

单词 bounding
释义 I. ˈbounding, vbl. n.1 Obs.
[f. bound v.1]
1. The action of forming or marking a limit of, or setting up a boundary to. Also with out.
1543Act 35 Hen. VIII, xvii. §7 The..meting and bounding of the said fourth Part of the said Woods.1602Carew Cornwall 136 When a Myne is found..the first discouerer..at the foure corners of his limited proportion, diggeth vp three Turfes, and the like (if he list) on the sides, which they terme Bounding.1614Raleigh Hist. World ii. 272 In bounding out their proper lands.
2. Abuttal, marching; boundary.
1552Huloet, Bowndynge or buttynge of thre fieldes ioynynge together.1703De Foe Orig. Power People in Misc. 159 Buttings and Boundings of Land.1750G. Hughes Barbados 6 The buttings and boundings of several tenements near this bay.
3. fig. A limiting, confining, or restricting.
1608Hieron Wks. I. Q 99 Neither is it..any straightning or bounding of Gods Spirit.1658in Burton Diary (1828) III. 316 This is a bounding of our power.
II. bounding, vbl. n.2|ˈbaʊndɪŋ|
[f. bound v.2]
A leaping or springing, esp. in an elastic way.
1617Markham Caval. ii. 199 It fortifies a horse exceedingly in his boundings and hie salts.1712Addison Spect. No. 321 ⁋6 His [Satan's] bounding over the Walls of Paradise.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1789) G g iv, The bounding of a flat stone thrown horizontally into the water.1841Macaulay Comic Dram. Restor., Ess. (1854) II. 569/2 Amidst the bounding of champagne corks.
III. bounding, ppl. a.1|ˈbaʊndɪŋ|
[f. bound v.1 + -ing2.]
That bounds, or forms a boundary to.
1593Shakes. Lucr. 1119 A gentle flood..the bounding banks o'erflows.1789Burns Banks of Frith ii, Where bounding hawthorns gaily bloom.1850Tennyson In Mem. xvii, Thro' circles of the bounding sky.1881Maxwell Electr. & Magn. I. 17 The region has one bounding surface.
b. With on: Bordering on. Obs.
1597Warner Alb. Eng., æneidos 317 A part of Thrace called Cressa, bounding on Mygdonia.1600Holland Livy xxvii. xxx. 691 e, A citie..bounding upon the Ocean.
IV. bounding, ppl. a.2|ˈbaʊndɪŋ|
[f. bound v.2 + -ing2.]
1. a. That bounds, leaps, or springs. Also fig.
a1667Cowley Greatness Wks. 1710 II. 746 Playing at Nuts and Bounding Stones, with little Syrian and Moorish Boys.a1700Dryden Ceyx & Alcyone, Fables 363 Then o'er the bounding Billows shall we fly.1783Cowper Task vi. 327 The bounding fawn, that darts across the glade.1837Marryat Dog-Fiend xxiv, With what a bounding heart did [he] step into the boat!1884Daily News 1 Apr. 5/1 The days of a bounding revenue have not come back.
b. Of the pulse.
1879St. George's Hosp. Rep. IX. 783 A very bad illness, marked by headache, bounding, hardly compressible pulse.
c. fig. Increasing by leaps and bounds.
1887Charity Organis. Rev. III. 230 And yet, those..bounding vagrancy returns!
2. = bounderish a. colloq.
1904Spectator 31 Dec. 1089/1 A certain repulsion excited by his ‘bounding’ behaviour.1924H. A. Vachell Quinney's Adv. 169, I caught him looking at that bounding Tommy Loring.
Hence ˈboundingly adv.
1838Monthly Mag. 524 Away the bark boundingly goes.




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