

单词 beastly
释义 I. beastly, a.|ˈbiːstlɪ|
Forms: 3 best-, beaste-, beastlich, 4 besteli, beestli, bestly, 4–6 bestely, beestly, 6 beastlye, 6–7 -lie, 6– beastly.
[f. beast + -ly1.]
1. Of the nature of living creatures (including man); animal, natural, ‘carnal.’ Obs.
1382Wyclif 1 Cor. xv. 44 It is sowun a beestly [1388 beestli] body, it schal ryse a spiritual body.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 95 The beestly man can not perceyue those thynges yt be godly.
2. Of or pertaining to the lower animals (as opposed to man); merely animal, bestial. arch.
1393Gower Conf. I. 144 And wailend in his [Nebuchadnezzar's] bestly steven.1571Digges Pantom. Pref. A iv, Wherein..the nature of man surmounteth beastly kinde.1608Gt. Frost in Arb. Garner I. 89 Charge of feeding so many beastly mouths.1615Bedwell Arab. Trudg., See more of this beastly fable, at the 14 Chapter.1657–83Evelyn Hist. Relig. (1850) I. 143 To be appeased by bloody and beastly sacrifices.1873Ruskin Fors Clav. xxv. 27 The ‘breeding’ of a man is what he gets from the Centaur Chiron; the ‘beastly’ part of him in a good sense.
3. Resembling a beast in unintelligence; brutish, irrational, without thought. Obs.
c1230Ancr. R. 58 Þe bestliche mon þæt ne þencheð nout of God.1542Recorde Gr. Arts (1640) Pref., To bring the people from beastly rage to manly reason.1563Homilies ii. Idolatry iii. (1859) 236 More beastly than the Ass.1598Drayton Heroic. Ep. xxii. 150 When it doth passe by beastly ignorance.a1703Burkitt On N.T. Matt. xxii. 33 The beastly opinion of the mortality of the soul.
4. a. Resembling a beast in conduct, or in obeying the animal instincts.
c1220Hali Meid. 9 Þat beasteliche gederinge, þat schomelese somming.c1449Pecock Repr. iv. vii. 463 To bacbite in this wise..is a beestly gouernaunce.1567Trial Treas. in Hazl. Dodsl. III. 264 The beastly desires of inordinate lust.1604Rowlands Looke to it 33 Thou filthy fellow of a beastly life.1709Swift Adv. Relig. Wks. 1755 II. i. 105 The beastly vice of drinking to excess.1885Pall Mall G. 29 May 4 They are frankly and cynically beastly.
b. Inhuman, brutally cruel. Obs.
1558Knox First Blast (Arb.) 52 Open testimonie of her and their beastlie crueltie.1587Turberv. Trag. T. (1837) 71 That blooddie beastlie king.
c. Unmanly, cowardly. Obs.
1584T. Hudson Judith in Sylvester Du Bartas (1608) 752 Some brave in words, are beastly of their hands.
5. Unfit for human use or enjoyment; abominable; disgusting, or offensive, especially from dirtiness: applied, by those who use strong language, to anything that offends their tastes. Also with weakened emphasis, as a mere expletive.
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. ii. i. 229 In the beastliest sence, you are Pompey the great.1611Dekker Roar. Girle Wks. 1873 III. 159 I thought 'twould bee a beastly iourney.1763Mrs. Harris in Ld. Malmesbury's Lett. I. 93 We had a beastly walk through the Borough.1798Ld. Clare in Ld. Auckland's Corr. (1862) III. 395 The pamphlet..is full of beastly blunders committed in the printing-office.1830Disraeli Home Lett. (1885) 3 The steam packet is a beastly conveyance.1878R. Broughton Cometh up as Flower xiv. 150 That beastly hole, London.1883American VI. 245 This beastly English weather, you know.1888A. C. Gunter Mr. Potter xxiii, I..came to tell her that story of her father's flying to escape arrest is all beastly rot.1961B. Fergusson Watery Maze xi. 278 The second major item was of equally beastly complexity.
6. Comb. beastlywise, in a beastly manner.
c1440Promp. Parv. 33 Bestylywyse, bestialiter.
II. beastly, adv.
Forms: 4 bestly, 6 -lie, (beasly), beastlie, -lye, 6– beastly.
[f. beast n. + -ly2.]
After the manner or likeness of a beast.
1. In a beastly manner, like a beast. Obs.
c1400Apol. Loll. 58 Onclen suyn, fyling oþer, lyfing bestly, are sett in þe kirk.1513More Rich. III (1641) 459 Hee would bite and chew beasly his nether lip.1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (1847) Introd. 51 Some jangle when they be beastly fed.1562W. Bullein Bk. Sicke Men 77 b, Wastyng their wealthe..foolishely, and moste beastly.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. iv. ii. 35 Fie on her, see how beastly she doth court him.1652Gaule Magastrom. 371 Bellantius..was most beastly murdered.
2. As adjunct to an adj.: Brutishly, brutally, abominably, offensively. (In society slang, often merely = Exceedingly.)
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 25 So beastly folish are men.Ibid. 23 b, They are to much beastly witted.1803Bristed Pedest. Tour I. 298 He..comes home every morning about two or three o'clock quite beastly drunk.1844Dickens Lett. I. 130, I was so beastly dirty when I got to this house. [1865Daily Tel. 24 Oct. 5/3 He was in good health..looked almost ‘beastly well,’ as I once heard it described.]




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