

单词 presupposed
释义 presupposed, ppl. a.|-ˈpəʊzd|
[f. prec. + -ed1.]
Supposed, assumed, or implied beforehand.
1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 195/1 All which presupposed plagues concurring.1643Milton Divorce ii. xvi. Wks. 1851 IV. 103 The efficacie of those [rites] depends upon the presupposed fitnesse of either party.1794Home in Phil. Trans. LXXXV. 14 It was a particular satisfaction to have an evidence who had no presupposed opinion, therefore impartial.1840Thackeray Paris Sk.-bk., Case Peytel (1872) 194 The dreadful weight of his presupposed guilt.




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