

单词 sarplier
释义 sarplier|ˈsɑːplɪə(r)|
Forms: 4–7 sarpler, (4 sarpuler), 5 sarpeler(e, (sarplar, -pelar, -pliar), 6– sarplier; Sc. 5 sarplare, -air, sarpleth, 7 serplaith.
[a. AF. sarpler (Rolls of Parlt. I. 413, 1321–2), OF. sarpillere (mod.F. serpillière packing cloth) = Pr. sarpelheira, Cat. sarpallera, xarpallera, Sp. arpillera, Pg. sarapilheira.
Littré suggests that the word is a derivative (with suffix -ˈaria: see -er2 2) of late L. xērampelinus (med.L. corruptly xeropellinus, serampelinus, serapellinus) a. Gr. ξηραµπέλινος, of the colour of withered vine-leaves, f. ξηρός dry, withered + ἄµπελος vine. But this derivation has been contested by later philologists. Cf. Fr. dial. (16th c.) serpol bride's trousseau. MDu. had sarpelier, serplier, pack of wool (also sarpeel).]
1. A large sack of coarse canvas for wool; a sack or bale of wool containing eighty tods; also used as a measure of quantity for wool.
[1353–4Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 554 Et in 4 sarplers novis pro lanis cariandis.]c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. iii. 6 (Camb. MS.) They ben ententyf abowte sarpuleris or sachels vnprofitable for to taken [orig. circa diripiendas inutiles sarcinulas occupantur].c1380Sir Ferumb. 4371 Hyre sarplers dud he with hay be fild, & bonde hem to hure sadels gyld.1425Rolls of Parlt. IV. 290/1 The which Cokett contenes the hool nombre of sarplers.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 204 Though many a robe hath be shente On hire sarpelere and on hire sak.1436Sc. Acts Jas. I (1814) II. 23/2 Gudis þat aw na custum or þat aw custum eftir þe fraucht of þe serplaith þat is to say it at payis as a serplaith in fraucht.c1440Lydg. Hors, Shepe & G. 415 The..Duke of Burgon Cam befor Caleis with Flemynges nat a fewe, Which yaff the sakkis & sarpleres of the toun To Gaunt & Brugis his fredam for to shewe.a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. (1811) 395 The Kyng..commaunded a new subsydie to be leuyed vpon all y⊇ sarplers of wolle goynge out of Englande.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 51 b, You besturre yourselfe: & packe and stuffe together a whole sarpler full of Tullies owne sentences.1609Skene Reg. Maj., Treat. 141 In Merchandice na Merchant sall passe over the sea, except he haue thrie Serplaiths of wooll, of hiw awin proper gudes.
2. A wrapper of sackcloth (or other coarse material) for packing merchandise. Obs.
1565Cooper Thesaurus, Segestre, a sarplier: a thyng to packe vp merchandice in.1601Holland Pliny I. 392 It serued as wast Paper for sarplers to wrap and packe vp wares in.1653Urquhart Rabelais Prol. (Rtldg.) 18 His Orations did smell like the sarpler, or wrapper of a foul..oil vessel.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia i. 74 The other [tent] is cover'd with a great Sarpler of Wooll, for their Cattel and Horses.1725Bradley Fam. Dict. s.v. Ointment, If..the Fire should catch, you must have a Covering or Sarplier ready, which you have dipt in Water and well wrung.1847Halliwell, Sarpelere, a coarse packcloth made of hemp. Glouc.
3. A large sack into which hops are gathered and carried to the kiln. local.
1893C. Whitehead Hop Cultiv. 36 When picked, the hops are measured..into ‘pokes’, ‘greenbags’, or sacks, holding 10 bushels. Note. In Hampshire and Surrey these sacks are called ‘sarpliers’, and hold fourteen bushels.




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