

单词 rubric
释义 I. rubric, n. and a.|ˈruːbrɪk|
Forms: 4 robryk, 4–5 rubryke, 5, 7 rubrike, 7 rubrique; 6–7 rubricke, 7–9 rubrick, 7– rubric. See also rubrish n.
[ad. F. rubrique or L. rubrīca, f. ruber red. Cf. It., Sp., Pg. rubrica; G., Da., Sw. rubrik, Du. rubriek. In senses 2 and 3 the usual form before the 16–17th cent. was rubrish.]
1. a. Red earth, red ochre, ruddle. Now arch.
c1440Pallad. on Husb. iv. 512 Aysel and askis tempred with rubrike Ykest on hem sleeth doun this auntis alle.1558Warde Alexis' Secr. i. 118 Mingle it with..xiiii or xvi carattes at the most of Rubricke, or sparkes of copper.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 104 This marrow [of a hart],..in sheeps milk, with rubrick and soft pitch, drunk every day,..helpeth the ptisick and obstructions.1652J. French Yorkshire Spa v. 53 Rubrick, or a certain red earth (for so sometimes it signifies).1677Plot Oxfordsh. 56 As if it were now in the transmutation..first into Rubrick, or Ruddle, and thence at last into..black chalk.1868Browning Ring & Bk. ii. 767 Once a dwelling's doorpost marked and crossed In rubric by the enemy on his rounds As eligible, as fit place of prey.
b. A red preparation for heightening the complexion. Obs.—1
1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 156 Now they have too little colour, then Spanish-paper, Red-Leather and other Cosmetical Rubriques must be had.
2. a. A heading of a chapter, section, or other division of a book, written or printed in red, or otherwise distinguished in lettering; a particular passage or sentence so marked.
c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 1317 Of þis chapiter þe sext, In þe rubryke is þe text, How bosilus bare witnes [etc.].
1658Phillips, Rubrick,..a noted sentence of any book marked with red Letters.1778T. Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry xix. II. 9 Then follows a rubric ‘How Aristotile declareth to kynge Alysandre of the stonys’.Ibid. 22 He mentions Dante only, who in the rubric is called ‘a certain poet of Italy named Dante’.1815Scott Guy M. vii, The rubrick, with an emphatic nota bene.1885Manch. Exam. 13 Jan. 5/1 The event is so unusual that it deserves to be printed as a rubric in the official report.
transf.1655tr. Sorel's Com. Hist. Francion x. 30, I have indeavoured to make him abandon..those scattered Latin Rubricks, with which he always intermingles his discourse.
fig.1838Longfellow in Life (1891) I. 308 Autumn has written his rubric on the illuminated leaves.
b. transf. A descriptive heading or title; a designation, category. Also, an injunction, a general rule.
1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iv, Many sections are of a debatable rubric, or even quite nondescript and unnameable.1887Stevenson Misadv. J. Nicholson i, Colette's was not a hell; it could not come..under the rubric of a gilded saloon.1891N.Y. Times 28 Sept. 4/5 It is the duty of independents—the duty of all voters—..to..‘weigh the merits and demerits of each candidate and each party.’.. No better rubric of conduct could be laid down.1934J. W. Powell in Webster s.v. rubric, The groups of opinion inculcated by instruction are again found to fall into five ‘rubrics’—animism, cosmogony, mythology, metaphysic, and science.1962W. Nowottny Lang. Poets Use viii. 202 There are no critical rubrics or Queensberry rules about this game.1965G. McInnes Road to Gundagai i. 13 ‘Don't go out too far!’ A censorious well⁓worn rubric and I barely heard it.1970I. L. Horowitz Masses in Lat. Amer. i. 3 To understand the processes that go under the rubric of social development it is necessary to study masses as well as elites.
3. a. A direction for the conduct of divine service inserted in liturgical books, and properly written or printed in red.
c1375Lay Folks Mass Bk. 624 Þo robryk [v.r. rubryke] is gode vm while to loke, Þo praiers to con with-outen boke.
