

单词 bastinado
释义 I. bastinado, n.|bæstɪˈneɪdəʊ|
Forms: 6– bastinado; also 6 bastannado, -anado, 7 -onada, 7–8 onado.
[a. Sp. bastonada (= It. bastonata, OF. bastonnée) a caning or cudgelling, f. baston stick, staff, cudgel. For termination see -ado2: the unaccented o in the second syllable has fluctuated from the first as ă, ŏ, ĭ, tending to settle down under the closest vowel i.]
1. A blow with a stick or cudgel; a whack or thwack; esp. one upon the soles of the feet. arch.
1577Holinshed Chron. III. 897/1 Leading him..with buffets and bastanadoes into the borough.1592Greene Art Conny Catch. 25 As many bastinadoes as thy bones will beare.1598Hakluyt Voy. II. 203 Beaten with so many bastonadoes vpon the soles of their feete.1625Modell of Wit 41 b, Lifting up the Cudgell, he gave him therewith halfe a score good bastinadoes.1849W. Irving Mahomed & Succ. xiii. (1853) 58 Let him who drinks wine..receive twenty bastinadoes on the soles of his feet.
2. A beating with a stick; a cudgelling. arch.
1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 717 If a Romane soldior..went out of his ranke..he had the bastannado.a1600Burleigh Adv. Q. Eliz. in Harl. Misc. (1809) II. 277 No man loves one the better for giving him the bastinado, though with never so little a cudgel.1828Scott F.M. Perth xvi, Must I show thee that thou art a captive, by giving thee incontinently the bastinado?
fig.1595Shakes. John ii. 463 He giues the bastinado with his tongue.
3. spec. An Eastern method of corporal punishment, by beating with a stick the soles of the culprit's feet.
1726Ayliffe Parerg. 46 Remitted the punishment of Death..and in lieu thereof introduced the Bastinado.1884Browning Ferishtah 133 To cool his heels Uncarpeted, or warm them—likelier still—With bastinado.
4. A stick, staff, rod, cudgel, truncheon.
1598Hakluyt Voy. I. 55 He receiueth an hundreth blowes on the backe with a bastinado, layd on by a tall fellow.1624Capt. Smith Virginia ii. 36 Having a Bastinado..made of reeds bound together.1878Wake Evol. Morality II. 128 Her paramour receiving a thousand blows of the bastinado.
II. bastiˈnado, v.
Also 8 -onado.
[f. prec. n.]
1. To beat with a stick; to thrash, thwack. arch.
1614[see next].1633Marmyon Fine Comp. iv. 5 A gentleman that I bastinadoed the other day.1728Morgan Algiers II. iv. 273 Cruelly bastonadoed on the Shoulders, Buttocks, Belly, and Feet.1775Adair Amer. Ind. 156 He bastinadoed the young sinner severely, with a thick whip.
2. spec. To beat or cane on the soles of the feet.
1688Lond. Gaz. No. 2318/3 Were put on the Rack, or Bastinadoed.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. 547 The Sallee rover, who threatened to bastinado a Christian captive to death.




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