

单词 bairnly
释义 I. ˈbairnly, a. Sc. & north. dial.
[f. bairn + -ly1.]
1. Childish.
1533Bellendene Livy i. (1822) 100 Thair insolent and barnelie contencioun.1663Blair Autobiog. i. 1, I used my bairnly endeavour.1837R. Nicoll Poems (1843) 80, I hae left them now for ever, But, to greet would bairnly be.
2. Child-like, in childhood.
1603Philotus xc, The las bot bairnlie is and ȝoung.Ibid., A bairnelie lasse lyke me, Mair meit his oy nor wyfe to be.
II. ˈbairnly, adv. Obs.
[f. as prec. + -ly2.]
1483Cath. Angl. 22/2 Barnely, infantuose, pueriliter.




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