1583Foxe A. & M. 1398 The whole Canon of the Masse, with the Rubricke thereof, as it standeth in the Masse⁓booke.1641Milton Ch. Govt. i. v, Anselme also of Canturbury..acknowledges from the cleerenesse of the text, what Ierome and the Church Rubrick hath before acknowledg'd.a1699Stillingfl. (J.), They had their particular prayers according to the several days and months; and their tables or rubricks to instruct them.1704Nelson Fest. & Fasts ix. (1739) 585 Our holy Mother..by her Rubricks and Canons..trains us up.1746Wesley Princ. Methodist 37 As a Minister, I teach her Doctrines. I use her Offices. I conform to her Rubricks.1795Mason Ch. Music ii. 157 These Chaunts, succeeding one another in the allotted portions of the Rubric for the day.1837Syd. Smith Wks. (1859) II. 289/1 His own most respectable Chaplain..will tell him that the prayers are strictly adhered to, according to the rubric.1879T. F. Simmons Lay Folks Mass Bk. p. lxvii, The rubrics are in a smaller character.., but are not written in red, being only underlined in red throughout.
attrib.1685D. Granville Rem. in Surtees Misc. (1861) 209 Meaning by that expression, that his lordship would in short while become a good rubrick man.
Comb.1699T. Baker Refl. upon Learning 207 That it has been taken from such a Copy, appears from the..Lessons markt in the Margin Rubrick-wise.
fig.1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iii. Lawe 1118 While..th' Eternall..him (faithfull) did inform In a new Rubrick of the Rites Divine.1649Milton Eikon. xiii. Wks. 1851 III. 441 Was it not he, who..with his Sword went about to engraue a bloody Rubric on thir backs?1699Farquhar Constant Couple i. i, Who thought to find you out of the rubric so long? I thought thy hypocrisy had been wedded to a pulpit-cushion long ago.1780Cowper Progr. Error 185 Let Comus rise archbishop of the land; Let him your rubric and your feasts prescribe.
b. The rule of a religious order. rare—1.
1809Malkin Gil Blas i. viii. ⁋2 A Dominican friar, mounted, contrary to the rubric of those pious fathers, on a shabby mule.
4. A red-letter entry (of a saint's name) in the Church calendar; hence, a calendar of saints. Also fig. (quot. 1669) and attrib. ? Obs.
a1618J. Davies (Heref.) Commend. Poems Wks. (Grosart) II. 5/1 A Chappell and a Curate for the same..shall make thy Name In Rubricke of the Saints enrold to be.1646–8G. Daniel Poems Wks. (Grosart) I. 196 Wee may..place His, as the cheif State-Martir's Day, Of all our Rubricke.1669Hopkins Serm., 1 Pet. ii. 13 (1685) 11 St. Jerome assigns no less than the blood of five thousand martyrs to every day in the year: only excepting the first of January from so deep a rubrick.1754H. Walpole Lett. (1846) III. 85, I don't know whether my father won't become a rubric martyr, for having been persecuted by him.
transf.1611J. Davies (Heref.) Sco. Folly Wks. (Grosart) II. 53/1 Mars or Minerua..so do shine That they in thee are glorious for thy grace, Which in Fames rubrick thus I enterline.1671Milton P.R. iv. 393 For no date prefixt Directs me in the Starry Rubric set.1700J. A. Astry tr. Saavedra-Faxardo I. 239 How oft has Bloodshed been a kind of Rubrick inscribed with Injuries?1813J. Forsyth Rem. Exc. Italy 282 note, The obscure, queer, filthy, and obscene gods in the ancient rubric.
