

单词 caduciary
释义 caduciary, a. Old Law.|kəˈdjuːʃ(ɪ)ərɪ|
[A non-etymological variant of caducary, app. assimilated to fiduciary.]
Subject to, relating to, or by way of escheat or lapse.
1757Sir J. Dalrymple Feudal Prop. (1758) 67 To prevent his inheritance from being caduciary.1880Muirhead Gaius II. §150 note, The L. Iulia et Papia Poppæa, whose caduciary provisions, etc.
Hence caˈduciarily adv.
1880Muirhead Gaius 504 Failure to take under a testament..The inheritance went to the heir-at-law caduciarily.




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