

单词 runaway
释义 ˈrunaway, n. (and a.)
Also 6 renawaye, 6–7 runne away, run(n)awaie (7 -waye).
[f. run v. + away adv.]
1. a. One who runs away; a fugitive, a deserter.
[c1515Cocke Lorell's B. 5 Her husbonde dwelleth..Nexte house to Robyn renawaye.]1547Act 1 Edw. VI, c. 3 §2 The same Iustices..shall adiudge the loyterer and run away to be the said masters slaue for euer.1589Greene Menaphon (Arb.) 57 What are you, sir,..that deale thus with me by interrogatories, as if I were some runne away?1617Moryson Itin. ii. 78 Private Captaines gave pasportes to run awaies.1665Manley Grotius' Low-C. Wars 614 Many Runaways from them affirmed, They had not tasted a bit of Bread in five days.1712Perquisite Monger 17 A general Defection ensu'd upon this Run-aways Example.1758J. Blake Plan Mar. Syst. 22 Half the gross wages of such run-aways from the ship, shall be deposited..in the Pay⁓office.1833H. Martineau Briery Creek ii. 29 This lad is a notorious runaway: he has escaped three times.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 344 One of those miscreant boys was a runaway from a Fan village.
fig.1612J. Davies (Heref.) Muse's Sacrifice Wks. (Grosart) II. 50/2 Riches, but Runnawayes; Fauours, but lyes.a1616Beaum. & Fl. Queen of Corinth v. ii, A Slave To beastly passions, a Fugitive, And run away from virtue.
b. An apostate, a renegade. Obs.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. 5 He compteth him for a traiterous runne away and forsaker of Religion.1583Babington Commandm. (1590) 103 An heretike hee is, a runne-away from the church.1606Dekker Double P.P. Wks. (Grosart) II. 175 A Papist Volant, or The Run-away.1647Trapp Comm. 1 Cor. i. 13 Those then that will needs be called Franciscans, Lutherans, &c...become run awaies from Christ.
c. A horse which runs away or bolts while being ridden or driven. Also transf. of (part of) a railway train.
1607Markham Caval. ii. (1617) 67 For run awaies and mad Iades, I haue known him haue seauen or eight in his charge at an instant.1619E. Bert Hawkes (1891) 56 If a horse prooue hard-mouthed, a run-away, carry an vnsteady head [etc.].1856‘Stonehenge’ Brit. Rural Sports 536/1 In such a case it is better to do anything than to persevere in the course which the runaway is taking.1870Field 2 Apr. 200/3, I have not had an opportunity of seeing one tried on a regular runaway, such animals being luckily not very common.1945G. B. Grundy 55 Yrs. at Oxf. i. 17 The eight trucks of a luggage train which I had seen were runaways.
2. a. An act of running away; spec. an elopement, a runaway match (see 3 b); (U.S.) of horses: an act of bolting. Also transf. of a railway train or wagons.
1724De Foe Mem. Cavalier 278 We..forced them at last to a down right Run-away, on Foot.1830–2Carleton Traits (1843) I. 349 Many of the young people made, on these occasions, what is called ‘a runaway’.1845Jane Robinson Whitehall v, He would have made another run-away of it.1850L. H. Garrard Wah-to-Yah xxi. 291 Three of the muleteams, made handsome runaways.1872Court Jrnl. 2 Mar. 244/1 It is not generally the young lady who takes the lead in an elopement,..but when she does, the runaway is pretty sure to prove a success.1898Kansas City (Missouri) Star 18 Dec. 1/5 Miss Agnes Peterson was hurt in a runaway caused by the driver of an express wagon.1967G. F. Fiennes I tried to run Railway iv. 32 We never had a runaway.1971Leader (Durban) 7 May 16/4 Occasional runaways by Derrick Norris and Elijah Adams looked dangerous at times, but failed to bring home any goals.1975Budget (Sugarcreek, Ohio) 20 Mar. 7/8 Jacob D. Shetler had a runaway recently. He wanted to haul wood to saw, when the horses took off.
b. = runway 1 a. colloq. (chiefly U.S.).
1868Fur, Fin, & Feather 205 After a hard pull after a deer, or a long and tiresome vigil on a ‘run-away’, nothing is so vexatious as a miss-fire.1944Living off Land ii. 32 Carry a few snares..set them on the runaways through the grass or bushes... Set the noose in a spot where the runaway is narrow.
c. transf. (ellipt. uses of senses 4 and 6.)
1947Sun (Baltimore) 8 Jan. 18/1 The [stock-market] ticker tape frequently was idle until the final hour when sufficient offerings arrived to quicken the pace. There was nothing like a run-away, however.1967Boston Sunday Herald 14 May 2–5/2 Nineteen hits, 14 walks and three big innings added up to a 26–4 runaway for Bates over Brandeis Saturday.1976‘G. Black’ Moon for Killers ii. 23 That book didn't need promoting. It was a runaway.
d. Science. Uncontrolled departure of a system from its usual or intended equilibrium.
