

单词 scrat
释义 I. scrat, n.1 Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 5 skratt, scrat(t)e, scrette, 6 scrayte, skarth(t, (erron. karthe), scarcht, scratche, 6–7 skrat, 7–8, 9 (dial.) scrat, scart, scratch. See also scarth n.2
[Perh. repr. OE. *scratta (? miswritten scritta), app. (in spite of the difference of sense) corresp. to ON. skratte wizard, goblin, monster, mod.Icel. skratti devil (MSw. skratte goblin); cf. OHG. scrato, skraz (pl. skrazzâ, skrezza) satyr, wood-demon, MHG. schrat(e, schraz, schraȥ, goblin, elf; for many mod.Ger. derivatives see Grimm s.v. schrat.]
1. A hermaphrodite.
c1000ælfric Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 161/11 Hermafroditus, wæpenwifestre, uel scritta [? read scratta], uel bæddel.14..Nom. ibid. 695/2 Hic et hec armifraudita, a skratt.c1475Pict. Voc. ibid. 793/31 Hec armifodrita, a scrate.1482Caxton Trevisa's Higden ii. i. 73 Somtyme one of man⁓kynde is both man & woman & suche..in englyssh is called a scrette [1527 scratte].1552Huloet, Scrayte whyche is both male and female.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. i. xxxi. (S.T.S.) I. 145 Ane bairne borne quhilk had baitht the kyndis of maill and famell, callit in our langage karthe [v.rr. scarcht, scratche].1600Holland Livy xxxix. 1036 An Hermaphrodite or Skrat.1634T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. xxv. iv. (1678) 592 Hermaphrodites, or Scrats.1691Ray N.C. Words, A Scrat; an Hermaphrodite: used of Men, Beasts, and Sheep.1878Cumberld. Gloss., Scrat, scart, scratch;..a female hermaphrodite sheep.
2. dial. (See quot.) Cf. scratch n.2
1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., Scrat, Satan, generally with the prefix—old, ‘Aud Scrat’.
II. scrat, n.2 Obs. exc. dial.
Also 6 scratte.
[f. scrat v.]
1. An act of scratching, a mark resulting from scratching. Also, a weal made by a whip.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 84 b, The markes or scrattes of the stripes declared as plainly as if he had spoken it..how he had been handled.1865Atkinson Danby Gloss., Scrat, a scraping, or scratching together, with pains and toil.
2. A small portion or part of anything.
1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 172 The golden Asse, in the superabundance of his rich humours, promiseth many other golden mountaines; but hath neuer a scrat of siluer.1877Holderness Gloss., Scrat, a trifle, or minimum of income... ‘He's not woth a scrat’.1896Lumsden Poems 89 Sma' wheat was saun, an' maist o' that Was droun'd out to a waesome scrat Ere Mayday cam.
3. One who scrapes; a saving, miserly person.
a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew s v. Flay, ..He'll flay a Flint, of a meer Scrat or Miser.1866Mrs. E. Lynn Linton Lizzie Lorton xvi. II. 77 Bella was an industrious, hard-working little body, generally called a ‘lile scrat’ by her neighbours.
III. scrat, v. Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 3–6 scratte, 4–6 skrat, 5 skratt, 6 scratt, 4– scrat. Also 6 scart v.
[Early ME. scratte, of difficult etymology.
The sense coincides with that of MSw. kratta to scratch (so also in mod.Sw. dial.; cf. Sw. kratta to rake) = OHG. krazzôn (G. kratzen):—OTeut. *krattōjan, believed to be the source of It. grattare, Sp., Pg. gratar, F. gratter to scratch, grate v.1 Possibly the ME. word may be an alteration (see scr- 2) of an unrecorded *cratte (either:—OE. *crattian or adopted from Scandinavian), representing this Teut. verb. Another possibility is that the word may be a. OF. esgrater, f. es- (see es-) + grater, gratter (see above).]
