

单词 sea-cock
释义 ˈsea-cock
[cock n.1]
1. A kind of crab. Obs.
1668Wilkins Real Char. ii. v. §2. 128 Sea cock. [Margin, Cancer Heracleoticus.]
2. A local name applied to various birds, (a) in quot. 1684 perh. the foolish or common guillemot, Uria troile; (b) the grey plover, Squatarola helvetica; (c) in Caithness ‘the puffin, Fratercula arctica’ (Eng. Dial. Dict.).
1684Sibbald Scotia Illustr. ii. iii. vii. 22 Avis Marina Sea-Cock dicta.1885Swainson Prov. Names Birds 181 Grey plover..Sea cock (Waterford).
3. A name for species of gurnard (see quots.). [So F. coq de mer, G. seehahn, Du. zeehaan.]
1704tr. Nieuhof's Voy. Brasil Churchill's Collect. II. 348 The Sea-Cock is a Fish of a very odd shape, more like a Sea-Monster than a Fish.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Sea-cock, a species of gurnard (Trigla cuculus and T. hirax) much sought after by Russian epicures.1881Cassell's Nat. Hist. III. 96 The Sapphirine Gurnard... In some European languages the..crowing noises which these fishes produce have gained for them the name of Sea Cocks.
4. jocularly. A bold sailor or sea-rover.
1865Kingsley Herew. iv, Such a gay young sea-cock does not come hither for naught.1886Corbett Fall of Asgard II. 2 They cried to one another how no young sea-cock ever crowed with truer ring.
5. In a marine steam-engine (see quot. 1858).
1855Franke Beil's Technol. Dict. II. 451 Sea-cock of a sea steam-engine (a cock placed on the pipe which goes from the boiler into the sea, through the side of the vessel).1858R. Murray Marine Engines (ed. 3) 29 It is better in the case of large engines to have two injection cocks fitted between the sea and each condenser,—one, the sea cock, close to the side of the vessel.1895Times 18 Mar. 7/4 The sea-cock was left open, and late at night the men on board were surprised to find the vessel gradually filling with water.




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