

单词 rumney
释义 ˈrumney Obs.
Forms: α. 4 romon(e)ye, romanye, 6 -ny; 5 romenay, 5–6 -ney, 6 -nei; 5 rommenei. β. 5 rompney, romnay, 6 -neye, -nie, -ny, 5–7 romney. γ. 4 rumnay, 5 -neye, 4, 6 rumney, 7 -ny.
[a. OF. rom(m)enie, = obs. It. and med.L. romania, from the proper name Romania, used to designate Greece. OF. is also the source of MDu. romanie, romenie, MLG. romenie, rumenie, MDa. rommenie, rumeni.]
1. A sweet wine of Greek origin, much used in England during the 15th and 16th centuries. Also attrib.
α1393Earl Derby's Exped. (Camden) 209 Item pro j paruo cade de Romoneye, vj li di.1421Coventry Leet Bk. i. 24 And that thei sell..maluesey & romeney for xvj d. a galon and no derre.1469in Househ. Ord. (1790) 101 Item, in tyre malvesie, romenay, osey,..and other sweete wynes, by the yere..{pstlg}20.1531–2Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 7 No Malmeseis, Romeneis, Sakkes nor other swete Wynes..shal⁓be retailed aboue xij. d. the galon.1546–7Extr. Rec. Stirling (1887) 47 That na claret..be sald of derrer price nor xiiij d., nor Romany derrer nor xviij d. the point.
βa1460Play Sacrament 340 Syr, here ys a drawte of Romney Red.1482Cely Papers (Camden) 103, I sent to them a pottell of white romnay and thai toke it thankefully.1508Bk. Keruynge in Babees Bk. (1868) 267 Also yf your swete wyne pale, drawe it in to a romney vessell for lessynge.1542Boorde Dyetary x. F ij, These hote wynes as malmesye, wyne course, wyne greke, romanysk, romny.1612in Halyburton's Ledger (1867) 335 Canareis, Malagas, Maderais, Romneyis.
γa1400Sqr. Lowe Degre 753 Ye shall have rumney and malmesyne.1414Maldon Court-Rolls (Bundle 9, No. 6), ii pipas vini albi et ii botys [= butts] de Rumneye.c1440Promp. Parv. 439/2 Rumneye, wyne.1519Interl. Four Elements (Percy Soc.) 22 Ye shall have Spayneshe wyne and Gascoyn, Sak, raspyce, alycaunt, rumney.1584Cogan Haven Health 210 Spaine bringeth foorth wines of white colour.., as Sacke, Rumney and Bastard.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. ii. i. 93 All black Wines..: Malmesie, Allegant,..Rumny, Browne bastard, Metheglen.
b. rumney (of) Modon, rumney made at Modon (the ancient Methone) in the Morea.
c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 96 in Babees Bk., Þerfore ete hard chese aftir..and drynk romney modoun.Ibid. 119 The namys of swete wynes y wold þat ye them knewe:..Rompney of modon.
2. A rumney cask or vessel. (Cf. 1 β, quot. 1508.)
c1460J. Russell Bk. Nurture 116 in Babees Bk., Ȝiff swete wyne be seeke or pallid put in a Rompney for lesynge.




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