

单词 protection
释义 protection|prəʊˈtɛkʃən|
Also 4 prott-, 4–5 proteccioun(e, -ione, 5–6 -ion, -yon, (4 -texcion, 6 -texion), 6 protectione, -ioun.
[ME. a. F. protection (12–13th c.), ad. late L. prōtectiōn-em, n. of action f. prōteg-ĕre to protect.]
1. a. The action of protecting; the fact or condition of being protected; shelter, defence, or preservation from harm, danger, or evil; patronage, tutelage.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints iii. (Andreas) 943, I can fynd place na-quhare, þat to me sa gaynand ware, as vndir ȝour proteccione.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. i. (Skeat) I. 122 And yt innocence..safely might inhabyte by protexcion of safe conducte.1453Rolls of Parlt. V. 267/1 That everyche other persone..stand and be putte oute of youre protection.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon xvi. 388, I leve this castel in your proteccyon & sauff garde.1596Shakes. Merch. V. v. i. 235 Be well aduis'd How you doe leaue me to mine owne protection.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxvii. 152 When there is no such Power, there is no protection to be had from the Law.1795Burke Corr. (1844) IV. 313 Ireland, constitutionally, is independent; politically, she can never be so. It is a struggle against nature. She must be protected, and there is no protection to be found for her, but either from France or England.1809Proclam. 2 Oct. in Hertslet St. Pa. III. 251 note, We present ourselves to you, Inhabitants of Cephalonia, not as Invaders, with views of conquest, but as Allies who hold forth to you the advantages of British protection.1809Roland Fencing p. vii, Offering the present Work to your kind protection.1879Lubbock Sci. Lect. ii. 45 The prevailing color of caterpillars is green, like that of leaves. The value of this to the young insect, the protection it affords, are obvious.
b. euphem. The keeping of a concubine or mistress in a separate establishment.
1677H. Savile in 12th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 43 One Mrs. Johnson a lady of pleasure under his Lordship's protection.1809Wilberforce Sp. Ho. Com. 15 Mar. in Cobbett Parl. Deb. XIII. 590 That which used to be called ‘adultery’, was now only ‘living under protection’.1874J. Hatton Clytie (ed. 10) 171 While she was living under his lordship's protection at Gloucester Gate.
c. Freedom from molestation obtained by paying money to a person who threatens violence or retribution if payment is not made; hence protection money itself. Also in other extended uses.
1860[implied at protection-rent below].1903Independent 15 Jan. 148/2 I'm sure that no one man knows all ends of this business of ‘protection’.1930Economist 25 Oct. 754/1 A gangster would take it upon himself, say, to organise the selling of fish in one district in Chicago... The fishmonger who did not care for protection would find his shop bombed.1938G. Greene Brighton Rock ii. i. 78 I've got protection. You be careful.1938F. D. Sharpe Sharpe of Flying Squad xix. 202 A man offered to sell ‘protection’ to the bookmakers—at a price.1962D. Francis Dead Cert ix. 106, I..asked the owners straight out if they were paying protection.1977‘W. Haggard’ Poison People iii. iv. 123 A man whose prosperous business had kicked at increasing demands for protection and had therefore finally gone to the wall.
d. An attempt to preserve certain animals, plants, or undisturbed areas of land by enforcing rules governing access, collecting, hunting, etc.
1880Act 43 & 44 Vict. c. 35 It is expedient to provide for the protection of wild birds of the United Kingdom during the breeding season.1894W. H. Hudson Lost Brit. Birds 1 It was thought best to leave out any species represented by at least three or four pairs that have some measure of protection afforded to them when breeding.1895G. S. Anderson in Roosevelt & Grinsell Hunting in Many Lands 377 (heading) Protection of the Yellowstone National Park.1930J. S. Huxley Bird-Watching & Bird Behaviour vi. 115 Protection has brought the bittern back to breed and boom in Norfolk.1936Discovery Sept. 293/1 From time to time the moose is over⁓hunted in some districts, but after a few years' protection they come back again.1952H. L. Edlin Changing Wild Life of Brit. v. 71 The Harriers, typical hawks of the marshes, became very rare, but under protection a few continue to nest.1969F. N. Hepper in J. Fisher et al. Red. Bk. 360/2 The I.U.C.N. itself has taken the principal lead in this field by initiating a scheme for the protection of plant species.
e. Electr. Engin. The action or result of protect v. 4 c.