1. intr. To use the nails or claws for attack; to scratch (at a person).
a1225Ancr. R. 186 And nis þet child fulitowen þet schrepeð [MS. T scratteð] aȝean, & bit upon þe ȝerde?c1500Smyth & Dame 374 in Hazl. E.E.P. III. 215 All way fast gan she scrat At hym wyth all her myght.1526Skelton Magnyf. 1314 A peryllous thynge, to cast a cat Vpon a naked man, and yf she scrat.1790Mrs. Wheeler Westmld. Dial. (1821) 69 They braaid, skrat, an fout, like mad fowk.
2. trans. To lacerate, wound, or mark superficially by dragging the nails, claws, or anything pointed or prickly, over the skin or surface.
1340Hampole Pr. C. 7378 Ilk ane scratte other in þe face.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxi. (Eugenia) 365 For-þi hyr face scho skratit þare, And of hyre hewid rugit þe hare.c1440Alphabet of Tales 515 And þan he come home all tobittyn and skrattyd with thornys and breers.1530Palsgr. 707/2 The catte hath scratte hym by the face.1577Hellowes Gueuara's Chron. 197 Hee caused the brestes of the priests to be scrat with combs of yron in his presence.1621Burton Anat. Mel. iii. iii. ii. i. 684 It is an ordinary thing for women in such cases, to scrat the faces, slit the noses of such as they suspect.1797Bridges Hom. Trav. I. 235 If they won't fight, their steps he traces, And..scrats their faces.
b. fig. in pass. To be superficially marked.
1559J. Aylmer Harborowe A 3 b, A little scratted with som shewe and apparance of learning.
c. with advs.: To pull out, scrape off with the claws or nails.
c1500Robt. Deuyll in Thoms Prose Rom. (1828) I. 9 He scratte out theyr eyen.1589Nashe Martin's Months Mind Ep. Ded., We shall reach them a rappe, as they will neuer clawe of, except they scratt off the skinne from the verie bones.
3. To rub lightly with the finger-nails, etc., to relieve itching or the like; = scratch v. 2.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 324 Scrattyng his hedde with one fynger.1576Turberv. Venerie xlvii, Sometimes he would skrat his thyghes with his foote.1598Hall Sat. vi. i, And bite my nayles, and scrat my dullard head.
4. intr. Of a bird or animal: To rake in the ground with the claws. Also transf. of persons.
1556J. Heywood Spider & F. xv. 58 While ye were in that diche scrallyng, And scratting in the myre to saue your life.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. iii. xii. 156 Seeing a Crow scrat vpon the muck-hill, [he] returned in all hast.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede i, If a man..scrats at his bit o' garden, and makes two potatoes grow i'stead o' one [etc.].
b. trans. with advs. To get out, up, by scratching.
a1560Becon Fl. Godly Prayers Pref., Wks. II. 176 The Iewes were compelled for very hunger..to scratte out the most filthy and stinking dounge,..and for very famine to eate it.1864Mrs. H. Wood Trevlyn Hold I. ii. 22 The hole was scratted out by the dog.1886Chesh. Gloss. s.v., Th' ens have been i' th' garden, and scratted up everythink.
5. intr. (fig. of 4). To struggle to make a living or to gain money: scratch v. 5.
1579W. A. Spec. Rem. Lawless Love cj (Roxb. Club), He..scrapes and scrattes as though all were his owne, And hoordes it vp within his bagges to rust.1587Mirr. Mag., Wolsey ii, Ambitious minde, a world of wealth would haue, So scrats and scrapes, for scorfe, and scoruy drosse.1861Geo. Eliot Silas M. xiv, We may strive and scrat and fend, but its little we can do arter all.
Hence ˈscratting vbl. n., and ppl. a.
c1375Cursor M. 11823 (Fairf.), & wiþ skratting he toke þe skurf he barked ouer as a turfe.1555W. Watreman Fardle Facions ii. viii. 179 Thei canne finde none ende of their scrattinge, but the more thei haue, the fellier gnaweth their longing.1593Churchyard Challenge 1 The restles race, that mortall men doe runne, Seemes smooth to sight, yet full of scratting breers.1602–3in P. F. Tytler Hist. Scot. (1864) IV. 312, I hope you will bear with my molesting you too long with my scrattinge hand.1667Lacy Sauny the Scott ii. i. (1698), I take as Muckle Pleasure, Sir, in Scratten and Scrubben, as ye de in Tiplin and Mowing.




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