

单词 protective
释义 protective, a. (n.)|prəʊˈtɛktɪv|
[f. protect v. + -ive. Cf. med.L. prōtectīvus:
a1259Matth. Paris Cron. Maiora anno 1250, Manus regis..que utique manus defensiva esse tenetur et protectiva.]
A. adj.
1. a. Having the quality or character of protecting; tending to protect; defensive; preservative.
1661Feltham Resolves ii. lix. (ed. 8) 310 [The] accidents of Life deny us any safety, but what we have from the favour of protective Providence.1728–46Thomson Spring 781 The stately-sailing swan..Bears forward fierce, and guards his osier-isle, Protective of his young.1793Smeaton Edystone L. §328 To apply the protective coat, before any rust could be formed.1833Lamb Let. to Serjeant Talfourd Feb., Those canvas-sleeves protective from ink.1871Darwin Desc. Man II. xvi. 224 There are twenty-six species..which manifestly have had their plumage coloured in a protective manner.a1909Mod. Examples of protective colouring are numerous among insects.1938Encycl. Brit. Bk. of Year 467/1 The term ‘protective foods’ was originally applied to milk and green leaf vegetables, because they made good the deficiencies commonly found in human diets... It has come to include..foodstuffs..which protect the body against disturbance in structure or function of its organs and parts..which protect, in short, against ‘disease’.1940Topeka (Kansas) State Jrnl. 19 Apr. 1/8 De Geer in his broadcast declared The Netherlands would resist with arms any attempt by a foreign power to extend protective help to her.1944J. S. Huxley On living in Revol. xiii. 139 Agriculture..can be devoted mainly to providing protective foodstuffs.1955Gloss. Terms Radiol. (B.S.I.) 67 Protective material, material which is used to provide protection against ionizing radiation.1974Times 2 Feb. 18/7 The Inland Revenue accepts that in certain trades the employee has to supply his own tools, protective clothing, etc.a1977Harrison Mayer Ltd. Catal. 4/1 Always wear suitable protective clothing.
b. protective coloration, protective colouring, an animal's colouring that blends with its habitat, enabling it to conceal itself. Also fig.
1892F. E. Beddard Animal Coloration iii. 86 A South American bittern..affords an excellent instance of the advantages which result from a protective coloration.1918G. H. Thayer Concealing-Coloration in Animal Kingdom ii. 25 We have..Obliterative Coloration, and Mimicry, as the two main principles of Protective Coloration.1934Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington XX. 559 (heading) Does protective coloration protect?1937Koestler Spanish Testament ii. 372, I was able to observe..what direct biological forces this process of protective coloration exerts. Guilty or innocent, the prisoner changes form and colour, and assumes the mould that most easily enables him to secure a maximum of those minimal advantages possible within the framework of the prison system.1941A. Christie Evil under Sun x. 183 Protective colouring is your line. Remain rigidly nonactive and fade into the background!1949N. Mitford Love in Cold Climate iii. 30 As far as my fellow guests were concerned, I was clearly endowed with protective colouring;..I might just as well not have been there at all.1957T. W. Kirkpatrick Insect Life in Tropics viii. 214 This instance of protective coloration is unlike most others.1977B. Colloms Victorian Country Parsons xi. 211 To avoid trouble he became over-anxious to please and grew adept at assuming protective colouration [sic].1979Books & Bookmen Jan. 16/1 One strand of English (and American) poetry, the strand that reflects nineteenth-century bourgeois values at their most unequivocal, can only survive by adopting the protective colouring of a game.
c. Electr. Engin. Providing protection against too high a current or voltage.
1896R. Robb Electric Wiring v. 171 All conductors..must be provided near the point of entrance to the building with some protective device which will operate to shunt the instruments in case of a dangerous rise in potential, and will open the circuit and arrest an abnormal current flow.1922[see bias v. 5].1962Newnes Conc. Encycl. Electr. Engin. 612/1 A great variety of protective equipment is marketed for distribution systems because of its influence on capital expenditure on such items as switchgear.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 6 July 3-d/1 A protective relay adjacent to a Kemmerer, Wyo., power plant was blamed Monday for the Fourth of July electrical black-out that darkened most of Utah.1978Gramophone Apr. 1796/3 There is also a mains voltage adjuster and twin 2.5A protective mains fuses.
2. Pol. Econ.
a. Of or relating to the economic doctrine or system of protection.
1820Ann. Reg. 771/1 The protective or restrictive system.1829Edin. Rev. L. 73 Such was the state of the silk trade under the protective system.1876Fawcett Pol. Econ. (ed. 5) iii. vii. 394 Few can now be found in England, who would favour the re-imposition of protective duties.1904A. J. Balfour Sp. at Edin. in Times 4 Oct. 4/3 A Protective policy, as I understand it, is a policy which aims at supporting or creating home industries by raising home prices. The raising of prices is a necessary step towards the encouragement of an industry under a Protective system.
b. in comb., as protective-prohibitive.