1955Sci. Amer. Oct. 60/3 Although reactors are designed so that there is a built-in tendency to overcome runaways automatically, accidents are always possible.1957Practical Wireless XXXIII. 684/1 Damage might result due to the heating effect of the lamp raising the temperature of the junction causing a ‘run away’, irreparably damaging the photo-transistor.1973Physics Bull. July 411/2 The danger of runaway of a fusion reactor is minimal, for the total deuterium and tritium in the reactive zone would be only about 0·25 g per 1000 MW of output power.1974Nature 29 Mar. 399/1 When the mass accreted exceeds ∼ 10 -5M ☉ nuclear energy generation becomes violent enough to drive a thermal runaway typical of novae.
II. attrib. or as adj.
3. a. Of persons: Having run away; given to running away; fugitive; spec. (U.S.) of slaves. Also fig.
1548Patten Exped. Scotl. M iiij, A Syllogisim thus formed of such a theuing maior, a runaway minor, and a trayterous consequent.1632Star Chamber Cases (Camden) 111 One of them is an Irish runne away footman.1676Life Father Sarpi in Brent's Counc. Trent 34, I have seen many of that run-away Race, who..would give a leap into such a compendious way of life.1699N. Carolina Colonial Rec. (1886) I. 514 A particular law..injoyns all persons on a penalty to apprehend runaway Negroes.1724De Foe Mem. Cavalier i. 135 They were driven upon their own Friends, who..were trodden down by their own run-away Brethren.1784J. F. D. Smyth Tour U.S.A. II. 102 Run-away Negroes have resided in these places for twelve, twenty, or thirty years and upwards.1804R. Sutcliff Trav. N. Amer. (1811) iii. 58 Whenever he saw a Negro whom he judged to be a runaway slave, he would..jump from his work-board.1824C. A. Bowles in Corr. w. Southey (1881) 48 The magistrates..have secured the runaway ringleader of the gang that robbed me.1845Darwin Voy. Nat. ix. (1879) 188 A population, of which rather more than half were runaway rebels and murderers.1852Morning Courier (N.Y.) 8 Oct. 2/2 She causes a reward to be offered for the recovery of a runaway slave ‘dead or alive’, when no reward with such an alternative was ever heard or dreamed of south of Mason and Dixon's line.1876Black Madcap Violet vii. 59 If she was a runaway school-girl, there was little fear about her.1885‘Mark Twain’ Huck. Finn xxxviii. 325 On the scutcheon we'll have a..crest, a runaway nigger, sable, with his bundle over his shoulder.1977Time 30 May 14/2 Rhodesian officials shrugged off Kaunda's declaration as the diplomatic equivalent of a mosquito bite, but the brutal civil war in the runaway British colony continues.
b. Pertaining to, connected with, accompanied by, running away or elopement. In later use esp. runaway match or runaway marriage.
1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) III. 173 That I might not make such a giddy and runaway appearance to any of his relations.1775Sheridan St. Patrick's Day ii. iv, But I always knew Lauretta was a runaway name.1809Malkin Gil Blas iii. ii. ⁋6, I will not say a word about the run-away trick.1838Mrs. Gaskell Let. 17 Aug. (1966) 27 Wm has promised..to marry you if it comes to a runaway match.1842Lever J. Hinton xi, All the dinners and duels of the capital, all its rows and run-away matches, were there discussed.1871M. E. Braddon R. Godwin i, No one knew the real story of that runaway marriage.1921Runaway marriage [see film actress s.v. film n. 7 c].
c. runaway knock, runaway ring, one given at a door as a trick or joke, and followed by the rapid flight of the giver.
1840Barham Ingol. Leg. Ser. i. Lady Rohesia, St. Peter..went back to his lodge, grumbling at being hoaxed by a runaway ring.1844Dickens Mart. Chuz. ii, ‘I see you,’ cried Miss Pecksniff, to the ideal inflictor of a runaway knock.
4. a. Of horses, etc.: Escaped, or given to escaping, from the control of the rider or driver.