1890Slingo & Brooker Electr. Engin. xvii. 725 The way in which it [sc. the cut-out] affords this protection is by automatically disconnecting the circuit when the current..exceeds a certain predetermined limit.1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-Bk (ed. 4) 428 Merz-Price protection may operate by a balance of voltages or a balance of currents. The former is used for the protection of cables, and the latter for the protection of transformers and alternators.1962Newnes Conc. Encycl. Electr. Engin. 612/1 The fuse forms the basis of most small, simple distribution-system protection, combining overcurrent protection and fault isolation.1977R. W. Smeaton Switchgear & Control Handbk. xxvi. 27 The proper choice of protection is based on equipment size, application reliability, shutdowns, probability of faults, and economics.
f. Chem. The action of protect v. 5 a and b.
1909J. Alexander tr. Zsigmondy's Colloids & Ultramicroscope xviii. 185 The origin of the protection of the gold can be most simply explained by the assumption that specific attractive forces bring about a union of the ultramicrons of metal and protective colloid.1939Thorpe's Dict. Appl. Chem. (ed. 4) III. 287/1 The protection of sols is of great importance and has been practised empirically since ancient times.1947Nature 12 Apr. 500/1 The use of the carbobenzoxy reagent for protection of amino-groups in the course of peptide synthesis has..some limitations.1951I. L. Finar Org. Chem. I. xii. 215 ‘Protection’ of the double bond is conveniently carried out by the addition of bromine which is subsequently removed by zinc dust in methanolic solution.1958J. W. Mullin in Cremer & Davies Chem. Engin. Pract. VI. xi. 459 Protection is effected by a number of lyophilic molecules which envelop a lyophobic particle and cover it with a monomolecular layer.
g. Bridge. (See quot. 1967.)
1952I. Macleod Bridge vii. 88 Naturally, if there is an element of protection about your bid,..partner will realize that you may be quite a bit weaker.1958Listener 30 Oct. 709/3 This is a situation in which I cannot look for protection.1967Bridge Players' Encycl. 393/2 Protection, reopening with a bid or double when the opposing bidding has stopped at a low level.
h. Mountaineering. (See quot. 1971.)
1966C. Bonnington I chose to Climb iii. 46 There was no protection and it was now necessary to pivot round on one's toes to grasp the smooth, square-cut edge of the bulge.1971Annapurna South Face Gloss. 323 Protection, quantity and quality of running belays used to make a pitch safe to lead.
2. A thing or person that protects.
1388Wyclif Prol. 33 It is a comyn proteccioun aȝens persecuscioun of prelatis and of summe lordis.c1410Hoccleve Mother of God 120 Be yee oure help and our proteccioun.1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 38 Our singular defence and protectioun.1750Gray Long Story 96 His quiver and his laurel 'Gainst four such eyes were no protection.1823F. Clissold Ascent Mt. Blanc 17 We all put on our veils, as a protection from the heat and light.
3. A writing or document that guarantees protection, exemption, or immunity to the person specified in it; a safe-conduct, passport, pass; esp. (also, letter of protection) a writing issued by the king granting immunity from arrest or lawsuit to one engaged in his service, or going abroad with his cognizance (obs.). In U.S. a certificate of American citizenship issued by the customs authorities to seamen.
[1312Rolls of Parlt. I. 286/1 Par Protections graunteez as gentz qe se feignent d'aler en service le Roi.]c1450Godstow Reg. 665 A proteccion of kyng Richard, worde by worde, after the proteccion of kyng henry afore I-writte.a1500in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 40 That our protecions..to ani persones to be made and graunted wt vs to gon and dwellen in our viage..from hensforth shul not be allowed in plees of dett for vytayles..bought vpon y⊇ viage, wherof in such proteccions mencion befallith to be made.1502–3Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 174 It hath pleased the Kings highnes to grant unto your father his letter of protexion.1595Expos. Terms Law 150 b, Protection is a writ, and it lyeth where that a man will passe ouer the Sea in the kings seruice, then..by this writ hee shall be quit of all manner of plees between him & any other person, except plees of dower [etc.].1607Cowell Interpr. s.v., Protection..in the speciall signification is vsed for an exemption, or an immunitie giuen by the King to a person against suites in lawe, or other vexations, vpon reasonable causes him there⁓unto moouing.1658–9Burton's Diary (1828) IV. 1 Moved that the speaker sign protections for such persons as are called before the Committee for inspecting Treasury and Revenue.1775De Lolme Eng. Const. ii. xvi. (1784) 244 Having been detected in selling protections.1897Kipling Day's Work (1898) 119 Jan Chinn never broke a protection spoken or written on paper.
4. Pol. Econ. The theory or system of fostering or developing home industries by protecting them from the competition of foreign productions, the importation of these being checked or discouraged by the imposition of duties or otherwise.
