

单词 salpingo-
释义 salpingo-|sælˈpɪŋgəʊ|
combining form of Gr. σαλπιγγ-, σάλπιγξ, lit. ‘trumpet’, but used in mod.L. form salpinx to denote either the Fallopian or the Eustachian tubes. In various compounds (Anat., Phys. and Obstet.): salpinˈgectomy [-ectomy], excision of a Fallopian tube; salˈpingogram, an image of the Fallopian tubes obtained with X-rays or ultrasound; ˌsalpingoˈgraphic a., of or pertaining to salpingography; salpinˈgography [ad. G. salpingographie (F. Schoker 1925, in Zentralbl. f. Gynaekol. XLIX. 290)], the process or technique of obtaining salpingograms; salpinˈgolysis [mod.L. (coined in Fr. by P. E. Goullioud 1914, in Lyon Médicale CXXII. 689): see -lysis], the removal of adhesions that constrain the Fallopian tubes in abnormal positions with respect to the ovaries and hence prevent conception; salˌpingoˈnasal a., of or pertaining to the Eustachian tube and the nose; salˌpingo-oöphoˈrectomy, -ovariˈotomy, excision of a Fallopian tube and ovary; salpingo-oöphoˈritis, salpingitis and oöphoritis occurring together; salˌpingo-ˈpalatal, -ˈpalatine adjs., of or pertaining to the Eustachian tube and the palate; salˌpingo-pharynˈgeal a., belonging to the Eustachian tube and the pharynx; salˌpingo-phaˈryngeus, an occasional muscle passing from the Eustachian tube to the pharynx; salpingoˈpterygoid a., pertaining to the sphenoid and hamular processes; salpinˈgorrhaphy, suturing of the Fallopian tube; salpinˈgostomy, ‘the operation of establishing an artificial fistula of the Fallopian tube’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1897); salpinˈgotomy, excision of or incision into the Fallopian tube (ibid.).
1888W. H. & H. T. Byford Pract. Med. & Surg. (ed. 4) 816/2 (Index), *Salpingectomy.1897Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. CXIV. 497 (heading) The stump after salpingectomy.1978G. Vidal Kalki i. 5 In perfect health and with maximum publicity at the Marie Stopes Clinic in Daly City, I underwent a bilateral partial salpingectomy, better known as ‘Band-Aid Surgery’.
1927Surg., Gynecol. & Obstetr. XLV. 140/2 By means of roentgenological study after the injection of iodized oil, an accurate uterogram and *salpingogram, visualizing the entire internal female generative tract, may be obtained in cases in which the Fallopian tubes are not occluded.1964Browne & McClure Browne Postgrad. Obstetr. & Gynaecol. (ed. 3) xii. 158 If the salpingogram seems normal and tubercle is suspected, an endometrial biopsy should be done.
1927Surg., Gynecol. & Obstetr. XLV. 132/2 Rosenblatt..reported his *salpingographic observations on three women who had submitted to the Alexander-Adams operation for sterility.1935Ibid. LX. 228/1 *Salpingography is..of value in determining the presence or absence of tubes in patients who have had a previous operation on the adnexa but are uncertain of its nature.1976G. Berci Endoscopy xvii. 236/1 The use of combined laparoscopy and intra-operative salpingography employing television fluoroscopy with aimed spot films allows the most complete evaluation of uterine and tubal anatomy conducted during a single procedure.
1937Amer. Jrnl. Obstetr. & Gynecol. XXXIII. 39 When the occlusion is at the fimbriated end [of the fallopian tubes], simple release of adhesions may suffice to restore the patency of the tube (*salpingolysis).1980Fertility & Sterility XXXIV. 223/1 In Table 1 are listed the pregnancy rates after bilateral salpingolysis, bilateral salpingostomy, [etc.].
1890Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. I. 57/1 Eight cases of *salpingo-oöphorectomy for fibroids are symptomatically relieved of their pressure symptoms.1977Proc. R. Soc. Med. LXX. 189/2 Fig 1 shows the ureter deliberately exposed in relation to a clamp placed across the infundibulopelvic ligament during the course of a hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy.
1904Brit. Med. Jrnl. 3 Dec. Epit. 83 Acute appendicitis with concomitant *salpingo-oöphoritis.
1884M. Mackenzie Dis. Throat & Nose II. 253 The yellow orifice of the Eustachian tube can be seen, bounded by the *salpingo-palatine fold on its inner, and the *salpingo-pharyngeal fold on its outer side.
1891E. Sajous in Ann. Univ. Med. Sci. II. Sect. G. 31 This operation he [Skutsch] calls *salpingostomy.
1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 491 A successful *salpingotomy for a hypertrophied left ovary.




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