord Rosebery) to England among the several constituents of the United Kingdom.
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 279 You are not ignoraunt, yt melancholy being predominant,..moueth men to madnesse.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. ii. iii. 29 And where the worser is predominant, Full soone the Canker death eates vp that Plant.1601All's Well i. i. 211 Hel. The warres hath so kept you vnder, that you must needes be borne vnder Mars. Par. When he was predominant.1672Petty Pol. Anat. (1691) 34 Why do not the predominant Party in Parliament..make England beyond Trent another Kingdom?1751Johnson Rambler No. 103 ⁋7 The temporary effect of a predominant passion.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. i. 315 After the power of the English became predominant.1863Geo. Eliot Romola i, A change which was apt to make the women's voices predominant in the chorus.1894Ld. Rosebery Sp. Ho. Lds. 12 Mar. (Hansard iv. XXII. 32), The noble Marquess [of Salisbury] made one remark on the subject of Irish Home Rule with which I confess myself in entire accord. He said that before Irish Home Rule is conceded by the Imperial Parliament, England, as the predominant Member of the partnership of the Three Kingdoms, will have to be convinced of its justice and equity.1894Times 19 Mar. 9/3 But if only a simple majority was contemplated, why the allusion to England as the predominant partner? Mr. Gladstone had a majority, and tried by its aid to carry Home Rule against the predominant partner.1904Daily Chron. 18 Mar. 6/4 If the predominant partner theory was to be carried out in the next Government.
b. More vaguely: More abundant as an element; more frequent; prevailing, prevalent.
1601Holland Pliny II. 488 A third [Corinthian metal] of an equall medley and temperature, wherein a man shall not perceiue any one mettall predominant.1635Swan Spec. M. v. §2 (1643) 176 The Equator where heat is most predominant.1709Berkeley The. Vision Ded., Those criminal pleasures so fashionable and predominant in the age we live in.1851D. Wilson Preh. Ann. (1863) II. iv. i. 179 The predominant Erse dialect.1878Huxley Physiogr. 47 The wet side being that towards which the predominant winds blow.
c. With of: Domineering over, overruling. Obs.
1642in Clarendon Hist. Reb. vi. §106 They were so presumptuous, and predominant of his Majesties Resolutions, that they forbear not those outrages.
d. fig. Superior in position, towering over.
1797Holcroft tr. Stolberg's Trav. (ed. 2) II. xliv. 96 The Cupola..rises predominant over every object.1867A. Barry Sir C. Barry vii. 251 Made the roofs boldly predominant.
2. Her. (See quots.)
1766–87Porny Heraldry Gloss., Predominant, this term is sometimes used in Heraldry to signify that the Field is but of one Tincture.Ibid. 28 When some Metal, Colour, or Fur, is spread all over the Surface or Field, such a Tincture is said to be predominant.
B. n. That which predominates:
a. A predominating person, influence, power, or authority; a predominating quality, fact, or feature.
1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxxii. (1612) 163 We are Predominants, say we.1594Warres Cyrus 907 Reason, my Lord, was the predominant.1599B. Jonson Ev. Man out of Hum. iii. iii, You must first haue an especial care so to weare your hat, that it oppresse not confusedly this your predominant or fore-top.a1656Ussher Ann. vi. (1658) 219 The Sun..was the Predominant in Greece, and the Moon in Persia.1890C. L. Morgan Anim. Life & Intell. 349, I venture to call the prominent quality a predominant as opposed to the isolate.
b. A predominating or besetting sin. Obs.
1633W. Struther in Spurgeon Treas. Dav. Ps. xxxvi. 4 Every man's predominant is a beast of Satan's saddling and providing.1699E. West Mem. (1865) 143, I was ill employed, pursuing after my idols and predominants.
c. Welsh Phonology. (See quot.)
1856J. Williams Gram. Edeyrn §134 Predominants..which are f, ph, ch, ng, ngh, dd, th, l, m, n, r, mh, nh, being so called because they prevail over the umbratiles, thrust them out of the sentence, and reign by their own power in their stead.




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