

单词 behalf
释义 behalf|bɪˈhɑːf|
Forms: 4 bihelue, bihalf, 4–5 bi-, byhalve, 4–6 behalve, 4–7 behalfe, 6 behave, 5– behalf. pl. 6–7 behalfes, behalfs.
[Used only in the phrases on, in behalf (of), in, on (his, etc.) behalf, which arose about 1300, by the blending of the two earlier constructions on his halve and bihalve him, both meaning ‘by or on his side’: see half. By the mixture of these in the construction on his bihalve, bihalve, previously a preposition, and originally a phrase, be healfe ‘by (the) side,’ became treated, so far as construction goes, as a n., and had even a plural behalfes, behalfs in 16–17th c. The final -e of ME. was the dative ending. In modern use, construed either with a possessive pronoun (in my behalf), a possessive case (in the king's behalf), or with of (in behalf of the starving population); the choice being determined by considerations of euphony and perspicuity. Formerly of was sometimes omitted.]
1. on behalf of: a. (lit.) On the side of. Obs.
1502Arnold Chron. (1811) 29 Other Sherefs on this behalfe trente.
b. (fig.) On (one's own) part or side. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋831 Tellynge hem on youre bihalue [v.r. behalue, bihalfe, behalf] þat if they wole trete of pees..that they shape hem..to comen vnto vs.1538Starkey England 11 They Turkys wyl surely say on theyr behalfe that theyr lyfe ys most natural and polytyke..the Sarasyn contrary, apon hys behalfe, wyl defend hys pollycy.
c. On the part of (another), in the name of, as the agent or representative of, on account of, for, instead of. (With the notion of official agency.)
1303R. Brunne Handl. Synne 9066 On Goddes behalve y ȝow forbede Þat ȝe no lenger do swych dede.c1374Chaucer Troylus ii. 1409 Spek thow thiself also to Troylus On my bihalve [v.r. behalfe].1485Caxton Paris & V. (1868) 80 So say ye to hym on my behalve.1535Coverdale 1 Sam. xxv. 6 Salute him frendly on my behalfe.1768Blackstone Comm. I. 429 Things which a servant may do on behalf of his master..proceed upon this principle, that the master is answerable for the act of his servant, if done by his command, either expressly given, or implied.1883Sir J. Matthew Law Rep. xi. Q. Bench Div. 592 An application was made on behalf of the prosecutor for a remand.
d. As concerns, with regard to, in the matter of. Also, on this behalf, etc. Obs. Cf. 2 c.
1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 431 Your utter destruction, which..is much to be feared on your behalfes.1611Bible Ex. xxvii. 21 It shall be a statute for euer..on the behalfe of [Coverd. among] the children of Israel.1623Lisle Test. Antiq. Introd., The common taught doctrine of the Church of England on this behalfe.1674N. Fairfax Bulk and Selv. 164 Why could not God as well make the world everlasting a parte ante, on the behalf of formerness, as he did the soul of man a parte post, on the behalf of latterness?
In recent use we often find on behalf in the sense of in behalf 2 b, to the loss of an important distinction.
1791Cowper Iliad iv. 63, I will not interpose on their behalf.1851Dixon W. Penn xx. (1872) 174 A petition on behalf of Sydney was sent to the House of Commons.1852C. M. Yonge Cameos II. xxxvii. 287 They interfered on his behalf.1862Trench Mirac. xxxii. 448 This gracious work wrought on behalf of one who was in arms against his life.
2. in behalf of:
a. In the name of. Obs. Cf. 1 c.
c1320Seuyn Sag. (W.) 324 The seven wise thai grette In th'emperours bihelue.c1400Apol. Loll. 38 We forbede him in almiȝti Goddis behalue..þe entre of þe kirk.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. cviii. 130 Ther is no persone in his behalfe, that wyll stoppe you of your way.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. iii. 22 And rob in the behalfe of charitie.
b. In the interest of, as a friend or defender of, for the benefit of. (With the notion of interposition: ‘speak in my behalf’ = in my interest, say a good word for me, intercede for me.)
1598Shakes. Merry W. i. iv. 168 Let mee haue thy voice in my behalfe.1711Steele Spect. No. 51 ⁋2 There is a great deal to be said in Behalf of an Author.1719W. Wood Surv. Trade 28 Speaking in Behalf the Trading Interest.1749Fielding Tom Jones vii. xiv, She should immediately have interposed in his behalf.1848Macaulay Hist. I. 620 Imploring the Queen Dowager..to intercede in his behalf.
c. in this or that behalf: in respect of, in regard to, in reference to this or that; in this or that matter, or aspect of the matter. arch. Cf. 1 d.
1458Earl of Salisbury in Paston Lett. I. 421 The said diseas which hath right fervently and sore holden me in many diversez bihalvez.1489Caxton Faytes A. i. xv. 40 Takyng of gode kepe vpon hys peple in this byhalue.1534Whittinton Tullyes Offices i. (1540) 10 In this behalfe we be bounde to folowe nature as a gyde.1598Greenwey Tacitus' Ann. iii. iii. (1622) 65 Not hoping to find him cruell in his behalfe..but rather fauorable.1621Bk. Discip. Ch. Scot. 84 To assist and fortifie the godly proceedings of the Kirk in all behalfes.1658A. Fox Wurtz' Surg. ii. v. 60 More could be said in that behalf, but..[it] would be too great a labour.1772Junius Lett. lxviii. 338 Our statute in law, in this behalf..is directed by the same spirit.
II. Obsolete phrases.
3. of his behalf: of or from his side or part; on his part. Cf. 1 a. Obs.
c1450Merlin xv. 241 The londe that cometh of youre behalue ne may I not lese.c1500Virgilius in Thoms Prose Rom. II. 24 This Nemus had a knyght of his moders behalfe.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. 155 The loue and honoure whiche of theire behalfe is dewe to God.
4. to or for the behalf of: to the interest or advantage of, for the behoof of. Cf. 2. Obs.
1562Cooper Answ. Priv. Masse (1850) 56 Ye never affirmed mass to be private, but to pertain to the behalf of all states and sorts of men.1566Wills & Inv. N.C. (1835) 255 For the behave of my wif and children.1576Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1862) 295 Some others seised some of the Kings owne Castles to the behalfe of the Empresse.




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