

单词 atwite
释义 I. aˈtwite, v.1 Obs.
Forms: inf. 1 ætwítan, 3 etwite, 3–6 atwite, 4 atwyȝte, 4–6 attwyte. pa. tense 1–3 ætwát, -witen, 3 etwat, 4 atwot.
[f. at- prefix1 + OE. wítan to blame, reproach; cf. OE. oðwítan. The modern twit, formerly twite, is an aphetized form of this word.]
1. To cast an imputation upon, reproach, upbraid, blame, taunt, twit;
a. with double object (acc. and dative): To reproach a thing to a person.
a1000Beowulf 2304 Siþðan [him]..Gúðláf and Osláf..ætwiton weána dǽl.1205Lay. 19594 Sexisce men..mine unhæle me atwiten.c1320Seuyn Sages (W.) 1876 And hire misdedes hire atwot.c1430Lydg. Bochas iv. xiv. (1554) 113 a, Thyng most slaundrous theyr nobles tatwite.
b. a person of a thing, or that, etc.
c885K. ælfred Boeth. Metr. xxvii. 5 Hwý oðwíte ȝe wyrde eowre, þæt hío ȝeweald nafað?c1230Ancr. R. 70 Ne ne etwiteð him of his unðeau.c1330Florice & Bl. 485 Thilke dai schal neuer be That men schal at wite me That I schal ben of loue untrewe.c1524in Hazl. E.P.P. III. 25 Of gredynes lest men the wolde attwite.1530Calisto & Melib. in Hazl. Dodsley I. 85, I marvel greatly thou dost me so atwite Of the doubt, that thou hast of my secretness.
c. with simple personal obj.
c1000Ags. Ps. lxxiii. 17 Fynd ætwítað fæcne Drihtne.1205Lay. 26584 Ofte heo heom atwiten.c1315Shoreham 106 So may God answerye the Wanne thou hym atwyst.c1430Lydg. Bochas vii. iv. (1554) 167 b, Who is defouled, none other should atwite.
A weak pa. tense atwytede occurs, and an anomalous pa. tense and pple. atwist after wit to know.
1297R. Glouc. 33 Þis word.. atwytede hym & ys stat..He yt vnderstod, þat ys child at wiste ys pouerte.c1314Guy Warw. 251 And thou in thine halle me sle, For traisoun it worth atwist the.
II. aˈtwite, v.2 Obs. rare—1.
[f. at- prefix2 + OE. wítan to go, proceed.]
To depart, go away.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 1649 And god at-wot in-to hise liȝt.




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