5. The title or heading of a statute or section of a legal code (originally written in red).
1604R. Cawdrey Table Alph. (1613), Rubrike,..a lawe, or title.1634in Row Hist. Kirk (Wodrow Soc.) 378 When this Act came to be heard in open Parliament, his Majestie gave ordour to read onlie the rubricks of it.a1661B. Holyday Juvenal (1673) 263 The law (whose titles were written in red letters, and thence called rubriques, as Persius speaks).1726Ayliffe Parergon 304 Then we should have no Occasion for particular Rubricks and Titles in Law to distinguish Proof made by Witnesses from such as is made by Instruments.1790Burke Fr. Rev. (1898) 22 Repeating as from a rubric the language of the preceding acts of Elizabeth and James.1829Scott Rob Roy Introd. ⁋24 It is neither mentioned in the title nor the rubric of the Act of Parliament.1845J. T. Graves in Encycl. Metrop. II. 780/1 The section beginning with the words fratris vero, of that title in the Institutes which has the rubric de Nuptiis.
6. [After Sp. rúbrica.] (See quot.)
1881B. Harte Story of Mine vi, The Spanish ‘rubric’ is the complicated flourish attached to a signature, and is as individual and characteristic as the handwriting.
II. attrib. passing into adj.
7. a. Written or printed in red.
c1475Cath. Angl. (Add. MS.) 313/1 To make Rubrike, rubricare.
1636W. Durham in Ann. Dubrensia (1877) 9 That day which to posterity shall shine In Almanackes, writ, with a Rubricke-line.1648J. Beaumont Psyche xiii. ccxxxvi, At least that Lesson of Compassion they..might have plainly read, Which in large Rubrick Letters open lay.1682A. Behn City Heiress 54 This happy day, to be inroll'd In Rubrick-letters and in Gold.1735Pope Prol. Satires 215 What tho' my Name stood rubric on the walls.1781Crabbe Library 188 Many an emendation show'd the age Look'd far beyond the rubric title-page.1820Lamb Elia i. South-sea House, Thy great dead tomes..with their..decorative rubric interlacings.
fig.1829Sporting Mag. XXIV. 49 The Belvoir kennel..now stands rubrick in the Sporting World.
b. Inscribed with the titles of books. Obs.
1728Pope Dunc. i. 38 Here springs each weekly Muse, the living boast Of Curl's chaste press, and Lintot's rubric post.1746Francis tr. Hor., Sat. i. iv. 92 No rubric pillar sets my works to sale.1755Connoisseur No. 86 ⁋2, I was enabled to make out..the titles on rubric-posts.
8. a. Red, ruddy, rubicund. Now arch.
1659W. Chamberlayne Pharronida iii. iv. (1820) II. 71 And now I see her blood's low water doth allow Me only time to launch my soul's black bark Into death's rubric sea.1694Crowne Regulus i. ii, He has the marks of a jolly rich priest, a rubrick nose, and a canonical belly.1866J. B. Rose tr. Ovid's Met. 35 Father Titan marked the rubric sky.1867tr. Virgil's æneid 348 Him they invest With sword, and shield, and helm of rubric crest.
b. As an epithet of certain lake-colours.
App. by error for *rubic, from Rubia madder.
1835Field Chromatography 97 Rubric, or Madder Lakes. These pigments are of various colours.1859Gullick & Timbs Painting 292 The colours extracted, called rubric or madder lakes,..vary in tint from the most delicate rose to the deepest purple.
II. ˈrubric, v. Now rare.
Also 6–8 rubrick.
[f. the n.]
trans. To rubricate. Chiefly fig.
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe Wks. (Grosart) V. 221 William the Conquerour..firmed and rubrickt the Kentishmens gauill kinde of the sonne to inherite at fifteene.1629T. Adams Wks. 941 He [the pope] is too sawcie.., Stretching his arme to heauen, in rubricking what Saints hee list.1681Rycaut tr. Gracian's Critick 236 That Cavalier who Rubricks his Executions with the Bloud he hath drawn by the instrument of Extortion from the Poor.
1883Ch. Times 20 April 283 Mediæval Mass Books, rubricked chiefly with respect to plain, unsung services.




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