

单词 provocation
释义 provocation|prɒvəʊˈkeɪʃən|
[a. F. provocation (12–13th c.), ad. L. prōvocātiōn-em, n. of action f. prōvocāre to provoke.]
The action of provoking.
1. The action of invoking the office of a court or judge; esp. the action of appealing to a higher ecclesiastical court against a judgement; an appeal. Obs.
1426Paston Lett. I. 25, I made an appell and a procuracie, and also a provocacion, at London.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, c. 12 §6 There to be diffinitiuely..adiudged..without any appelacion or prouocacion to any other..courte.1604Parsons 3rd Pt. Three Convers. Eng. 434 This insolent bragg and prouocation to scripture by these artificers.1726Ayliffe Parergon 72, I shall define such an Appeal to be a Provocation from an Inferiour to a Superiour Judge.Ibid., A Provocation is every Act whereby the Office of the Judge or his Assistance is ask'd and implor'd. [1894Mrs. Hope First Divorce Hen. VIII 337 Bonner repeated his protest, and presented Henry's ‘provocation’.]
2. The action of calling out to fight; a challenge, a defiance. Obs.
1484Caxton Fables of Poge ix, The frensshman prouoked the Janueye to bataylle... The Januey accepted the prouocacion & came in the day assigned in to the felde.1494Fabyan Chron. iv. lxiv. 44 By meanes of prouocacion on eyther party vsed, lastly the Romaynes Issued oute of the Cytie and gaue Batayl to the Brytons.
3. The action of calling, inviting, or summoning; invitation, summons. Obs. exc. as coloured by 4.
1548Ld. Somerset Epist. Scots C j, God..Whose callyng & prouocacion, we haue & will followe, to the beste of oure powers.a1569A. Kingsmill Man's Est. xiii. (1580) 97 Following the prouocation of the Prophete, whiche calleth men to the consideration of God's mercie by this call.1827Scott Surg. Dau. Pref., I daily expected..a card to drink tea with Misses Fairscribe, or a provocation to breakfast, at least, with my hospitable friend.1878Browning La Saisiaz 116 The sudden light that leapt At the first word's provocation, from the heart-deeps where it slept.
4. The action of inciting; incitement, impulse; instigation; an incentive, a stimulus.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. 2976 Qwhat he did agayn þat nacion, Þai made hym prowocacion.1451J. Capgrave St. Gilbert (E.E.T.S.) 71 Whan he was compelled be þe prouocacion of natur to go to bed and to rest.1511–12Act 3 Hen. VIII, c. 22 Preamble, The Kyng of Scottis..cruell and haynous provocacions of Werre hath moeved..ayenst your Highnesse.1602J. Clapham Hist. Eng. i. 56 Those common prouocations of vices, namely sumptuous Galleries, hote baths, and exquisite banquetings.1678R. Barclay Apol. Quakers v. xi. 134 It is a constant Incitement and Provocation, and lively Incouragement to every Man, to forsake Evil.1858Doran Crt. Fools 112 It does not appear that wit was always the provocation to royal laughter.1879S. C. Bartlett Egypt to Pal. xii. 265 If his statements were true, he had some provocation to call them by some of the hard names which he bestowed upon them.
5. a. The action or an act of provoking or exciting anger, resentment, or irritation.
1539Bible (Great) Ps. xcv. 8 Harden not youre hertes, as in y⊇ prouokacion.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 38 §2 To the vtter destruction of their own soules, and the prouocacion of the terrible wrath of god.1618Rowlands Sacred Mem. 34 Then answered he, O faithlesse generation, How long shall I endure your Prouocation?1736Butler Anal. i. ii. (1874) 46 Suppositions..that he must be incapable of offence and provocation.1876Black Madcap V. xvii, You ought not to give way to your temper, under whatever provocation.
b. A cause of irritation, anger, or resentment.
1716Addison Freeholder No. 40 ⁋1 Writing is indeed a Provocation to the Envious and an Affront to the Ignorant.1819Wordsw. Waggoner iv. 178 This complicated provocation A hoard of grievances unsealed.1878T. L. Cuyler Pointed Papers 170 A most irritating provocation is thrown like a torpedo at our feet.
III. 6. attrib. provocation test Med., a test to ascertain whether or not a person is alive.
1966Lancet 31 Dec. 1466/2 On Oct. 12, 1965, patient was anæsthetized with halothane for a few minutes as a provocation test.1971Essentials from Rep. Organtranspl. (Netherlands Red Cross) 12 Provocation-tests and the best possible recording techniques should be used.




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