1789Deb. Congress U.S. 15 Apr. (1834) 150 He conceived it the duty of the committee to pay as much respect to the encouragement and protection of husbandry..as they did to manufactures.1820Hansard Lords 26 May 579 Let your lordships consider..what would be the effect..if the existing system of protection were abolished, and a fixed duty..were substituted.1828McCulloch Adam Smith's W.N. Notes 364 Without entitling them to a protection from foreign competition.1830Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) I. 194 Suppose then that every individual in the community was a producer of some kind, and that every one had a ‘protection’ upon his particular trade.1838C. P. Villiers 15 Mar. in Free Trade Speeches (1883) I. i. 7 What is the principle of the Corn Laws? I believe that I adopt the phrase which is current in reply when I say that it is Protection—Protection of the landed interest.1841Miall in Nonconf. I. 228 Protection means shutting out the best chapman and the best food.1875T. Hill True Ord. Stud. 127 Earnest debates..concerning protection and free trade.1881Oracle 12 Nov. 311 Protection means the taxing of commodities imported from foreign countries, so that home manufacturers or producers may be protected from being undersold..by foreign manufacturers or producers.1904A. J. Balfour Sp. at Edin. in Times 4 Oct. 4/3 The object of protection is to encourage home industries. The means by which it attains that object is by the manipulation of a fiscal system to raise home prices.
5. attrib. and Comb. Of, pertaining to, or for protection, as protection fee, protection grant, protection plate, protection wall, protection work; protection-burdened adj.; protection act, an act of parliament for the protection of classes of persons, of wild birds, etc.; protection forest, a forest whose purpose is to provide a dense cover of vegetation which helps to inhibit erosion and conserve water; protection money, money paid to secure protection (sense 1 c); protection racket, an illegal scheme for the levying of protection money; protection rent = protection money.
1881W. E. Forster Let. to Gladstone 1 Nov., in Reid Life (1888) II. viii. 361 We made up our minds to arrest the leaders under the *Protection Act.1888Reid Ibid. II. vii. 306 The passing of the Protection Act [1881] had been succeeded by a lull in the progress of the outrages in Ireland.1899Westm. Gaz. 18 Dec. 2/3 We are afraid that no number of orders under the Wild Birds Protection Act would render them safe.
1908Daily Chron. 11 May 1/7 Contrast between social reform possibilities in Free Trade Britain and *Protection-burdened Germany.
1820W. Tooke tr. Lucian I. 514 They never once think of paying their *protection-fees.1902Westm. Gaz. 10 July 9/1 A large number of the claims so abandoned..were not worth protection fees.
1889W. Schlich Man. Forestry I. i. 47 Already in the middle ages so-called ‘*Protection Forests’ existed.1928R. S. Troup Silvicultural Syst. ix. 116 To afford protection against erosion, landslips, and avalanches in mountainous regions, to conserve the water-supply in catchment areas and to prevent floods; forests maintained for such purposes are termed ‘protection forests’.1974Longman & Janík Trop. Forest vi. 123 Forest reserves are also particularly appropriate in steep terrain to prevent erosion and rapid run-off of water in catchment areas, and these have been recognised for many years as ‘protection forests’.
1923Nation (N.Y.) 24 Oct. 449 The men that help unload get $1 a case, and the revenue officers $2 *protection money.1934R. Graves I, Claudius xx. 289 Shopkeepers in the town and farmers in the country had to pay secret ‘protection money’ to the local captains; if they refused to pay there would be a raid at night by masked men, their house would be burned down and their families murdered.1972T. Lilley ‘K’ Section vi. 29 The opium dens and brothels closed. The coffee⁓shops that now refused to pay protection money.
1937E. Ambler Uncommon Danger x. 149 His business then was intimidating shopkeepers—the ‘*protection racket’, as it is called now in America.1954T. S. Eliot Confidential Clerk ii. 62 Colby doesn't need your protection racket So far as I'm concerned.1976D. Daiches in D. Villiers Next Year in Jerusalem 275 The characteristics of a Chicago gangster tale: a leader organizing a protection racket, violent measures taken against those who refuse protection money.
1860Leisure Hour 19 July 460/2 In return for black-mail or *protection-rent, they shared the property of those who paid it, and engaged to defend it from aggressions.
1901Westm. Gaz. 21 Mar. 5/2 The cliff *protection works..have been seriously damaged by the gale.
Hence proˈtectional a., of or pertaining to protection; proˈtectionary, that which provides protection; proˈtectionate a., of or pertaining to the economic theory of protection: = protectionist a.; n. = protectorate n.
1888J. T. Gulick in Linn. Soc. Jrnl., Zool. XX. 226 *Protectional Segregation is Segregation from the use of different methods of protection against adverse influences in the environment.1900Morley Cromwell iv. i. 277 The protectional establishment of national commerce.
1653Urquhart Rabelais ii. xi, The bankrupt *Protectionaries of five yeares respit.
1853Blackw. Mag. LXXIII. 764 What has become of all the *Protectionate croaking about low prices?1882Contemp. Rev. Jan. 32 A military occupation of, or British Protectionate over, Egypt.




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