

单词 secutor
释义 ˈsecutor, ˈsectour Obs.
Forms: 3–4 seketur, 4 sekatur, 4–5 seke-, seka-, secutour, 5 sekka-, seca-, secoutour, seccutur, secutur, -or, seketowr(e, sekiture; 4–6 sectour, 5 sektour, secktur, 5–6 sectur, 6 sekture, sector.
[Aphetic form of executor.]
= executor.
a1300Cursor M. 28322 Ic seketur made of testament, ne folud noght with gode entent þe testament for to fulfill, bot gafe i it gain dedis will.a1330Roland & V. 390 At þe nende of þritti niȝt, To his seketour com þe ded kniȝt, & seyd in þis maner: ‘Mi soule [etc.]’.13..Metr. Hom. (Vernon MS.) in Archiv Stud. neu. Spr. LVII. 259 While he lyuede faste preyed he Þat þou his sekatur mihte be.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xv. 128 Þe which aren prestes inparfit and prechoures after syluer, Sectoures and sudenes, somnoures and her lemmannes.1387E.E. Wills (1882) 2, I ordeine Watkyn my sone, secutour.c1425Cast. Persev. 102 in Macro Plays 80 He sendith afftyr his sekkatours, ful fekyl to fynde.c1460Towneley Myst. xxxi. 166 Trust neuer freyndys frele Nawthere of childe then wife; ffor sectures ar not lele.c1485Early Eng. Misc. (Warton Club) 41 Ȝefe thi almus with thi hand, trust to no secatour.1493Halyburton's Ledger (1867) 32 Som that I rest awand to John Twedy or hys wyff and sekituris is 33li. 5s. 5gs.1505Presentments of Juries in Surtees Misc. (1890) 31 Dyssyryng hym to be hys sektur, and also me to be hys sekture to.1509Barclay Ship of Fools (1874) I. 117 Thou ought nat yet to kepe it nere the more. But to his sectours or heyres it restore.1567Gude & Godlie B. 30 Sair I suspect, God accuse His sectouris, and him self refuse, That sa vnfaithfullie deceist.
Hence ˈsecutorship rare = executorship.
1553Respublica iii. vi. 864 This same I got by sectourshipp of my Mother.Ibid. 866 This bag have I kepte of other sectourships whole, whiche the Madde knaves woulde had scettred by penie dole.




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