

单词 righteoushead
释义 ˈrighteoushead, -hood Obs. rare.
[f. righteous a.]
c1250Gen. & Ex. 936 Abram leuede ðis hot in sped; dat was him told to riȝt-wished.a1300Cursor M. 26528 For suilk es crist reght-wis-hede Þat metes ilk man his mede.c1470Harding Chron. xc. xii, That he wolde then of his ryghtwyshode [v.r. rightfulhode] Do euery man ryght without more abode.
So ˈrighteouslaik. Obs. rare.
c1200Ormin 2521 All full off hallȝhe mahhtess, Off herr⁓summleȝȝc, off rihhtwisleȝȝc.




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