

单词 pretaxate
释义 preˈtaxate, a. Obs. rare—1.
[f. med.L. prætaxāre: see next and -ate2.]
Estimated, or fixed as to amount, beforehand. In quot. const. as pa. pple. So preˈtaxed pa. pple. Obs.
c1520Barclay Jugurth li. 72 That suche excused of warr..shulde pay a certayne somme of money pretaxed to warde the wages of such as laufully were admytted to warre.1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 464/2 That no man, vpon payne pretaxate, should helpe, reskew, or relieue the sayd rebells.




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