

单词 sectarian
释义 sectarian, a. and n.|sɛkˈtɛərɪən|
[f. sectary + -an.]
A. adj.
1. Pertaining to a sectary or sectaries; ‘belonging to a schismatical sect’ (Phillips, ed. Kersey, 1706). Obs. exc. Hist.
App. first used in the Commonwealth period by the Presbyterians with reference to the Independents; subsequently by Anglicans with reference to Nonconformists.
1649in Milton's Wks. (1738) I. 346 The Sectarian Party in England.1650Rec. Comm. Gen. Assembly (S.H.S.) III. 92 That Sectarian armie now infesting this Kingdome.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. Apol. 545 Which is..to arm the Sectarian Rabbles, that phansy themselves such Inspiradoes, against the orderly-Reformed Churches.1687Dryden Hind. & P. iii. 739 But that unfaithful Test unfound will pass The dross of atheists and sectarian brass.1822A. Cunningham Tradit. Tales, Placing Scot. Minister (1887) 89 To all this answered Micah Meen, a sectarian mason.1828P. Cunningham N.S. Wales (ed. 3) II. 244 Drawling out the words of Scripture with deep sectarian drone.1834Southey Doctor cix. (1862) 265 When a hawker came he had no pestiferous tracts, either seditious or sectarian, for sale.
2. Pertaining to a sect or sects; confined to a particular sect; bigotedly attached to a particular sect.
In recent use, often a pejorative synonym of denominational, esp. with reference to education (N.E.D.).
1796Burke Regic. Peace Wks. VIII. 237 They..have been taught to look on religious opinions as the only cause of enthusiastick zeal, and sectarian propagation.1836Arnold in Stanley Life & Corr. (1845) II. 23 All our education must be Christian, and not be sectarian.1837Ibid. 91 A Christian, and yet not sectarian University.1840Carlyle Heroes iii. (1841) 149 Dante does not come before us as a large catholic mind; rather as a narrow, and even sectarian mind.1841E. Miall in Nonconf. I. 1 A natural and invariable tendency..to fall into distinct bodies and become sectarian, both in spirit and in aim.1876J. Grant Burgh Sch. Scot. ii. 419 The burgh and parish Schools of Scotland were never Sectarian.1877Candlish in Encycl. Brit. VII. 338/2 There are some doctrines in every system that are merely sectarian, adopted by one particular branch of the church, but not recognized by others as correct expressions of Christian faith and life.1884Liddon in J. O. Johnston Life & Lett. (1904) 331, I am not at all frightened by the word ‘sectarian’. Christianity is sectarian as against the non-Christian world.1903Brit. Weekly 11 June 219/3 He was reluctantly compelled, for conscience sake, to refuse that part of the education rate which would go to the support of sectarian schools.Ibid. 219/4 An audience who loudly cheered every declaration of determined resistance to the sectarian rate.
B. n.
1. Originally, an adherent of the ‘sectarian party’ (i.e. the Independents as designated by the Presbyterians); subsequently, a member of a schismatic sect, a schismatic. Now chiefly Hist.
1654R. Williams in Collect. Mass. Hist. Soc. Ser. iii. X. 2 Youre Father and all the people of God in England, formerly called the Puritanus Anglicanus, of late Round⁓heads, now the Sectarians (as more or lesse cut of from the Parishes) they are now in the sadle and at the helme.1685Bunyan Pharisee & Publ. 7 The Pharisee was a Sectarian, one that deviated..in his Worshipping from the way of God;..for such an one I count a Sectarian.1807Southey Espriella's Lett. III. 79 Charles willingly permitted this, because he dreaded the political opinions of these Sectarians.1816Lay of Laureate liii, The stern Sectarian in unnatural league Joins her to war against their hated foe.1818Coleridge in Lit. Rem. (1838) III. 197 The Ecclesia has been an eclipse to the intellect of both Churchmen and Sectarians.1860Motley Netherl. ii. (1868) I. 25 The Queen of England hated Anabaptists, Calvinists, and other Sectarians.
2. An adherent of a specified sect; a sectary of a particular teacher. Now rare.
1819Ann. Reg., Chron. (1820) 273 Shortly after it was agreed, that the family of the plaintiff should become his sectarians, and they accordingly joined the Baptist society and became a part of his congregation.1828J. F. Cooper Notions of Amer. II. 328 The whole number of the sectarians [i.e. Shakers] is, however, far from great.1836Lytton Athens (1837) II. 416 A general feeling of alarm and suspicion broke out against the sage [Pythagoras] and his sectarians.1875Merivale Gen. Hist. Rome lxv. (1877) 522 The constancy of these sectarians inflamed, no doubt, the anger of rulers who were accustomed to more pliant submission.
3. A bigoted adherent of a sect; one whose views or sympathies are sectarian.
1827Carlyle Germ. Rom. IV. 22 Shakspeare is no sectarian: to all he deals with equity and mercy.1855Punch 27 Jan. 34/2 Sectarians who believe that no good deed can be done, except by a votary of M'Howl and O'Muggins.1867Emerson Lett. & Soc. Aims, Progr. Cult. Wks. (Bohn) III. 226 The narrow sectarian cannot read astronomy with impunity.




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