1906Month Jan. 38 By mitigating the protective-prohibitive system he [Canning] promoted commerce.
c. protective arrest, protective custody, the detention (of a person) either allegedly or truly for his own protection.
[1933R. Bernays Special Correspondent xliii. 222 Jews, Socialists, pacifists, Liberals—anyone who has engaged in political agitation or is believed to be hostile to the New Germany—are incarcerated without trial and for an indefinite period. The German name is Schutzhaft (protective detention), the idea being that they are asylums..for men who otherwise might suffer grievous bodily harm for their political opinions at the hands of their infuriated countrymen.]1935S. Lewis It can't happen Here xv. 154 It was blandly explained..that they were merely being safeguarded. Sarason did not use the phrase ‘protective arrest’.1936Sun (Baltimore) 17 Feb. 8/3 He is declared to have been placed under protective custody. Now this phrase is a deliberate steal from the vocabulary of Nazi Germany, its purpose being to cast a pall of dignity around the proceeding when Brown Shirts take an opponent into a Brown House for the purpose of beating him with a rubber hose.Ibid., ‘Protective arrest’ sounds better than ‘ganging up’ and gives the impression that the State in its beneficent wisdom is protecting somebody when the only need for protection is protection against the protectors.1940Topeka (Kansas) State Jrnl. 8 May 3/1 When I was asked to take some letters..I agreed readily thinking they might be an open sesame for sleeping quarters. They were—under British ‘protective arrest’ in Spillum.1940C. V. Wedgwood William the Silent vii. 192 He was even forced to take monks and priests into protective custody—and it really was protective custody, though the catholics represented it as plain imprisonment.1947P. Woodruff Wild Sweet Witch 7 The Deputy Commissioner of the day did take a man into protective custody to prove he was not the panther.1964N. Marsh Dead Water iii. 79, I wish I could put you under protective custody.1973‘D. Shannon’ No Holiday for Crime viii. 128 Pat's reformed pusher ready to tell all sitting safe in protective custody.
3. Chem.
a. Having the quality or property of protecting a sol (cf. protect v. 5 b); spec. in protective colloid, a lyophilic colloid whose presence in small quantities protects a lyophobic sol.
1906Jrnl. Soc. Chem. Industry 31 May 484/1 To insure the satisfactory production of bright deposits it is in all cases essential to employ clear, well filtered solutions. The authors explain the observed phenomena by supposing that the bright deposit is formed by causing the metal to retain its amorphous condition and preventing it from becoming crystalline. The mutual protective effect of colloids upon one another..is probably the chief factor.1909J. Alexander tr. Zsigmondy's Colloids & Ultramicroscope iii. 77 Lobry de Bruyn (1898), characterized gelatin jelly as a protective colloid (Schutzkolloid).1939Thorpe's Dict. Appl. Chem. (ed. 4) III. 287/1 Zsigmondy showed that the sharp colour change from red to blue displayed by gold sols under the influence of electrolytes could be used as a means of obtaining a quantitative comparison of the protective action of different colloids.1950E. K. Fischer Colloidal Dispersions vi. 247 In the manufacture of colored pigments, protective colloids aid in keeping the particle size small.1960[see peptization].1967G. P. A. Turner Introd. Paint Chem. xi. 160 If the protective colloids are not truly compatible with the film-former, gloss will be reduced and the film weakened.
b. = protecting ppl. a. b.
1932Chem. Abstr. XXVI. 5072 The method of synthesizing peptides which consists in stabilizing the amino group of 1 acid with a protective group R, then so altering the CO2H group as to enable it to couple with a 2nd amino acid and removing the group R after the coupling has been effected.1968I. L. Finar Org. Chem. (ed. 4) II. xiii. 582 Bergmann (1932) introduced carbobenzoxy chloride as an amino protective group, and this appears to be the most widely used method of protection.
B. n. Anything employed to protect; e.g. in Surgery, carbolized oiled silk used for the protection of wounds. Also, a contraceptive sheath.
1875H. C. Wood Therap. (1879) 589 Protectives... Those materials used by the physician as external applications to exclude the air and to protect inflamed dermal or other tissues.1885Clodd Myths & Dr. i. ii. 18 The passage..to the use of charms as protectives against the evil-disposed.1898P. Manson Trop. Diseases xxxi. 487 In dressing it is of importance that the raw surfaces be covered by some aseptic non-fibrous protective.1971It 2–16 June 23/3 (Advt.), Protectives by post:..Durex Gossamer Doz. 50p.1977Lancet 15 Oct. 811/1 Although the condom, or male protective, is marketed primarily as a method of contraception, some stress is laid both by the manufacturers and by the medical profession on its value as a prophylactic against sexually transmitted diseases.




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