

单词 riven
释义 riven, ppl. a.|ˈrɪv(ə)n|
Forms: α. 4 rivyn, ryffen, 5–6 ryven, 6–7 ryuen, riuen, 4, 6– riven. β. 5–6 revyn, 6 reven, Sc. reuin.
[Pa. pple. of rive v.1]
1. Split, cloven, rent, torn asunder.
1307–27Pol. Poems (Camden) 307 Sum es left na thing Boute his rivyn riveling To hippe thar-hinne.1457Fabric Rolls York (Surtees) 69 Pro c long revyn burdes, prec. pece, 2d.c1460Towneley Myst. ii. 141 For had I giffen away my goode, then myght I go with a ryffen hood.1563Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 114 Auld and reuin ornamentis.1590Spenser F.Q. i. viii. 9 Through riven cloudes and molten firmament.Ibid. 10 Like fresh water streame from riven rocke.1619T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 14 We may not, like riuen vessels, let this doctrine slip.1667Milton P.L. vi. 449 He stood..Sore toild, his riv'n Armes to havoc hewn.1720Pope Iliad xx. 328 O'er him high the riven Targe extends.1784Cowper Task iv. 444 The well-stack'd pile of riven logs and roots.1815Shelley Alastor 347 The little boat..pausing on the edge of the riven wave.1877W. Black Green Past. xxxvii, A series of majestic peaks, their riven sides sparkling with sunlit snows.
fig.1817Shelley Revolt Islam iii. 1300 The caverns dreary..Of the riven soul.1849Miss Mulock Ogilvies xxxvi, To cast out from his riven heart the very ashes of this bitter love.
2. Ornamentally slashed. Obs. rare.
c1450Songs on Costume (Percy Soc.) 65 So many ryven shertes,..And so many lewed clerkes, Say I never.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 57 b, One Shynynge, Mayre of Rochester, set a young man on the Pillory for wering of a ryuen shert.




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