1607Markham Caval. ii. (1617) 103 This manner of reclaiming a runne away horse.1692Sir W. Hope Fencing-Master 130 Your Horse, if he be not a Runn-away-jade.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 151 It carries us like a runaway horse, so much wider out of our way.1775J. Jekyll Corr. (1894) 2 We had a runaway mare in the shafts from Croydon.1833H. Martineau Tale of Tyne ii. 31 Mr. Milford was..anxious about his runaway pony.1865Mrs. Carlyle Lett. III. 295 My black mare..got her foot hurt by a run-away cart.1957[see hair-raising adj. s.v. hair n. 10].1958Hayward & Harari tr. Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago ii. ix. 268 Revolutionaries who take the law into their own hands are horrifying, not as criminals, but as machines that have got out of control, like a run-away train.
fig.1822Byron Vis. Judgm. ii, To wind up the sun and moon, Or curb a runaway young star or two.1853Lytton My Novel iii. xxix, Others have..a runaway hobby that there's no stopping.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. III. 160 The cardiac pulsations become extremely rapid; and a condition is produced which may be termed a ‘runaway heart’.1960New Left Rev. Sept.–Oct. 40/1 More important than sympathy actions for and with Negroes, the sit-ins stimulated a similar burst, a run-away brush fire of activity for all sorts of other aims.1971Fremdsprachen XV. 45 The site of an oil tanker wreck and a runaway underwater oil well.1973N.Y. Law Jrnl. 1 Aug. 4/7 The third occurrence of pacemaker failure involved the supplying of an accelerated beat by the second pacemaker. This is a situation commonly known as a ‘run⁓away’ pacemaker.
b. In general use, of economic, natural, etc., conditions: thoroughly out of control, developing at an ever-increasing rate; unrestrained, rampant.
1925Scribner's Mag. July 59 All of them expressed relief that predictions of a ‘runaway market’ for staple products had not been fulfilled.1936Sun (Baltimore) 23 Nov. 2/4 Because such an oversupply of excess funds might provide the basis for ‘runaway’ credit expansion, the board is considering increasing reserve requirements.1949Ibid. 3 Mar. 2/7 Representative Eberharter..warned against making the home relief program ‘too attractive’, pointedly asserting that some states already were showing a ‘runaway’ tendency.1967Listener 21 Dec. 807/2 Lots of aspects of the world..are..‘in a runaway condition’; population growth, technological growth, the destruction of Nature, to name only three.1974Ibid. 21 Feb. 235/2 If the miners' dispute is settled on very inflationary terms..it's going to be runaway inflation in Britain.1980Times 9 Jan. 12 The private pocket, not the public purse, is the best defence against runaway inflation.
c. Of commercial sales, etc.: immeasurable, overwhelming; spec. in phrases runaway best seller, runaway success. Also fig.
1953L. Z. Hobson Celebrity iii. 31 If The Good World should develop a runaway sale in bookstores, this windfall might reach a hundred and fifty-two thousand.Ibid. xii. 180 So this was what a ‘run-away best seller’ meant.1960Harper's Bazaar July 18/2 The season's runaway best-seller.1968M. Jones Survivor ii. 27 Down in Flames had been such a runaway best-seller in 1946 that there were bound to be people who remembered it.1971Sunday Times (Johannesburg) 28 Mar. 6/5 This film was a runaway box-office success.1976Botham & Donnelly Valentino ix. 71 His plan was a runaway success.
5. Of a chin: Receding.
1891C. MacEwen Three Women One Boat 100 He has cut off his beard! Heavens! he's got a runaway chin!1894A. Morrison Mean Streets 256 He was a small shabby man with a runaway chin.
6. Sporting. Easily won; one-sided.
1877Illust. London News 2 June 515/3 The only other noteworthy feature..was the runaway victory of Lady Lumley in the Stanley Stakes.1895Daily News 29 May 3/5 Mr. J. Best's representative, who scored a run-away victory from Sancho Panza.1900Westm. Gaz. 8 Jan. 9/3 The game was a thoroughly good one from start to finish, there was nothing of a runaway character about it.
7. In U.S. industrial terminology, designating a plant which is transferred from one location to another in order to prevent trade-union activity or evade labour regulations. Also applied transf. to a ship sailing under a flag of convenience (see flag n.4 1 f).
1949Dict. Labor Law Terms 71 Runaway shop, a plant transferred to destroy union effectiveness and to evade bargaining duties.1952J. A. Morris Woolen & Worsted Manuf. Southern Piedmont iv. 118 Even though few ‘runaway plants’ are involved in the southern woolen and worsted movement, the effect of unions is nevertheless felt.1954West Coast Sailors 1 Oct. 4/1 Why has Mr. Rothschild started this program to assist operations of runaway foreign flags?1957Clark & Gottfried Dict. Business & Finance 308/1 In the textile and apparel industries, especially, many such runaway shops have left the New England and Middle Atlantic states over a period of years, and relocated in the South.1960Wall St. Jrnl. 15 Mar. 14 On the high seas, according to the maritime unions, are 1,695 ‘runaway’ flag ships which have owners of one nationality and registry of another... Registered in Panama, Liberia and Honduras..these ships are described as flying ‘flags of necessity’ by operators and ‘flags of convenience’ by seamen.Ibid., The union claimed that the use of foreign technicians was the equivalent of a ‘runaway shop’.1967Ibid. 12 Dec. 1 Runaway plants set up by U.S. companies just inside Mexico to utilize cheap labour will come under increasing attack from the AFL-CIO.




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